Suspicion, Fear and Hatred of Jews

Early christians, indeed, even pure of heart people today, know that usury is ugly, dirty, nasty and immoral. Christians care about more than just the OT. The poorest of the poor will have to take out a car loan, just to get to work, at a huge amount of interest, and be paying it out forever, just so he can go to work to feed his children.
If the person who loans him the money to buy that car doesn't charge interest, then how is he to gather the capital to build the factories that make the cars and the farms that raise the food? Duh?

You obviously never took even the most basic course in economics. Until you do, I suggest that you keep quiet rather than continue to embarrass yourself in this community of scholars.
Meanwhile, the millionaire will have his money sitting in the bank and that interest will be essentially be transferred to his account and the banker (jew?:p) will make a little profit too.
As I said, you have not the faintest understanding of how an economy works. That money does not "sit in a bank." It is being lent out to other people to start businesses, including the "business" of sending children to college so they can become prosperous adults who help make civilization even better, a "business" your parents obviously did not practice. It is being spent on the building of factories, warehouses, computer networks and stores, not to mention paying the salaries of their workers.

I agree that many of today's American businessmen have become scavengers instead of producers and don't contribute as much to the economy as their predecessors. See my recent post in the Business and Economics subforum on the financialization of the commodities market, for example. (Oh forget it. You couldn't possibly understand it.)

But this temporary aberration does not indict the model of a capital-driven economy, which in a few short centuries has raised the entire world up out of the abject poverty (and the thirty-year life expectancy) of the pre-industrial era. It's working just fine in China. Starting below a zero point with millions of citizens starving to death, their per-capita GDP has increased by a factor of eight since the demise of Mao. And, btw, unreformed socialists like yourself now hate the Chinese more than the Jews.
I don't usually respond to posts you direct at me. They are so often filled with personal attacks, hatred and condescension. But I'll give it a go this once, just to let you know I read what you say and do consider what you say. You are very informed, that is certain, it's just your ideas are so outdated and informed by fear.

If the person who loans him the money to buy that car doesn't charge interest, then how is he to gather the capital to build the factories that make the cars and the farms that raise the food? Duh?

I don't believe that "money" is a true indicator of capital. The most valuable capital that has ever been, or ever will be is the creative potential of the human mind, and the human spirit. If you can't think of any other way for humanity to advance with out the use of this theft, that's your problem, not mine.

Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal—that there is no human relation between master and slave.
—Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer

click here
I don't usually respond to posts you direct at me. They are so often filled with personal attacks, hatred and condescension. But I'll give it a go this once, just to let you know I read what you say and do consider what you say. You are very informed, that is certain, it's just your ideas are so outdated and informed by fear.

Uh - you're posting links about Jewish conspiracies and Masonic world domination, and he's the one with ideas "outdated and informed by fear"?
Uh - you're posting links about Jewish conspiracies and Masonic world domination, and he's the one with ideas "outdated and informed by fear"?

How? Did you view the link? Where did I imply anything about a "jewish" conspiracy? If you read my previous posts, I think I made my position regarding the distinction between the practitioners of the jewish religion, and adherents to zionist philosophy quite clear. :shrug:

I don't think an end to slavery is something to fear, I think it is a hopeful dawning to a new age for humanity. :) People despise zionism because they despise bigotry, slavery and genocide. People use fear to justify it.
You connected Jews with banking as if they were synonymous, and also placed high ranking Jews as the Masters on your pyramid of slavery, as if Jews rule the world. Both of these are typical anti-semitic points of propaganda.
You connected Jews with banking as if they were synonymous, and also placed high ranking Jews as the Masters on your pyramid of slavery, as if Jews rule the world. Both of these are typical anti-semitic points of propaganda.

Jews are connected with banking. There are some very powerful jewish families that basically control banking. It's is just a fact and it's not even a conspiracy, they were simply allowed to do it when Christians said nobody but them could do it. The "Gentiles" basically killed the Templars(old bankers), Lubed up and shoved their asses upon the Jews. Perhaps they thought they could kill them off too when the debts got too high...wait a second...things that make you go hmmm...

How? Did you view the link? Where did I imply anything about a "jewish" conspiracy? If you read my previous posts, I think I made my position regarding the distinction between the practitioners of the jewish religion, and adherents to zionist philosophy quite clear. :shrug:

Did you notice one of the symbols on the pic you posted? It's not a ninja star.
Nonsense. Some Jews are in banking and lots and lots of other people are also in banking. It's just that the Jews get attention because they happen to be Jews.
Yes lots of other people are in banking, but not like the old families. Yes some of the old families are not Jewish. Just most of them. As time goes on...banking is less and less "jewish" dominated. In fact other than for appearances sake, these families could give a shit they are even Jewish(pay lip service to their race/origin).
Jews are connected with banking. There are some very powerful jewish families that basically control banking. It's is just a fact and it's not even a conspiracy, they were simply allowed to do it when Christians said nobody but them could do it. The "Gentiles" basically killed the Templars(old bankers), Lubed up and shoved their asses upon the Jews. Perhaps they thought they could kill them off too when the debts got too high...wait a second...things that make you go hmmm...


