Swine Flue Conspiracy

Nope, I have NO interest in lilting at ghost windmills. (And frankly, I didn't expect you to provide any solid information - typical !!) :rolleyes:

Any information that I give you will only be dismissed on the basis that it is not rock-solid, tangible evidence.

Why do all anti-conspiracy nuts dismiss information so quickly and thoroughly? To me, that is the main difference between the mind of a "conspiracist" and the mind of an "anti-conspiracist". That is, respectively, the one group is able to consider all information; while the other group can only consider information from comfortable sources, and dismisses the rest.(Another difference- conspiracists have a much better understanding of real human behavior, while anti-conspiracists have a much simpler, TV- watcher-like understanding of human behavoir)

As a "conspiracist" I can never be sure that the swine flu conspiracy is completely true- because my mind is open which means I also must be open to the fact that there may be no conspiracy. All I can do is process all the information from all sources and determine the most probable truth.

You will never discover the truth from dismissing information- all you will find is what's been laid out before you.
There is a tangled web of information out there that should be actively scanned and processed by curious, open minds.

The best approach is to seek that information out yourself, not to wait for someone to change your mind for you.

"All evidence should of course be taken seriously."

Not all "evidence" is equal an i cant personaly research all of it to determine which is factual... so i dont see conspericy theroists as totally wortless... i see them as dumpster-divers who rummage thru the tangled web of garbage... an if they ever "luck-out" an find somptin which is verifable... then my open-mind will be on like ugly on ape.!!!

I suspect we share a simular method... we jus have diferent levels of gullibility.!!!
Pig flu = bullshit. Regular influenza kills 65,000 people a year in the USA alone, or some crazy number like that. Pig flu may be a real strain of influenza, bu so fucking what? All the other strains are real too. Like bird flu, it's just a scare campaign to jack up the prices of Tamiflu shares and make an arseload of money for people.
Not all "evidence" is equal

an i cant personaly research all of it to determine which is factual...
I believe you are not qualified to determine if it is factual even if you could personally research all of it. I do not believe you are qualified to... errr... what was it you are qualified to do again?

so i dont see conspericy theroists as totally wortless...
Of course not - they serve to out nutters such as yourself - very worthy, IMHO.

i see them as dumpster-divers who rummage thru the tangled web of garbage...
I can see how you would be upset about this clueluss - people rummaging through your home and all...

an if they ever "luck-out" an find somptin which is verifable... then my open-mind will be on like ugly on ape.!!!
"my open-mind will be on like ugly on ape"???? What an interesting visual...

I suspect we share a simular method... we jus have diferent levels of gullibility.!!!
IMO, you share very little with most of humanity, but gullibility is one I'll give you...

Do you want to be my friend? :rolleyes:

Pig flu = bullshit. Regular influenza kills 65,000 people a year in the USA alone, or some crazy number like that. Pig flu may be a real strain of influenza, bu so fucking what? All the other strains are real too. Like bird flu, it's just a scare campaign to jack up the prices of Tamiflu shares and make an arseload of money for people.

You'd think that if the government really cared about the health of it's citizens, they would at least promote the supplementation of vitamin C and D during the start of flu season, and stress the importance of real nutrition in keeping a healthy body and immune system.

The swine flu does not kill people- poor immune system response does.

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You'd think that if the government really cared about the health of it's citizens, they would at least promote the supplementation of vitamin C and D during the start of flu season, and stress the importance of real nutrition in keeping a healthy body and immune system.

The swine flu does not kill people- poor immune system response does.

Very few politicians care about the people. They just claim to to get voted in.

But back to the topic, if you had a poor immune system with no sickness you would be fine. You need a sickness and poor immune system to kill.
I personally know and have worked with top scientists at some of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. I'd say profit and job security are two things they worry about like everyone else. While I couldn't see anyone I know purposely causing disease, I sure know they have experimented on humans - with good intentions, sometimes causing harm to those humans or causing no noticeable change. There's no conspiracy though, the results were written up and published along with all their research.

The one thing I find amusing is how much people in the USA and other countries are convinced to hand over the keys to their health to big pharma. Big pharma are not interested in curing anything, selling drugs and making money - now these endeavors they find interesting.

Take Japan for example. It's a well known fact that the massive increase in prostate cancer and heart disease is directly linked to the introduction of the Western diet. If people were serious about promoting good health they'd probably try to get that shit food out of Japan - I mean, it's not even indigenous foods. I was at a meeting with big pharma and oh could you see the eye light up with $$ signs. I mean, Japanese are rich and can afford all sorts of medicines to help with the symptoms of heart disease! and prostate cancer! money money money baby!
Take Japan for example. It's a well known fact that the massive increase in prostate cancer and heart disease is directly linked to the introduction of the Western diet.

