Supernova From Experimentation At Fermilab



A thousand thanks to everyone for your most kind actions in this tragic concern.

Even though the CDF at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is not at peak luminosity, it is still at the level of 27.61E30 at 2(977.97GeV) which places it far beyond the largest cosmic ray at some E19 eV. We are, therefore, subject to the potential variation resident in de Sitter space. Please review the first page of this thread for those energetics of de Sitter space found in relativistic cosmology for the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now termed. Deflagration of a Type Ia supernova, under this postulation, may therefore be expected at any time.

In the Las Vegas SUN mainpage, Nevada'a largest website, it is stated that for the Nobel Prize, "These nominations are kepts secret for 50 years, though those those making the nominations often announce their choices." (Dough Mellgen, Nobel Committe Seeks Worthy Winner, 2002 October 3) My two most recent nominations for the Nobel Prize in Physics have been for this work in Type Ia Supernova generation from high-energy physics experimentation. The first nomination was for a patent, alas sequestered by the United States Patent Office that dealt with an aspect of atomic energy.

All the children will thank you for your most kind efforts on their behalf and may the Good God have mercy on our souls.

Every Best Wish,

Yours sincerely,

Paul W. Dixon, Ph.D.
Supernova from Experimentation
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Please review the first page of this thread for those energetics of de Sitter space found in relativistic cosmology for the Einstein de Sitter Universe as it is now termed.

You mean the first page where Crisp went to great lengths to show you the maths and point out that those energies pose no threat whatsoever.

Hmmm... come to think of it, your initial post is dated Feb. 2, 2001. You're quite determined, or just plain stubborn. ;)


All thanks to everyone for your most kind actions in this tragic concern.

Those knowlegeable in the area of relativistic cosmology are well-aware of the very high energies in de Sitter space. Since Run II at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory are now at 36.05E30 for 2(977.97) GeV, please see the Accelerator Update for this new record, there has been a steady increment in energtics in the highest energy physics facility in the world. Where these energies are already approximately equal to those found at the point origin of the Universe, i.e., the "Big Bang," it is then only a matter of empirical observation as to when the potential barrier toward de Sitter space is breached thus releasing the force of Type Ia supernova
on our planet, solar system and a host of nearby stars. Since this is an experiment in high-energy physics, by this very fact the results are not known until demonstrated via the experimental manipulations in the ring at Fermilab.

All the children will thank you for your most kind actions on their behalf - and may the good God have mercy on our souls!

All Best Wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Paul W. Dixon, Ph.D.
Supernova from Experimentation
Paul Dixon and Paul Sammuel both put the Phd after their names. Should I stick my qualifications after mine, do you think? Should all of us?

PS: I'm drunk now, and it seems a fun idea.

have you left your foil hat off again?& you know the Doctor said it would be a good idea to keep it on!
Since the Tevatron's gonna make a Type Ia supernova, just wait until the Large Hadron Collider comes online in 2006 at CERN with 10 times the energy of the Tevatron. I guess it'll make a Type IIa supernova.

*chuckles quietly to himself*

- Warren

Can you please give us an exact date when we are going to blow ourselfs up? I kinda hate dying with a full bankaccount :)


Many, many thanks to everyone for your excellent work in this most tragic concern.

The probability of forming a transition towards de Sitter space is dependent on the energetics of the collisional interaction in the CDF at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. A new record has been set with the values of 36.09E30 with 2(977.97)GeV as shown on the Accelerator Update. Thus with increase in energetics, as well as other parameters of the collisional interaction that may include stochastic properties and the oscillatory properties of the beam, the probability of forming the transition towards de Sitter space approaches 1.

Further research is necessary to determine the exact levels of energetics needed to form a transition towards de Sitter space. In terms of cosmic time since the first Type Ia supernova, near the beginning of our universe, over ten billions of years of elapsed. The progession of energetics at Fermilab and in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland may accomplish this transition within our historical time.

All the children will thank you for prompt actions on their behalf - and may the good God have mercy on our souls!

All Best Wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Paul W. Dixon, Ph.D.
Supernova from Experimentation
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Originally posted by spookz
he incorporated hadron into his post

Yeah guess that was kinda Chroot's fault

Since the Tevatron's gonna make a Type Ia supernova, just wait until the Large Hadron Collider comes online in 2006 at CERN with 10 times the energy of the Tevatron. I guess it'll make a Type IIa supernova.


Many thanks to everyone for your most kind actions in this tragic concern.

Type Ia supernova are the most luminous of the supernovae since at maximum light they emit some 7 billion times the luminosity of the sun. Thus, they may rival the luminosity of an entire galaxy for several weeks. At the time of maximum light, there is no sign of hydrogen so their source cannot be due to an accretion onto a white dwarf since the nearby stellear object would usually be of hydrogen dominant composition. The progenitor object is at near the Chandrasekhar mass of 1.44 masses of our sun or less (please note: earlier post in this thread.) Since the only source of energy may be derived from the Einsteinian equation e=mc2 ,the limited size of the progenitor object precludes that this is the source for such an enormous deflagration.

The Type II supernova are caused by the implosion of 10 or more solar mass size objects and are some 2.4 times smaller than the Type Ia supernova and are largely hydrogen in composition. Still in this instance, it is diffcult to model the energetics required to produce the vast energies of supernova deflagration. It is, therefore, postulated that Tyoe Ia supernova are caused by artifical penetration through the potential barrier toward de Sitter space thus releasing these vast energies. Type II supernova are, under this postulation, accessing de Sitter space via the energies of their implosion. This event is then viewed as the natural analogue of the artifical generation of supernova seen in Type Ia supernovae under this postulation. As one of the senior physicists consulted in this regard indicated, we can only hope that this is in error.

All the children now and for all future time will thank you for your kind actions on their behalf - and may the good God have mercy on our souls!

All Best Wishes,

Paul W. Dixon, Ph.D.
Supernova from Experimentation
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Did someone let Paul play with the astrophysics textbooks again, or what?

- Warren


Many thanks to everyone for your most kind actions in this tragic concern.

With the ongoing operations in the CDF at Fermlab showing some 30E30 + energetics, also with nearly 2TeV of combined beam energies there is the continued probability of creating a transition towards de Sitter space thus realeasing the force of a Type Ia supernova.

Jets not neutrinos, may cause supernova explosions according to J. Craig Wheeler, Regents Professor of Astonomy at the University of Texas. Wheeler concludes, "That these are jet induced explosions." In the postulation advanced here, it is then a transition toward de Sitter space which creates the vast monopolar jet whose energies motivate Type Ia supernovae.

Decreased polarization due to monopolar jet formation would be expected in this model for Type Ia supernova since there would little or no envelope for the jet to pass through. Consider the minimal gaseous envelope for this vast jet originating in Batavia, Illinois at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory there. In contrast to some 7 billion solar luminoisites, the mass of our planet earth is extremely small.

All the children will thank you for your prompt actions on their behalf - and may the good God have mercy on our souls!

All Best Wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Paul W. Dixon, Ph.D.
Supernova from Experimentation
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