Talk among yourselves

geeser said:
however when an atheist sees the light it's reality smacking him in the mouth, it's true enlightenment, that's a huge difference.

Contradicting yourself? You said ATHEISTS NEVER convert to theism?

explain 'born again christsians', oh maybe you did with your poor explanation as above, er 'you were never actually atheist to begin with'. How dare you to presume to know this persons nature, thoughts etc? Shit you must be God??????
Theoryofrelativity said:
Question: Has an atheist EVER converted to theism as a result of reading posts here or vice a versa?

No, but theists have rejected their beliefs from reading these forums.
"Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit."

Doesn't 'born again' come from the gospel of John? And doesn't Christianity consider a true Christian to be one that has been 'born again?'

It's not just relegated to Christians, either. The Catholics use baptism as their ritual, for example.

So, being born again appears to be a way for thiests to formally declare that every "sin" they have indulged in the past was simply washed away by the hand of god and that their "heveanly slate" was now back in the black!

But, the question begs, what does this have to do with rejecting ones faith? Why are you suddenly switching lanes without signaling?
Theoryofrelativity said:
what are you on about Q? I have no religion I told you that, I have no christian beliefs, I told you that too, you just wouldn't have it. My idea of 'God' is not the conventional one. You can't fit this round ball into your square hole Q.

Well, lets see now, you refuse to learn to read, hence you are probably unable to synthesize what it is you read? Let's look at your last round of response:

and what of 'born again christians?' are there no atheists that dare explain this phenomenon????????

I then proceeded to explain the phenomenon of born again Christians, as asked by you.

Are you ADHD?
(Q) said:
Well, lets see now, you refuse to learn to read, hence you are probably unable to synthesize what it is you read? Let's look at your last round of response:

I then proceeded to explain the phenomenon of born again Christians, as asked by you.

Are you ADHD?

I don't read your replies Q I told you that already. :)
Theoryofrelativity said:
I don't read your replies Q I told you that already. :)

Do you also believe the universe revolves around you?

Even if it were just myself reading my own response to you, at least one of us would have learned something.
(Q) said:
"Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit."

Doesn't 'born again' come from the gospel of John? And doesn't Christianity consider a true Christian to be one that has been 'born again?'

It's not just relegated to Christians, either. The Catholics use baptism as their ritual, for example.

So, being born again appears to be a way for thiests to formally declare that every "sin" they have indulged in the past was simply washed away by the hand of god and that their "heveanly slate" was now back in the black!

But, the question begs, what does this have to do with rejecting ones faith? Why are you suddenly switching lanes without signaling?

Is this your TOTAL idea of explaining born again christian? Jeeeeeeeeeeeeze you DO need to get out more. Atheists who suddenly find God are initiated into christianity by being 'born again christians'. Just choose to ignore this definition in favour of the other why don't you. This definition is the one I referred to:

".........Associated perhaps initially with Jesus People and the Christian counterculture, born again came to refer to an intense conversion experience...."

so do explain this 'conversion' won't you!
Theoryofrelativity said:
Is this your TOTAL idea of explaining born again christian? Jeeeeeeeeeeeeze you DO need to get out more. Atheists who suddenly find God are initiated into christianity by being 'born again christians'. Just choose to ignore this definition in favour of the other why don't you. This definition is the one I referred to:

".........Associated perhaps initially with Jesus People and the Christian counterculture, born again came to refer to an intense conversion experience...."

so do explain this 'conversion' won't you!

You forgot this part of the quote, conveniently:

"... and was increasingly used as a term to identify devout believers."
(Q) said:
You forgot this part of the quote, conveniently:

"... and was increasingly used as a term to identify devout believers."

so you deny all knowledge of those who are atheist and after some divine revelation suddenly become christians and term themselves born again christians? You have NEVER heard of this before ever? Aside from wikipidiea you really have no knowledge of the world? Is this what you are saying?
Theoryofrelativity said:
so you deny all knowledge of those who are atheist and after some divine revelation suddenly become christians and term themselves born again christians? You have NEVER heard of this before ever? Aside from wikipidiea you really have no knowledge of the world? Is this what you are saying?

