Suggestion: Change "pseudoscience" forum to...

So let me see you just jump on this forum by chance from some link and decide to go all out hostile on the site, it's moderators and even some of it's posters? While of course claiming that you are here without any previous grievance?

I wouldn't be surprised if one of your own pet theorum's was sunk in Pseudoscience some time ago, it would explain the bitterness you output. Obviously you didn't agree with the Moderators, perhaps you sat out the picture for a while waiting until you could pop back on under a different IP to harass those you feel you should blame.

You see that's the main thing that suggests you are young... Blame. You are Angry, you are upset and you probably don't even know why. You like getting a rise out of people because obviously it helps to have someone to take the blame for your anger, so you have something to rationalise it's existence with.

Do you know that such Anger and Hatred can actually generate a "Reward" in regards to the Brains reward centre. Obviously you probably didn't, however that's probably what's happening with you, you feel some reward for being angry, some reward for rebelling, some reward for casting blame on people. Perhaps understanding that would help you, after all as cruel as I can be, I'm not going to tell you there are drugs for your problem or anything.

Let's skip the assumptions because we all know that when you assume, you make an as* out of you and me.

Tell me, who destroyed your hopes about getting to the bottom of the Roswell theory?
Now this is pretty funny coming from someone like yourself. You see that's the problem with youth, no respect and that feralness has been increasing year by year.
Wait, after the photo in which the implicit message was that what is moved to Pseudoscience is all shit, you were expecting respect from the younger posters. Man, you must be younger than me, if age is really the factor here.
The funny thing is that you know nothing about me.

The difference between me and you is that my value system is flexible enough to change when new information comes in. Yours, however, is in a fixed state no matter how much times have changed.

You may lick your scholars feets day and night for all I care. What I care about is the truth. And whatever theory makes the most sense and has the most evidence has my backing.

My schooling was no different from yours. I was taught that there a big island called pangea, and for some odd reason, it simply floated apart.

I was also taught that the U.S. was the best country in the world, we could do no wrong.

Keep in mind these are all things people told me, whether it be school or TV. They never encouraged me to research it for myself. Why did the Iranians take American hostages? Were they just naturally bad people? No, we overthrew their democratically elected government and installed the opressive shah, so they took our citizens. Simple as that. "Blowback." Look that up.

Why did 9/11 happen? Do people just hate freedom? Do they just hate our wealth? No, it because we mess with them all the time. We go into kuwait when it isn't our business, we have bases all over the middle, expecially in their holy land of Saudi Arabia, etc. They don't attack us for stupid reasons like how stupid people assume.

Exactly. Thank you.

Please, do not talk about 911 like some self righteous spoiled brat. As far as I'm concerned, the Middle East would make a fine parking lot for the world's largest strip mall.

Are you defending the motives responsible for the 911 attack on the United States?
Let's skip the assumptions because we all know that when you assume, you make an as* out of you and me.
Glad you are starting to see that. After all you should know that moderators here have developed a pretty hard skin over the years, admittedly cleaning up is easy enough in the long run but everybody else has to put up with the eyesore in the meantime.

You just came across initially like one of those 15 yearolds that gets hold of COD on XBOX live and proceeds to whine when their team loses, blaming the team and not the fact that there constant mouthing off over the Mic might have a little something to do with it and their Rep dropping rapidly.

Tell me, who destroyed your hopes about getting to the bottom of the Roswell theory?

No one. It's quite simple, What I came up with you and everybody else wouldn't believe, so I shelved it.
Please, do not talk about 911 like some self righteous spoiled brat. As far as I'm concerned, the Middle East would make a fine parking lot for the world's largest strip mall.

WOW, I cannot believe you said that. You must be the most idiotic redneck I've ever come across.

Ignorance is really, bliss.
Wait, after the photo in which the implicit message was that what is moved to Pseudoscience is all shit, you were expecting respect from the younger posters. Man, you must be younger than me, if age is really the factor here.

Did I state "ALL PSEUDOSCIENCE IS SHIT"? The answer to that since it's Rhetorical is NO! I merely put the image for comic relief, it wasn't aimed at any of the pseudoscience that is currently sat here in the subforum, I was thinking a little further back to some of Norval's fine work. You wouldn't of course have known that so I forgive you.
Did I state "ALL PSEUDOSCIENCE IS SHIT"? The answer to that since it's Rhetorical is NO! I merely put the image for comic relief, it wasn't aimed at any of the pseudoscience that is currently sat here in the subforum, I was thinking a little further back to some of Norval's fine work. You wouldn't of course have known that so I forgive you.
Originally Posted by Stryder
Unfortunately not all Sciforumers can be taught the right forum to post in:

This is why moderators have to move things.
Not just my lack of knowledge of Norval, the captions are generalized. This is why moderators have to move things. That's why.

