Suggestion: Change "pseudoscience" forum to...

Unfortunately not all Sciforumers can be taught the right forum to post in:

This is why moderators have to move things.

I have decided to summit to your will. I now accept you as my personal savior. :D

Edit: You are actually the first mod ever to post these obnoxious pictures. If you think that makes you funny, it does. Because I'm laughing at you, not with you.
I have decided to summit to your will. I now accept you as my personal savior. :D

Edit: You are actually the first mod ever to post these obnoxious pictures. If you think that makes you funny, it does. Because I'm laughing at you, not with you.

To be perfectly honest, I'm not bothered in the least at whether you laugh or not. Some people do post complete crap, the reason I know however isn't because I was taught different when I was younger, it's because when I was their age, I posted similar crap.

I've managed to evolve over the years and learn where I was wrong and how I was wrong. Unfortunately though I can't teach anyone where they are wrong when they themselves are too close minded and pedantic.

It's known for a fact that some young people assume they know everything, however they are very closed minded when it comes to learning they are not. Perhaps you can debate this properly in the future, however currently you come across like a number of posters we've seen before. I guess you can say we come to know what to expect and it's probably why we might seem as "know-it-all's" ourselves.
To be perfectly honest, I'm not bothered in the least at whether you laugh or not. Some people do post complete crap, the reason I know however isn't because I was taught different when I was younger, it's because when I was their age, I posted similar crap.

I've managed to evolve over the years and learn where I was wrong and how I was wrong. Unfortunately though I can't teach anyone where they are wrong when they themselves are too close minded and pedantic.

It's known for a fact that some young people assume they know everything, however they are very closed minded when it comes to learning they are not. Perhaps you can debate this properly in the future, however currently you come across like a number of posters we've seen before. I guess you can say we come to know what to expect and it's probably why we might seem as "know-it-all's" ourselves.

Ahh, your life story. Does throwing that out make you feel better now?

The thing about older people is that they have been beaten down so much by society that now they only listen to what society says. Many older adults actually like the fact that younger people are willing to think outside the box, not accept everything they hear, and DOESN'T see the world as it is, but as it could be.

People like you need to understand the fact that, for example, a doctor may want to take out your kidney, but you won't really know if your kidney needs to come out, or if he's trying to paying off his yacht.

I bet you have NEVER thought about it like that huh?

I'm also curious. What "crap" did you post and what evidence did you have behind your "crap?"
I'm also curious. What "crap" did you post and what evidence did you have behind your "crap?"

Just some stuff on the Roswell Crash and some theory into what it was, it certainly wasn't alien even in my theories back then. However I can't go into greater detail, mainly because it's too long winded to explain.
Just some stuff on the Roswell Crash and some theory into what it was, it certainly wasn't alien even in my theories back then. However I can't go into greater detail, mainly because it's too long winded to explain.

That was when you were young? In the 90's? You're pathetic. I thought you were some 60 year old retired scientist or something. Which would explain why you were talking down to us. But you're just some 30-something prick who hates life?
That was when you were young? In the 90's? You're pathetic. I thought you were some 60 year old retired scientist or something. Which would explain why you were talking down to us. But you're just some 30-something prick who hates life?

Now this is pretty funny coming from someone like yourself. You see that's the problem with youth, no respect and that feralness has been increasing year by year. Too many liberties given to then, too many pipedream's they dream of to try and make everyone else succumb too.

You think I talk you down? Hah, that's a laugh in itself, You are off lightly in comparison to true scholars that wouldn't take your insolence young sprout.

A persons age does not symbolise what paths they have walk or how long they have been walking, you should perhaps take that into consideration.
Are 15 year olds as articulate as I am? Most can't even spell right.

Good point. I know at least one 14 year old... on this forum... who is far more articulate and astute than you are. Under 12, then? What, Mommy and Daddy leave you to your computer when they aren't beating you? Or are you overloved by them and now you're the tyrant of your household?
BTW- Science not Scyents Is not Iz Life not Lief. Don't discuss spelling when you spell your own SN like a rejected scriptkitty.
Perfect, except we need to drop one word to make it relevant:

Alternative, Non-mainstream, Speculations

1) