Swine Flue Conspiracy


Valued Senior Member
Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, retired Chief medical Officer for Finland condemns the Swine Flu as a conspiracy. She basically claims that some drug companies want to make billions while getting rid of large amount of population all around the world.

I didn't find this as a credible claim, yet I found it interesting how this old lady can come up with such a conspiracy. Guess what, I didn't know anything about her: I made a quick check on her background, just to make sure that video is not an hoax. Then I realised that the art of conspiracy, especially the ones that include UFOs, have been her profession since her retirement.

Anyway, still it's an interesting lady with full of conspiracies. This is her 6-minute interview:

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I don't understand why drug companies would want to kill off large numbers of people. Those are CUSTOMERS.
I don't understand why drug companies would want to kill off large numbers of people. Those are CUSTOMERS.

And neither would any other person with the ability to think and reason. That's the thing about all these extreme conspiracy woo-woos (like this woman) - when they wake up in the morning, they leave their brains behind in the bed.

Sounds like I'm joking but I'm not. They all have varying degrees of neurological disorders.
That Kilde woman is the one makes research on mind control, ufology, telepathy stuff? The one claims she's been rescued by aliens a couple of times?
I don't understand why drug companies would want to kill off large numbers of people. Those are CUSTOMERS.

No, very few of them would have been customers and not many people are actually dying of the swine flu, however milions and millions of customers were created by the disease. I dont know why it seems so obvious to some people that companies would never do this.
Can a virus be concocted? I would think it is quite likely one could be.
Does the introduction of a virus lead to billions of dollars of income? Yes, it does.
Can people be motivated to do very bad things by money? Yes, they can.

One of the companies that got these contracts, Baxter LTD, shipped to the Czech Republic bird flu vaccines that all contained not only the live virus, but in addition season flu virus. An 'accidental' combination that would have caused a pandemic if a mid-level technician had not decided, on his own intitiative, to test the vaccine on ferrets. All the ferrets died. Google any of the companies who are selling the viruses and you will find they have been found guilty of a very wide variety of crimes, some very serious such as experimenting illegally on children in the US and Russia, covering up toxic side effects like suicidal ideation with certain psychotropics - and this is covering up these effects when courts and governments demanded the information - along with a wide range of tax and fraud crimes.

I find the knee jerk dismissal irrational.
No, very few of them would have been customers and not many people are actually dying of the swine flu, however milions and millions of customers were created by the disease. I dont know why it seems so obvious to some people that companies would never do this.
Can a virus be concocted? I would think it is quite likely one could be.
Does the introduction of a virus lead to billions of dollars of income? Yes, it does.
Can people be motivated to do very bad things by money? Yes, they can.

One of the companies that got these contracts, Baxter LTD, shipped to the Czech Republic bird flu vaccines that all contained not only the live virus, but in addition season flu virus. An 'accidental' combination that would have caused a pandemic if a mid-level technician had not decided, on his own intitiative, to test the vaccine on ferrets. All the ferrets died. Google any of the companies who are selling the viruses and you will find they have been found guilty of a very wide variety of crimes, some very serious such as experimenting illegally on children in the US and Russia, covering up toxic side effects like suicidal ideation with certain psychotropics - and this is covering up these effects when courts and governments demanded the information - along with a wide range of tax and fraud crimes.

I find the knee jerk dismissal irrational.

I'm not going to take the time to do all the research. YOU introduced this, it's YOUR responsibility to provide clear evidence of your claim - and that means NO woo-woo sites, please!
Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, retired Chief medical Officer for Finland condemns the Swine Flu as a conspiracy. She basically claims that some drug companies want to make billions while getting rid of large amount of population all around the world.

I didn't find this as a credible claim, yet I found it interesting how this old lady can come up with such a conspiracy. Guess what, I didn't know anything about her: I made a quick check on her background, just to make sure that video is not an hoax. Then I realised that the art of conspiracy, especially the ones that include UFOs, have been her profession since her retirement.

Anyway, still it's an interesting lady with full of conspiracies. This is her 6-minute interview:


REPLY: There is good old BHT, BUTYLATED HYDROXYTOLUENE, which has proven to be an effective treatment AND PROPHYLACTIC for a very many viral diseases. There is very much research, clinical studies and such about BHT and is there on the web for anyone interested. Check into it if you feel like it. It CURED ME OF HEPATITIS-C and I take it as a prophylactic daily in 350mg doses. Read up on it for yourself and make what you will of it. Influenza ia a viral disease. ...fellowtraveler
I find the knee jerk dismissal irrational.

All conspericy nuts see dismissal of ther pet conspericy as irrational :shrug:

A lot of people thank its "posin" but im gettin my h1n1 shot tomorow... are you gonna get you'rs.???
I'm not going to take the time to do all the research. YOU introduced this, it's YOUR responsibility to provide clear evidence of your claim - and that means NO woo-woo sites, please!

1) let's look at what's happened so far.

You and I both responded to this post.

Originally Posted by Acid Cowboy
I don't understand why drug companies would want to kill off large numbers of people. Those are CUSTOMERS.

You responded...
And neither would any other person with the ability to think and reason.
Oops. As I pointed out this argument makes no sense. Here's why. If a pharmaceutical company created the virus, their net gain in customers is enormous, worth millions. There have been deaths in the thousands - most of whom would not have been customers. On the other hand, via governments, millions upon millions of people became customers.

If the conspiracy theory is simply that the dangers of the swine flu are being exaggerated, the pharmaceutical companies are still creating millions of customers by compromising the immune systems of people who might not otherwise have become customers. If a % die on the way, there is still a huge net gain.

Note: pretty much every critic of the vaccines, for conspiracy people to health care professionals with concerns, are concerned about what the vaccines do to the immune system.