I mean look, I thought it was OK in a rough and tumble forum such as this one, but then to, in a superior, more mature tone, chastize youth for their lack of respect afterwards comes off.....

odd. (I also acknowledge I would not want to be a moderator. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. etc.)

I also responded earlier to your criticism of speculation. If you want and missed it, I'd be interested to hear your response.
Did I state "ALL PSEUDOSCIENCE IS SHIT"? The answer to that since it's Rhetorical is NO!

Pseudoscience is shit. So putting a thread there means its shit also.

I merely put the image for comic relief

No one needs your assumed "comical" relief in the middle of an intellectual debate.

it wasn't aimed at any of the pseudoscience that is currently sat here in the subforum, I was thinking a little further back to some of Norval's fine work. You wouldn't of course have known that so I forgive you.

That's like me saying "ALL mods are asswipes, but it's not aimed at the mods here."
I got 10 dollars American, that says this douche will be banned in a matter of days...or hours for that matter.
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Glad you are starting to see that. After all you should know that moderators here have developed a pretty hard skin over the years, admittedly cleaning up is easy enough in the long run but everybody else has to put up with the eyesore in the meantime.

You just came across initially like one of those 15 yearolds that gets hold of COD on XBOX live and proceeds to whine when their team loses, blaming the team and not the fact that there constant mouthing off over the Mic might have a little something to do with it and their Rep dropping rapidly.

No one. It's quite simple, What I came up with you and everybody else wouldn't believe, so I shelved it.

I think I for one will actually search this out. Believe it or not, I am VERY into the man made perspective. I simply, after numerous years of consideration, believe firmly that some UFOs do in fact represent a form of technology that is beyond what I can comprehend as being the scope of mankind's understanding.
Probably a pretty pathetic attempt.
Okay you want the version I drempt up, It will seem crackers and that is why it was shelved.

I would suggest that Scientists will one day come together to learn more about how our universe ticks and they would create a Grandfather Paradox. A time capsule would be sent back in time and well the suggestion is Roswell is where it hit. Well I say hit, although in reality it would already be known that it would land there so preparations would have already been made.

Obviously it would be kept hush hush and secrecy would be maintained for years to come because you can hardly state that something like that occurred until the point in time that such a project is started and identified as having that as it's goal.

The Capsule itself would have been made to look "Alien", just to cover up that it came from a potential future, although it would of obviously had to have some information on board to state that the secret should be kept and that people shouldn't reverse engineer what they find because otherwise other peoples discoveries would be lost and move to someone else in place. (The Butterfly Effect caused by this would be catastrophic)

The problem is that the occurrence would create a paradox, one that might create a universal tangent where it doesn't occur. The only person or persons that would of known about it would be seen as nuts because their "memory" which would exist with them no matter the universal outcome would remain intact to a degree.

It's just a pain to explain that the Hoax Alien Autopsy was made about an Autopsy of another more elaborate hoax involving the Grand Father Paradox. (After all it's amazing what modern technology can accomplish, no need to even have a life form aboard ;)

So there you go, Either feel you know something or that it's complete bunk, either way it matters not.

And now that you're in power, you feel the need to do the same to everyone else? Why?

Well lets see how people respond to my "shelved" reality, perhaps then you'll understand what I try to save people from.
perhaps you are young yourself and feel I'm aiming at all youth. I'm not, I see the "new" poster as a punk and well admittedly that's their own fault, if they want to be treated with respect then should be respectful of others. Their opening passages have already tempted fate per say.

I just get fed up with seeing the same architype's pop up on this forum and then attempt to take the whole place to the toilet, I won't stand for it, nor will other moderators. We are trying to clean the place up which is the main reason for some things getting moved about.

Obviously the forum itself is going to perhaps see some changes in subforums, but for now unfortunately Pseudoscience is a catch all for things that don't fit into the mainstream.
Okay you want the version I drempt up, It will seem crackers and that is why it was shelved.

I would suggest that Scientists will one day come together to learn more about how our universe ticks and they would create a Grandfather Paradox. A time capsule would be sent back in time and well the suggestion is Roswell is where it hit. Well I say hit, although in reality it would already be known that it would land there so preparations would have already been made.

Obviously it would be kept hush hush and secrecy would be maintained for years to come because you can hardly state that something like that occurred until the point in time that such a project is started and identified as having that as it's goal.

The Capsule itself would have been made to look "Alien", just to cover up that it came from a potential future, although it would of obviously had to have some information on board to state that the secret should be kept and that people shouldn't reverse engineer what they find because otherwise other peoples discoveries would be lost and move to someone else in place. (The Butterfly Effect caused by this would be catastrophic)

The problem is that the occurrence would create a paradox, one that might create a universal tangent where it doesn't occur. The only person or persons that would of known about it would be seen as nuts because their "memory" which would exist with them no matter the universal outcome would remain intact to a degree.