They didn't kill all of them and the Teutonic Nights were aligned with em . Underground with the disguise of associate orders . Speculation indeed but reasonable to think your friends and comrades in battle would protect there own . Think witness protection but a little less formal . There are plenty of multi national bankers now a days . You don't have to be Jewish to be a Banker . You do got to know shit loads about banking and by the day it is more complicated were even the smartest of Jewish peoples have to go to school and learn the fine arts of Banking .

O.K. it was King Charles the 12 King of Sweden I believe and Albreit Grothasen obtained loans from the Jewish underwriters to fund the Wars .
I don't think in the end the Swedes ever payed the Underwriters back . Yeah stiffed . I could be wrong and I do believe Sweden was in a situation like Greece is today . Circumstances were different but the broke dickness was the same. So Albriet was the go between to get the money . They got it .They fought . King Charles was a quite Man but he would watch the deal go down from afar as Albiet was wining and dining smooching up and getting the money. King Charles didn't believe in lavish banquets and probably was happy eating mush . He also road into battle at the front of the charge . Tall and stately and a man of Honor . A big Swede is what I picture .

I would of been in there getting me some good grub like Albriet my self , Course I imagine Him and I are distant relatives so yeah a chip off the old block

See that G in your pyramid, G's in exile rise to occasions . You understand the temple yet . Did someone build a house for God to live in ? A great house maybe ?

W.F.H. meeting was today and progress is happening . We gonna make you Americans look good for change . Tom Bodett already has . 1/2 a Million Haitians love him right now . Course his engineering expertise brings a lot credibility . Winning personality also helps

This is what they say . You can take all the wealth in the world and disperse the money and it will all end up in the same 5% of the peoples that originally had it . Why ? Cause they know how to manage money . They are the 5% that make it all happen .

Money is like a river . It flows threw people . I have seen millions go through my hands . Millions upon Millions . It is not my money . Sure I could of been more diligent about cutting out a big fat share for my self , but that is not were it is at . Fresh money is the ticket . It is what is done with the money . Like a river it carves out niches . Creates new avenues . Gives purpose to lives . Reasons to get out bed and do something
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There were two phenomena during the Dark Ages that reinforced hatred of Jews in Europe. One was the Plague. Remember that at this time Christians believed that bathing, or immersing oneself in water in any way, was wicked and a sign of diabolical influence. Add to that the fact that they had let the sewers fall into disrepair, one of Rome's most fabulous engineering achievements, and you've got a continent full of filthy people and polluted water. They didn't even bother cleaning their streets, just ran a herd of pigs through town occasionally to eat the garbage and turn it into pig shit. This environment was ripe for the Plague.

The Jews, on the other hand, always believed in cleanliness and hygiene. Their shtetls were considerably cleaner than the surrounding Gentile communities, and the same can be said for the people themselves.

You can guess where this is going. A considerably smaller portion of the Jewish population of Europe was killed by the Plague than the Gentile population. Obviously they must be in league with the Devil, especially since there were rumors that they had been seen bathing.

The other event has to do with a mistranslation of the Bible. There's a passage in Hebrew that identifies usury (loaning money at an exorbitant interest rate) as a sin, but the Christian translations of the Old Testament rendered that word as simply loaning money at any interest rate.

This made it impossible for people who had surplus wealth to invest their money: it would be sinful to earn interest! So they might as well dissipate it on champagne and hookers. (Oh wait, perhaps those are sins too. I haven't read the Bible, Mein Kampf, or the Communist Manifesto, all for the same reason.)

However, the Jews, who pride themselves on literacy so they can read the Bible for themselves and not trust a priest to interpret it accurately, knew better. They were happy to loan out their money for interest. And notice that while the Christians believed it was a sin to loan money, apparently it was not a sin to borrow it.

So--is everybody now saying "duh" in unison?--the Jews ended up being Europe's bankers. That's an easy way to get everybody to hate you, even today.
and than all the hate that should have normally been placed on bankers was placed on jews. yes it is true that jews are more likely to be in finace than other groups but greed has nothing to do with it. it has everything to do with christian stupidity.
There were periods of relative tolerance, but for the most part Christians hate anyone who isn't a Christian.
There were periods of relative tolerance, but for the most part Christians hate anyone who isn't a Christian.

Hmm... what do you think about people with a religion that says everyone but them is just wormfood while their God eventually collects them all.
Did you notice one of the symbols on the pic you posted? It's not a ninja star.

I did notice. I think that symbol can be used to symbolize more than one thing though. I didn't make the chart. I can interpret it however I wish. You can interpret it however you wish. I see that this symbol is in this pyramid twice. Once as the religion, once as the interest group representing zionism.