If the vaccines do negatively affect immune systems, guess what, this will benefit pharmaceutical companies down the line. It is creating customers.

So this argument made no sense, and yet I, must be like
all these extreme conspiracy woo-woos (like this woman) - when they wake up in the morning, they leave their brains behind in the bed.
How did I manage to see the flaw in his reasoning when you did not?
It should also be noted that this woman was the health minister of a first world country and was a doctor, with a separate doctorate in medicine I believe.

2) You made an assertion about people who believe in conspiracies.
They all have varying degrees of neurological disorders.

Please back this up with relevent research.

3) Here's a source on Baxter's boo boo with contaminated vaccines


Note that after this bizarre 'error' where season flu was mixed with bird flu, nevertheless Baxter still got contracts for supplying swine flu vaccines.

4) I have just gathered crimes committed by Glaxo, one of the companies supplying Europe. I can do the other companies another time.

note that a whisteblower said the company was concealing evidence. This was not just the FDA’s fuckup.
Note how the company already knew that the drug caused increases in suicides IN CHILDREN but covered this up and went ahead and sought approval.

5) Squalene is being used in the Europe vaccines - they claim it isn't in the US, but many people have their doubts and no company is being forthright about what adjuvants they are putting in these vaccines.

Toulane University discovered that there is a direct connection between squalene and Gulf War Syndrome.


But this never gets mentioned in the news in relation to the vaccines.

6) The German government ordered a vaccine without adjuvants. They paid more. First they were just going to give it to soldiers and government officials. But that looked a little unfair, so they upped their order.


7) These companies made sure they were litigation free in the US. There was little or no oversight on who got contracts and why. Most adjuvants used in these vaccines cause health problems. In the mainstream media - which is very woo woo as far as I am concerned - thimersol was compared to the levels of mercury in fish, meaning it really isn't harmful. Well, oops, Thimersol is an invented compound, not the Mercury found in fish, and has serious problems. Further getting it pumped into your tissues is different from eating it as part of food, thought the chemical difference is the more important one. This is the kind of woo woo brainwashing the mainstream media hits us with.


Awaiting your report on how us conspiracy people ALL HAVE NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS with bated breath.
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All conspericy nuts see dismissal of ther pet conspericy as irrational :shrug:
This, below, was irrational, as I pointed out to Acid Cowboy and to Read-Only who agreed with him. It simply makes no sense.
Acid Cowboy I don't understand why drug companies would want to kill off large numbers of people. Those are CUSTOMERS.
You noticed my post and see it as irrational and me as a nut. How is it you missed the irrationality of Acid Cowboys argument?
A lot of people thank its "posin" but im gettin my h1n1 shot tomorow... are you gonna get you'rs.???
Nope. I also got swine flu. As most other people I found it milder than regular flu, though it started with a nasty headache, somethign I never get. I treated myself with huge doses of D and solid doses of C and a smattering of herbs to make sure my lungs were peachy. I could have worked with this flu, but I was free anyway.

Me, I'll keep my immune system healthy. Let's talk again 5 years down the road when the vaccine has had time to work on your immune system.
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"Pfft simple: the ones that die are the ones that don't buy the drugs.
I.e. not customers."

Exactly. And since there are ones that do die, and a lot, the ones that stay alive are almost guaranteed customers.

It's a common theme among conspiracy theories. People have done bad things behind the scenes, then they turn around and become the heroes to save the day. Is this tactic never used? No. Does that mean that every bad thing that happens to us a tool of manipulation by the Man? No.

Conspiracy theories don't interest me, usually.
Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, retired Chief medical Officer for Finland condemns the Swine Flu as a conspiracy. She basically claims that some drug companies want to make billions while getting rid of large amount of population all around the world.

I didn't find this as a credible claim, yet I found it interesting how this old lady can come up with such a conspiracy. Guess what, I didn't know anything about her: I made a quick check on her background, just to make sure that video is not an hoax. Then I realised that the art of conspiracy, especially the ones that include UFOs, have been her profession since her retirement.

Anyway, still it's an interesting lady with full of conspiracies. This is her 6-minute interview:


So 55,000 doctors, along with every high ranking medical corporate executive, along with every high ranking government official in the USA. . . WAIT, WAIT!!! ALONG WITH. . . every other medical, scientific and government official in every major nation on earth are all in on it. And we just haven´t found out yet!!!

There's no need for everybody to be in on it, (not just this, if it is a conspiracy that is; but all manner of manipulative misinformation) all it takes is a very small and influential group to spread a rumour with worldwide ramifications.
So 55,000 doctors, along with every high ranking medical corporate executive, along with every high ranking government official in the USA. . . WAIT, WAIT!!! ALONG WITH. . . every other medical, scientific and government official in every major nation on earth are all in on it. And we just haven´t found out yet!!!

What is it about her position that would lead to this conclusion? Doctors cannot be manipulated?

Were all military persons, those in the intelligence services and all intelligence analysts and all politicians in on it when WOMD fantasies were used to get us into Gulf War 2?
Doctors cannot be manipulated?

Some. Yes. All. No.

Were all military persons, those in the intelligence services and all intelligence analysts and all politicians in on it when WOMD fantasies were used to get us into Gulf War 2?

You're comparing apples to oranges. We're not dealing with some covert operation that has a small piece of information controlled by a select group of high-ranking government officials. We're talking about a virus that is currently being analyzed by thousands of individuals in hundreds of labs around the world. Furthermore, we're talking about a vaccine, which is produced the same way as all other flu vaccines have been produced over the past few decades. This vaccine can be analyzed by any number of laboratories and tested against placebos by literally HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of medical professionals around the world.

To follow YOUR analogy, the H1N1 virus would have to be totally secret and identifiable by a small group of government officials. It is not. The two situations do not even remotely compare.
