Suggestion: Change "pseudoscience" forum to...

No, because it starts with a conclusion, then only looks at evidence that appears to support that conclusion, whilst ignoring all evidence against it.

That's not how the scientific method works.

Some of it is. The expanding-earthers are wrong, of course, but some of them have done some science, admittedly. There are others who just lie and ignore data, though, and those are akin to the 9/11 "truthers".

OIM is a good example of the latter.

I totally disagree with this premise James. In fact, if I am understanding you correctly, it's ludicrous. That is to say, if I am understanding what you wrote, that every person that starts with an ends (result) cannot possibly find the scientific means based on an observation of the ends.

This type of linear thought is minus the most important aspect of scientific discovery. Namely, the imagination.
The "9/11 Truth" movement, as far as I can tell, is a closed community. They accept only certain evidence and explanations, while ignoring everything "mainstream" as being part of the "conspiracy".
The "9/11 Truth" movement, as far as I can tell, is a closed community. They accept only certain evidence and explanations, while ignoring everything "mainstream" as being part of the "conspiracy".
The book I cited does not fit this description. Nor does another one I read. I will try to find that title also.

Again, if you mean that everyone who is critical of the official version fits this description than you are drawing conclusions without doing the research. If that label is for some specific, self-identified group, that is another story.
The "9/11 Truth" movement, as far as I can tell, is a closed community. They accept only certain evidence and explanations, while ignoring everything "mainstream" as being part of the "conspiracy".

Then what are we doing here James? I mean, if we were so closed off, why don't we just stick to our own conspiratorial kind instead of venturing into a forum dedicated to science?
Some of it is. The expanding-earthers are wrong, of course, but some of them have done some science, admittedly. There are others who just lie and ignore data, though, and those are akin to the 9/11 "truthers".

OIM is a good example of the latter.
What have I ignored? You're the ignorant one. You hardly provide scientific support for anything. I provide scientific support for everything I say. For example, in our debate you only cited 2 scientific papers...LOL. You relied upon Wikipedia, the mark of a lazy "thinker" imo. Fundamentalists treat Wikipedia Scripture as infallible even though the alleged "neutral point of view" policy is never enforced and they exhibit the exact sort of behavior I observe here -- namely acting like 9/11 conspiracy theorists.
What have I ignored? You're the ignorant one. You hardly provide scientific support for anything. I provide scientific support for everything I say. For example, in our debate you only cited 2 scientific papers...LOL. You relied upon Wikipedia, the mark of a lazy "thinker" imo. Fundamentalists treat Wikipedia Scripture as infallible even though the alleged "neutral point of view" piolicy is never enforced and they exhibit the exact sort of behavior I observe here -- namely acting like 9/11 conspiracy theorists.

1- James doesn't believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy theory.

2- I and many others here have argued that there is a lot of evidence that the official story has many flaws. Some people (such as myself) also believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy but I too provide evidence to back it up. I have never researched your 'expanding earth' theory so I can't comment on it, but I find that your dismissal of conspiracy theories to not be a good sign...
The "9/11 Truth" movement, as far as I can tell, is a closed community. They accept only certain evidence and explanations, while ignoring everything "mainstream" as being part of the "conspiracy".

I know this "feeling" or recognition James. I run into this quite often with extremely intelligent people. This being with my hope that they will truthfully and objectively consider the case for UFOs.

Such skeptics dismiss a tremendous body of evidence because said evidence does not constitute absolute proof. To me that's a form of predisposition and indeed is a form of denial.
1- James doesn't believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy theory.

2- I and many others here have argued that there is a lot of evidence that the official story has many flaws. Some people (such as myself) also believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy but I too provide evidence to back it up. I have never researched your 'expanding earth' theory so I can't comment on it, but I find that your dismissal of conspiracy theories to not be a good sign...
Well you don't see me going around trying to censor conspiracy theorists because I disagree with them. If I have a problem with what they say I would use logic, science, and persuasion as opposed to censorship and ridicule which is what I observe here from plate tectonics fundamentalists (aka so-called "moderators").

