Swine Flue Conspiracy

You know, I was on a farm and asked the farmer if he had any qualms about using pesticides on his apples? I was just wondering if he was in any way worried it may have affected his health. He said: Son, I've been spraying my apples along with myself for over 25 years and I ain't got nothing wrong with my health.' Then to prove his point he bit into an apple :)

I still wash all of my fruits and veggies - most with soapy water.... :S


Well, because I worked at a grocery store and one day we hired a new girl to work in produce. In one week she had bleeding welts on her hands and arms from handling the fruit and veggies without gloves. I figure, better safe than sorry. For things that I eat a lot of, live off one could say, like yogurt, I buy organic. Sure there's no evidence it's any better than regular dairy, BUT, so what? Look how long it took to prove smoking was linked to lung cancer. I'd prefer to be safe with the foods I regularly eat.

I mean, why not?
What is it about her position that would lead to this conclusion? Doctors cannot be manipulated?

Were all military persons, those in the intelligence services and all intelligence analysts and all politicians in on it when WOMD fantasies were used to get us into Gulf War 2?

DOREEN, Circa 1987 Burroughs Welcome Pharmaceutical Company sponsored a double blind scehduled 26 week test of AZT. AZT was developed in the late 50s , early 60s as a possible cancer medicine. The AZT was tried on terminal patients and was found to be as harmful as some of the cancer. The eveloper didn't bother to file for a patent. A few years later another researcher began experimenting with AZT ultimately was awarded the Nobel Prize even though he wasn't the developer of AZT.

Anyway Borroughs found the drug, which basically interrupts the cell division process, and conducted the double blind study. Within a short time it became common knowledge of who was given the placebo and the AZT. The test subjects were sharing in the AZT. The cohorts were all gay. AT the 13th week the test was stopped when the managers of thje test discovered that the AZT recipients suffered 1 death the placebo group 5 or 6 deaths. The mangers terminated the test on a moral basis stating that it would be cruel to deny AZT to the world under the miraculous findings.
Note, my post yhesterday ws accidental as I hadn't completed writing the post, so this one is some repetition of yesterdays post

What is it about her position that would lead to this conclusion? Doctors cannot be manipulated?

Were all military persons, those in the intelligence services and all intelligence analysts and all politicians in on it when WOMD fantasies were used to get us into Gulf War 2?
DOREEN, Circa 1987 Burroughs Welcome Pharmaceutical Company sponsored a double blind scheduled a 26 week test of AZT. AZT was developed in the late 50s, early 60s as a possible cancer medicine. The AZT was tried on terminal patients and was found to be as harmful, or more, as some of the cancers. The developer didn't bother to file for a patent. A few years later another researcher began experimenting with AZT and ultimately was awarded the Nobel Prize even though he wasn't the developer of AZT.

Anyway Burroughs found the drug, which basically interrupts the cell division process, and conducted the double blind study. Within a short time it became common knowledge of who was given the placebo and the AZT from taste differences. The test subjects were sharing in the AZT. The cohorts were all gay. At the 13th week the test was stopped when the managers of the test claimed that the AZT recipients suffered 1 death, the placebo group 5 or 6 deaths. The mangers terminated the test on a moral basis stating that it would be cruel to deny AZT to the world under the miraculous findings. Under these conditions the fact the operators of the test knew who got the placebo and got the AZT provides an inference that the sponsors of the test could have arranged to stack that the sicker of all cohorts into the placebo group.

The FDA section performing analysis of the test results were aware of the fact that sponsors of the test corrupted the entire procedure.

Later, it was discovered that test data forms were edited months after the aborted test. Conditions observed of the cohorts included anemia (blood cells manufacturing life crucial protein in bone marrow destroyed) severe nausea, muscle wasting, severe psychoses and other ailments. After the FDA to the general population approved the distribution of AZT the conditions that appeared in the test began appearing in the general population. Biologists on the reviewing team in the FDA were aware of the severe flaws in the integrity of the experimental results. Pressure on this team from upper FDA management convinced the team that the worlds was demanding action and that ‘ we have to give them something ‘.