Q is the kind of person who in old times was called a Sophist. A Sophist is like a terrorist for ideas, he's not interested in building anything, he's just interested in showing how easily he can destroy what others build. And, like terrorists, Sophits are often quite successful.

It might be that Sophism has its merits. By the same token, it might be that terrorism also has its merits. After all, in a universe without absolute standards anything is a matter of convention.
Theoryofrelativity said:
so you deny all knowledge of those who are atheist and after some divine revelation suddenly become christians and term themselves born again christians? You have NEVER heard of this before ever? Aside from wikipidiea you really have no knowledge of the world? Is this what you are saying?

I don't deny anything, I've never met nor heard of any atheists becoming born again Christians so I can't say whether or not the concept has merit.

Can you cite any examples? How big a group is this? Are they a sect unto themselves?

Please enlighten?
Theoryofrelativity said:
Contradicting yourself? You said ATHEISTS NEVER convert to theism?
still saying it, never said anything else, wtf are you talking about. how can you say contradiction, when a man, who questions the believe in god he had forced onto him as a child.
it's through study he become enlightened, it's the smack of reality when he see religion for what it is, lies.
Confutatis said:
Q is the kind of person who in old times was called a Sophist. A Sophist is like a terrorist for ideas, he's not interested in building anything, he's just interested in showing how easily he can destroy what others build. And, like terrorists, Sophits are often quite successful.

It might be that Sophism has its merits. By the same token, it might be that terrorism also has its merits. After all, in a universe without absolute standards anything is a matter of convention.

Of course I would appear a sophist to a theist, I've been called much worse.

And by the same token, a theist cannot possibly appear as a sophist to an atheist, as the theist is already operating from a platform of blind faith.

How can one argue the plausibility of the imagined?
(Q) said:
Of course I would appear a sophist to a theist

You don't appear to be a sophist, you are being one. That is beyond dispute, unless you don't know what sophism is.

And by the same token, a theist cannot possibly appear as a sophist to an atheist, as the theist is already operating from a platform of blind faith.

That is a sophism...

How can one argue the plausibility of the imagined?

... and that is nonsense.
Confutatis said:
You don't appear to be a sophist, you are being one. That is beyond dispute, unless you don't know what sophism is.

hehe - 'beyond dispute" - I love the way theists think they know it all.

That is a sophism...

... and that is nonsense.

Yes, they are to the irrational mind of the theist.

Why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel?
(Q) said:
hehe - 'beyond dispute" - I love the way theists think they know it all.

Oh, I also think it's beyond dispute that you can speak English, but maybe I'm just speaking out of religious bigotry...

By the way, I'm just talking to you because I'm bored.
(Q) said:
I don't deny anything, I've never met nor heard of any atheists becoming born again Christians so I can't say whether or not the concept has merit.

Can you cite any examples? How big a group is this? Are they a sect unto themselves?

Please enlighten?

do some googling, just cos something is outside your tiny fish bowl of experience does not mean it does not occur!!!!!!!!!!!!! look up born again christian and see what you find.

oh look, famous born again christians

some of these were theists to begin with others were atheist, You'd need to read their stories.
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Confutatis said:
By the way, I'm just talking to you because I'm bored.

Everyone else here must be ultra-boring if I can get a rise out of you.
Theoryofrelativity said:
do some googling, just cos something is outside your tiny fish bowl of experience does not mean it does not occur!!!!!!!!!!!!! look up born again christian and see what you find.

oh look, famous born again christians

some of these were theists to begin with others were atheist, You'd need to read their stories.

Thanks for providing a link that supports my argument. Obviously, you never even read what it was you refered.

Nowhere in that link states anything about atheists turning into born again Christians. I read each persons testimony on that page. Not one was an atheist.

You prove yourself, once again, a complete idiot.