Suspicion, Fear and Hatred of Jews

I am not an ordinary chicken Spidey. I am an Eagle . A wing of a Great House. I don't got my eagle feather in my hand yet but the native man said I have one in spirit so blah to Yo Chick ass getting . It is illegal to posses an Eagle Feather . I would have one if it was not for that

Really? I thought you were a cuckoo bard.

So Jews might tend to be dismissive of the value of Jesus as a sacrifice, since an ordinary chicken can serve the same purpose.

God said through the prophet Isaiah " don't bring me the offering of your burn blood on incense of animals , bring me a clean heart help to the poor and the needy "
But this guys continue with that bill , they probably don't read their bible . they just follow the old tradition. what a shame.
a play on words? what are you trying to say? Jews are greedy, money hungry???

Not at all. I am saying they made a great contribution to the world stage . We all adopted there contribution and that should speak for it self cause even you buy into it when you taste the abundance of America . I mean really ? What do we lack . It is fucking paradise . Think about it the next time you drink a cup of coffee . That all happened so Me in the far north can have a cup at my will .

FINANCE made that happen . Setting aside for the moment that another group came up with the coffee and deserve major credit . It comes to my front door ultimately because of Jewish laws of Finance . It is what makes the goods go round. The housing bubble broke those laws of Finance. All Jewish People in the know of business know that . We talked about at length. Said what the fuck those white boys doing . That Barny Frank and George Bush are a fucking riot . There will be riots when the shit hits the fan They gonna get the world in deep shit. Well who was right .
Barney Frank? He's one of the good ones...

Believe it or not ! Barny put into play what bush promoted . You still don't know that Spidey . Bush said after the tech stock bubble " Get into real estate . The money fled to real estate . It was already moving that direction and he pushed it along by his presidential guidance . Barny Frank with Freddie Mac and Fannie May made it happen . Credit was eased in the housing industry . Stated income ways of qualifying went into effect . Other banks in order to do business had to compete with the new guide lines or get froze out of the market . They adopted the old true and tried ways of Finance. Jewish leaders not in Modern day banking they didn't do it . I know some heavy hitters and they were just as shocked as I was and your good old buddy Barney as nice as guy he is and how cares for the down trodden was right promoting the violation we live with today . The rule of thumb that all banking professionals and creative financing people know is House Payment is equal to 1/4 of your monthly income . Now if not over financed already then the percentage can be adjusted to 33% . That is the maximum. We are not even touching on Private Mortgage Insurance schemes that allow 100% financing with out any collateral buffer .

Your disassociated with your culture Spidey . A rejection . . Not that that is bad . You are an American after all. Many cultures in one

See the thing is I learned it all from Jewish Culture Via My Dad. He was the real estate man for the Jewish Federation in California based out of San Fransisco . Ah yeah spent mush time learning acceptable sustaining practices of Finance right from the horses Mouth .

How do you think I was able to grow more net worth than I have made in my life time ? It is not easy and most people just piss it away on trinkets .

Were do think the 10% savings way of growing wealth came from ?
You're wrong about that. Housing the poor had nothing to do with this crisis. All the problems came from the top down.

I reject all culture. Culture is the fossilization of ideas.
You're wrong about that. Housing the poor had nothing to do with this crisis. All the problems came from the top down.

I reject all culture. Culture is the fossilization of ideas.

Culture is what we have to fall back on when consumerism and fractional reserve banking fail us. Which should happen any time now.
Why is there suspicion, fear and hatred of Jews? Simple. They're an isolated, outnumbered and demonstrably different demographic.

Welcome to humanity.
They have taken a beating over the centuries for various reasons, but can we really assign so much contempt to one people? I've know a couple Jews in my time (a production worker and a doctor), and they didn't seem like bad people. Why have they been associated with such terrible intentions?

I don't know that they are associated with such terrible intentions. Are you sure you aren't confusing people who practice the Jewish religion with those who believe in Zionism?

Remember, not all Christians are white supremacists, and not all Muslims are jihadists.
I don't know that they are associated with such terrible intentions. Are you sure you aren't confusing people who practice the Jewish religion with those who believe in Zionism?

Remember, not all Christians are white supremacists, and not all Muslims are jihadists.

No, I'm just recognizing that they have been the object of negative associations throughout history. The Zionist argument probably has a place in there, among other things. I have never fully understood it myself.
There were two phenomena during the Dark Ages that reinforced hatred of Jews in Europe. One was the Plague. Remember that at this time Christians believed that bathing, or immersing oneself in water in any way, was wicked and a sign of diabolical influence. Add to that the fact that they had let the sewers fall into disrepair, one of Rome's most fabulous engineering achievements, and you've got a continent full of filthy people and polluted water. They didn't even bother cleaning their streets, just ran a herd of pigs through town occasionally to eat the garbage and turn it into pig shit. This environment was ripe for the Plague.

The Jews, on the other hand, always believed in cleanliness and hygiene. Their shtetls were considerably cleaner than the surrounding Gentile communities, and the same can be said for the people themselves.

You can guess where this is going. A considerably smaller portion of the Jewish population of Europe was killed by the Plague than the Gentile population. Obviously they must be in league with the Devil, especially since there were rumors that they had been seen bathing.

The other event has to do with a mistranslation of the Bible. There's a passage in Hebrew that identifies usury (loaning money at an exorbitant interest rate) as a sin, but the Christian translations of the Old Testament rendered that word as simply loaning money at any interest rate.