It's just a pain to explain that the Hoax Alien Autopsy was made about an Autopsy of another more elaborate hoax involving the Grand Father Paradox. (After all it's amazing what modern technology can accomplish, no need to even have a life form aboard ;)

So there you go, Either feel you know something or that it's complete bunk, either way it matters not.

Well lets see how people respond to my "shelved" reality, perhaps then you'll understand what I try to save people from.

I actually think it makes sense. Really I do. Dr. Michio Kaku has talked about the possibility of us seeing monoliths in future space explorations that may have been created by future generations as a way to colonize other planets. Because they see it as the most efficient way.

The problem with your theory is that is has no evidence to back it up. Everything is merely a guess from your experiences, from what you saw or read. You can't compare something like this to something, say, 9/11 truth, or Earth Expansion because it has overwhelming evidence to back it up.

You gotta let people say what they want to say, as long as they have evidence to back it up. It's not right to just move a thread because it doesn't fit with what you believe. Or because you are mad people didn't buy your theory.
Your arrogance is criminal. Your immaturity and short sightedness obvious.

You are a child with wings on fire.

Less than nothing.

I am arrogant when you're the one who stated "As far as I'm concerned, the Middle East would make a fine parking lot for the world's largest strip mall."

Why you believe you make any sense is beyond me.
perhaps you are young yourself and feel I'm aiming at all youth. I'm not, I see the "new" poster as a punk and well admittedly that's their own fault, if they want to be treated with respect then should be respectful of others. Their opening passages have already tempted fate per say.

I just get fed up with seeing the same architype's pop up on this forum and then attempt to take the whole place to the toilet, I won't stand for it, nor will other moderators. We are trying to clean the place up which is the main reason for some things getting moved about.

Obviously the forum itself is going to perhaps see some changes in subforums, but for now unfortunately Pseudoscience is a catch all for things that don't fit into the mainstream.

I frankly don't care if I get respect from you or any of the mods. I lost respect for you the moment I saw the 9/11 thread. I guess it was a matter of time.
perhaps you are young yourself and feel I'm aiming at all youth. I'm not, I see the "new" poster as a punk and well admittedly that's their own fault, if they want to be treated with respect then should be respectful of others. Their opening passages have already tempted fate per say.

I just get fed up with seeing the same architype's pop up on this forum and then attempt to take the whole place to the toilet, I won't stand for it, nor will other moderators. We are trying to clean the place up which is the main reason for some things getting moved about.

Obviously the forum itself is going to perhaps see some changes in subforums, but for now unfortunately Pseudoscience is a catch all for things that don't fit into the mainstream.

"Pseudoscience" is not really a bad thing at all. I have come to accept it in a most grateful sense. Tremendous intelligence is honestly and openly exhibited "here". To me Pseudoscience, with respect to it's sub categorized location on SciForums, actually represents a place where one can hammer out the devil in one's own details.

I didn't understand "it" when I first came here a short time ago. This resulted in emotional flairs, that somehow, through the process of heating and cooling emotions, became a far more solid platform on which to express myself.

Your time travel hypothesis Stryder is palatable.

PLEASE, I am asking you and all advanced and learned members here on this forum, please check out the DVD Evidence: The Case For NASA UFOs.
You must think you're better than everyone else. You must think everything you have learned is right. The problem with your arrogance is that it blinds you from the actual truth.

Yes science is black and white, that's why it was so obvious to me what type of mods you people were. I am willing to bet that NONE of the mods has ever checked ANYTHING they put in "pseudoscience" to make sure if its a valid claim. They simply dismiss it if that isn't what they learned in high school or college.

"Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black." - Henry Ford

Maybe this quote should be on the top banner.

The Earth Expanding Theory backed by peer-reviewed science isn't adhering to the scienctific method?

Science is truth. Science isn't "what I believe....because my mommy told me back in the day."

Actually I'm really a new member. It's just that I'm a member on a few forums and so I can tell when the forums are a police-state. Mods shouldn't be injecting their opinions onto the forum in the sense of moving around things they don't agree with or locking threads, or limiting threads. They should keep things civil. That's all.

When someone attacks the age of a fellow member, it's obvious they have nothing left and use age try to dismiss their opponent. When in reality, he/she knows nothing about the other's age.

While you, in fact have said "The best thing in the world is when your 2 year old sleepily says,"I love you" when you tuck them in."

ROFL. Pathetic.
So true. It's called ad hominem and it's allegedly against forum rules but the forum rules are selectively enforced against those whose views differ from the moderators.

I have decided to summit to your will. I now accept you as my personal savior. :D

Edit: You are actually the first mod ever to post these obnoxious pictures. If you think that makes you funny, it does. Because I'm laughing at you, not with you.
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