I would point out the Popular Mechanics article which utterly debunks 9/11 conspiracy:
Well you don't see me going around trying to censor conspiracy theorists because I disagree with them. If I have a problem with what they say I would use logic, science, and persuasion as opposed to censorship and ridicule which is what I observe here from plate tectonics fundamentalists (aka so-called "moderators").

I see. Well, I haven't really gotten into that debate to even see the reasoning for censorship, never mind who's right, so I can't really comment on that...

I would point out the Popular Mechanics article which utterly debunks 9/11 conspiracy:

I would point out its refutation:
'Popular Mechanics Attacks Its "9/11 LIES" Straw Man':

'Debunking Popular Mechanics' 9/11 Lies
Nepotism, bias, shoddy research and agenda-driven politic':
I see. Well, I haven't really gotten into that debate to even see the reasoning for censorship, never mind who's right, so I can't really comment on that...

I would point out its refutation:
"Popular Mechanics Attacks Its "9/11 LIES" Straw Man":

"Debunking Popular Mechanics' 9/11 Lies
Nepotism, bias, shoddy research and agenda-driven politic":
You are of course entitled to your opinion. I would never ever try to use censorship or ridicule to debate you as so-called "moderators" here do with anyone who disagrees with their extreme fundamentalist religious views.
I know this "feeling" or recognition James. I run into this quite often with extremely intelligent people. This being with my hope that they will truthfully and objectively consider the case for UFOs.

Such skeptics dismiss a tremendous body of evidence because said evidence does not constitute absolute proof. To me that's a form of predisposition and indeed is a form of denial.

Have you read "Alien Agenda" from Jim Marrs? He's also written a few books on the 9/11 conspiracies as well, including "The War on Freedom", "Inside Job", "The Terror Conspiracy" and his latest, "The Rise of the 4th Reich". His first book, called 'crossfire', concerned JFK's assassination and was a strong resource for Oliver Stone's movie "JFK" (I saw the movie, but didn't read that particular book of his).
The "9/11 Truth" movement, as far as I can tell, is a closed community. They accept only certain evidence and explanations, while ignoring everything "mainstream" as being part of the "conspiracy".

That's your ill-informed opinion.

I don't like the concept of mods getting into it with members because there's an obvious disadvantage to the member. When the mods loses he/she can just threaten a ban, move the thread, close the thread, and there's nothing the member can do about it. It's very prevalent on this forum and it certainly makes it dysfunctional. We got mods acting like kids, being extremely bias, and simply dismissing things because it questions their value system.
You are of course entitled to your opinion. I would never ever try to use censorship or ridicule to debate you as so-called "moderators" here do with anyone who disagrees with their extreme fundamentalist religious views.

Well, all I know is that after a lot of effort, I've -finally- managed to persuade the mods to allow the 9/11 thread to break up into 2 pieces, one of which is definitely quite focused (the other one being for everything else, laugh :)).

I think that in general, when 2 people don't agree on something, the best thing to do is to try to put yourself in the shoes of the other person. So when all the 9/11 threads were merged (as they had been before I arrived), I went back to the start of the thread and discovered Stryder's reasoning. So I brought it up a bunch of times and yes I was upset about it, but I was always polite. I was most upset when it first occured and at the time I thought I'd leave the forum altogether because of it. But I realized that there was still a lot of points I wanted to address and so I stayed. But I kept on badgering about breaking up the thread a bit and low and behold it finally happened.

I really don't know the merits of your case. All I can say is that if you've got a good case and you're polite about it and you perhaps badger people who ridicule you while at the same time making sure not to do it yourself, things might work out :).
Originally Posted by James R
The "9/11 Truth" movement, as far as I can tell, is a closed community. They accept only certain evidence and explanations, while ignoring everything "mainstream" as being part of the "conspiracy".

That's your ill-informed opinion.

I don't like the concept of mods getting into it with members because there's an obvious disadvantage to the member. When the mods loses he/she can just threaten a ban, move the thread, close the thread, and there's nothing the member can do about it. It's very prevalent on this forum and it certainly makes it dysfunctional. We got mods acting like kids, being extremely bias, and simply dismissing things because it questions their value system.