This made it impossible for people who had surplus wealth to invest their money: it would be sinful to earn interest! So they might as well dissipate it on champagne and hookers. (Oh wait, perhaps those are sins too. I haven't read the Bible, Mein Kampf, or the Communist Manifesto, all for the same reason.)

However, the Jews, who pride themselves on literacy so they can read the Bible for themselves and not trust a priest to interpret it accurately, knew better. They were happy to loan out their money for interest. And notice that while the Christians believed it was a sin to loan money, apparently it was not a sin to borrow it.

So--is everybody now saying "duh" in unison?--the Jews ended up being Europe's bankers. That's an easy way to get everybody to hate you, even today.
Because they believe that they are God's chosen people.

They literaly are. In the time of the mighty Egyptian empire, when they were enslaved or even sacraficed for not believing in Egyptian deities, the Isralies stood up and said NO, we will stand up for what we believe, we will not kneel down and do it your way. They had great faith in God, and he blessed them by getting them out of tyrany. God didn't choose them, THEY chose him.
The other event has to do with a mistranslation of the Bible. There's a passage in Hebrew that identifies usury (loaning money at an exorbitant interest rate) as a sin, but the Christian translations of the Old Testament rendered that word as simply loaning money at any interest rate.
Early christians, indeed, even pure of heart people today, know that usury is ugly, dirty, nasty and immoral. Christians care about more than just the OT.
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The poorest of the poor will have to take out a car loan, just to get to work, at a huge amount of interest, and be paying it out forever, just so he can go to work to feed his children.

Meanwhile, the millionaire will have his money sitting in the bank and that interest will be essentially be transferred to his account and the banker (jew?:p) will make a little profit too.

And the worst part of this whole exchange, is the guy using his in hock car to get to work to feed his kids? He is probably doing an essential service like cooking the restaurant food or building the roads for the banker and the guy with the savings account.

He's the one that long haired radical hippy was speaking to. And all those money changers and OCW street protestors down on wallstreet. Even if people don't want to be christians, it's still wise to heed wisdom where it is written.
39. "You have heard it said: 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.
40. "But I say to you, exercise justice according to the natural laws of Creation, so that you find the
verdict in logic.
41. "Offer your love wherever it is warranted, and punish wherever the law of nature demands
42. "Give to them who ask of you, if they make their requests in honesty, and turn away from them
who want to borrow from you in a dishonest way.
43. "You have heard it said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.
44. "However, I say to you: Practice love and understanding according to the natural laws of
Creation, so that through logic you find the right action and perception.
interest and appreciation is what has saved my life . A poor person don't have very many advantages in life . Investment in profitable enterprises is one that can propel you to safety financially. To have that feeling of security is a good feeling in a dog eat dog world we live in .

That I would end the whole monetary system that I would . I really can't quite rap my brain around that being the reason people activate into activities of human endeavors . We could do it for the fun of it !

What would you do if you had financial security ? After you had your fill of margaritas and dancing nights ? Or if you had your government cubical and a health /food ration card . Would you sit around watching Oprah? Spend all your time posting on forums ?

Work can be fun and fun can be work . Think about that !

Interest ? The art of selling Money . It is a necessary evil of doing business in the modern world . I look forward to the future when that is no longer necessary. Humanity will get there one day . I can see it in our future . The brass ring is close at hand . I know I am not alone and many of you can feel it in your gut that this is the future . The day we can shit can monetary stock piling . Dump monetary systems all together. You can't handle it yet so you all should be thankful to the Jew for coming up with an alternative to just letting you starve . God knows we let plenty others starve as it is .

Lets pray for the day to come quick so our offspring don't have to live with the misery of punching clocks . Kissing Time good bye in big sky country
They literally are. In the time of the mighty Egyptian empire, when they were enslaved or even sacraficed for not believing in Egyptian deities, the Isralies stood up and said NO, we will stand up for what we believe, we will not kneel down and do it your way. They had great faith in God, and he blessed them by getting them out of tyrany. God didn't choose them, THEY chose him.
You're a little bit behind the information curve. Recent anthropological research indicates that the traditional legend about the "bondage in Egypt" (of which there are zero contemporary records!) is merely a case of a good story being made better over generations of oral repetition. Evidence suggests that the Jews in Egypt were not slaves at all but what we call "migrant workers" in English or Gastarbeiter in German.

There was work to do in Egypt. Lots of work. Work on a scale never seen by the people of that era. The building of the pyramids was one of the largest construction projects ever undertaken by mankind, and tens of thousands of laborers were required to turn it from a dream in the Pharaoh's mind into reality.

This was the Early Bronze Age. Life was hard. When the call came out for laborers to build the pyramids, to be paid in food and shelter--no matter how minimal--people came running from all over the region to sign up. There was no need to enslave them, they wanted the work!

On a related note, a project like this requires a hierarchy of management and it appears that Jews held a proportional share of supervisory duties. Other evidence indicates that they were instrumental in the spread of the Egyptian writing system to other countries. It had already changed from a system of logograms (each symbol representing an individual word, as in Chinese) to an abjad (a phonetic alphabet with no vowels) and it lent itself perfectly to the other languages of the Afro-Asiatic family (Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew, etc.) in which vowels are not important. Today all phonetic alphabets and abjads (not abugidas like Hindi or syllabaries like Cherokee) except Korean trace their ancestry to Egyptian.

I suggest you Google "Jews Egypt slavery" to review this mountain of new research for yourself. Here's a typical article. I just grabbed this at random, I have not checked its references and have no idea if its scholarship is of the highest quality. It's just one of a great many on the subject.

Like nearly all the key events in Judeo-Christian-Muslim mythology, it looks like the "exile" is just one more fairytale.