The problem is that most people do not understand the direct link between the chemical makeup of food(or anything which enters your body), and the bio-chemical makeup of the human body. "You are what you eat"- a simple yet profound statement. Nutrition directly and mostly depends on the food that one chooses (or is compelled) to eat. Through the natural process of evolution, our bodies have come to depend on those nutrients abundant in the lives of those fortunate enough to survive and reproduce(nutrients severely lacking in the modern western diet). In the same light, in our current stage of evolution, our bodies can react badly with chemicals recently introduced into our food supply and the environment(and in vaccines- chemicals like thimerosal and squalene )- chemicals which cause chronic illness, newly-emerging diseases, and poor immune system health.

Nutrient deficiency, poisonous foods, and chemical additives(such as ingredients in drugs and medicine, fluorine and chlorine in water, aluminum in deodorants) are the main culprits for today's pandemic of poor health. This is a known fact!

It can ONLY be conspiracy that keeps this basic information from the public; especially in times of pandemic.

So where's the government-sponsored campaign for real nutrition???
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there is no need to respond to this....

Originally Posted by Read-Only
Now THAT I'll buy.

So, in keeping with your final statement above, please show us "all evidence" you have that supports your junk theory. And absolutely NO personal blogs or wacko web sites!!!

I did this and he ignored the post. Further he has yet to live up to his own criteria. He says that everyone who believes in these conspiracies has a neurological disorder.

An assertion he has not, and can not , back up.

Thus he is a hypocrite. He feels he can toss hypotheses around without supporting them, but expects other to do this. When they do, he ignores them.

It's a complicated issue, not only in terms of the availability of relevant evidence, but in my ability to present that evidence to you in any compelling way. Frankly I'm not up for that impossible challenge.

There is a tangled web of information out there that should be actively scanned and processed by curious, open minds.

The best approach is to seek that information out yourself, not to wait for someone to change your mind for you.
I did this and he ignored the post. Further he has yet to live up to his own criteria. He says that everyone who believes in these conspiracies has a neurological disorder.

An assertion he has not, and can not , back up.

Thus he is a hypocrite. He feels he can toss hypotheses around without supporting them, but expects other to do this. When they do, he ignores them.

This is a common mental affliction among anti-conspiracy theorists. It's a condition known as hypocritironicalitis- whereby the anti-conspiracist ironically accuses others of the exact symptoms of his own condition.
This is a common mental affliction among anti-conspiracy theorists. It's a condition known as hypocritironicalitis- whereby the anti-conspiracist ironically accuses others of the exact symptoms of his own condition.

Ha-ha-ha!!!! :D That is SO funny coming from someone who so readily believes every crack-pot idea that comes along. I've seen some of the so-called evidence for your claims. Your secondary problem is that you cannot discern the garbage from the truth while the primary is that you WANT to believe all the garbage you can find.

And those, young man are YOUR problems, not mine. :D:D
there is no need to respond to this....

I did this and he ignored the post. Further he has yet to live up to his own criteria. He says that everyone who believes in these conspiracies has a neurological disorder.

Actually, I DID read the sources you provided. I didn't bother to respond because they contained no proof at all - nothing but conjecture - and because you claimed to have put me on 'ignore' and therefor could not have even read my reply. So - you lied, didn't you?

And yes, it's my assertion that all you nut-jobs have at least a small degree of some neurological disorder. It clouds your perception and prevents you from seeing the truth behind your self-made smokescreens. And even more to the point, it causes you to want to find the worst in everything - some sort of warped self-preservation drive. (You think you've identified something dangerous and want to protect yourself from it.)

It can also indicate that you have a very plain, ordinary, bored life and are looking for anything exciting to spice it up.
Actually, I DID read the sources you provided. I didn't bother to respond because they contained no proof at all - nothing but conjecture - and because you claimed to have put me on 'ignore' and therefor could not have even read my reply. So - you lied, didn't you?
Here's a test. Could I have put you on ignore and then later seen your posts on occasion? Here's a hint...the view post option. That explains the response I made in the organic honey thread. Here, I saw you quoted in his post, saying the same thing you said to me. So then I checked to see if you'd responded to me. Nope. How lazy. You think tossing some adjectives at it makes an argument. Duh.

And yes, it's my assertion that all you nut-jobs have at least a small degree of some neurological disorder. It clouds your perception and prevents you from seeing the truth behind your self-made smokescreens. And even more to the point, it causes you to want to find the worst in everything - some sort of warped self-preservation drive. (You think you've identified something dangerous and want to protect yourself from it.)

It can also indicate that you have a very plain, ordinary, bored life and are looking for anything exciting to spice it up.
No evidence here at all.

First you should look up Neurological Disorder. You are using the term incorrectly.

Mental disorder, perhaps - see a DSM4 - or more colloquially mental illness or neurosis, would be closer to your description of 'us'.

Unless you think we all have MS or Epilepsy or something in the category of Neurological disorders, but then your descriptions are off, aren't they?

Embarrassed yet?

So what we have here is a failure to support an assertion while demanding others do this AND failure since your approach here set an ugly tone to this and other threads, where there did not need to be one. It comes off as weak. Instead of arguments you just label other people 'psychologically'.

Now I will ignore you, permanently.
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