From what I see, it works like this:
member disses member, nothing happens.
mod disses member, nothing happens
member disses mod, mod threatens to ban ;-)

However, I believe I've been dissed a lot harder by fellow members then by the mods. I believe my not returning fire across the board (members and mods alike) helps too ;-).
Then what are we doing here James? I mean, if we were so closed off, why don't we just stick to our own conspiratorial kind instead of venturing into a forum dedicated to science?

Because you're proselytisers, just like young-earth Creationists. You want to disseminate your views as widely as possible and hopefully "convert" people who don't have all the facts at their disposal or the apparatus with which to refute you point by point.

If you were serious, you'd publish in professional, peer-reviewed journals, rather than trawling internet forums looking for converts. You'd be willing to have your ideas reviewed by experts.

For example, in our debate you only cited 2 scientific papers...LOL.

Two was enough to debunk your entire blog.

Your standard of argument doesn't begin to match the general standard of wikipedia, which you so disparage.

I know this "feeling" or recognition James. I run into this quite often with extremely intelligent people. This being with my hope that they will truthfully and objectively consider the case for UFOs.

What you apparently don't realise is that extremely intelligent people have truthfully and objectively considered the case for UFOs/alien visitation, just as they have considered expanding earth theories and 9/11 conspiracy claims.

The fact that the average joe on the internet isn't aware of all the expert analyses doesn't change the fact that they exist.

The thing is, the experts generally give something a good look-over once. They analyse it carefully, look at all arguments and draw conclusions. When they are done, they write up their conclusions and that's that.

The problem is that the conspiracists, like scott3x and other with narrowly-focussed one-track minds, like OIM, will never accept that expert analysis has been done and is complete and valid. Instead, they use tactics such as picking on minor points and apparent inconsistencies in the expert analyses. If that fails to make an impact, they resort to simply ignoring contrary evidence, as I said before. They waste everybody's time by trying to draw the experts into having the same arguments over again, as if there is something new to be discussed.

These kinds of tactics are unfortunate, in that they can convince those who are new to a particular discussion that there is some kind of legitimate ongoing debate, when in fact the matter was completely settled when the experts looked at it.

A good example is OIM's expanding earth nonsense. He challenged me to debate the fact that the Earth is expanding. I agreed. He put his best arguments for expansion in the debate, and I refuted them all, point by point. And what has happened since then? Has OIM admitted that he was wrong, or even that he lost the debate? No, he has gone right on making the same claims, as if they were never proved false.

By the way, you may want to review the Formal Debate in the Formal Debates forum about alien visitation, if you're interested in that.
Well you don't see me going around trying to censor conspiracy theorists because I disagree with them. If I have a problem with what they say I would use logic, science, and persuasion as opposed to censorship and ridicule which is what I observe here from plate tectonics fundamentalists (aka so-called "moderators").

I would point out the Popular Mechanics article which utterly debunks 9/11 conspiracy:

Don't be naive, man.

The scientific community rejects the Earth Expansion Theory, but you still believe it. Popular Mechanics and the "mainstream" rejects the 9/11 truth but you go along with it? I don't see any consistency, man. You got to research everything for yourself. Popular Mechanic has an agenda like everyone else. Do you know why the EET isn't accepted? Because if it is, everything in science would HAVE to be wrong. That's a hundred years of work down the drain. You have to look at all sides of it.

Check the "clash" between Popular Mechanics and Loose Change:
Because you're proselytisers, just like young-earth Creationists. You want to disseminate your views as widely as possible and hopefully "convert" people who don't have all the facts at their disposal or the apparatus with which to refute you point by point.
That seems presumptuous to me, even a claim to psychic abilities.
You know he is not 'serious'.

If you were serious, you'd publish in professional, peer-reviewed journals, rather than trawling internet forums looking for converts. You'd be willing to have your ideas reviewed by experts.
1) experts can and do respond to posts in internet forums. 2) you are drawing conclusions without evidence. And this argument, based on deduction, is very weak. Speaking of pseudo-science.
This is just psychic ad hom.

Since he is not trying to publish a paper in a peer-reviewed journal instead of raising the issue in an online forum he is trolling for converts.

I will have to remember this argument when I read any assertions in other threads here I do not agree with.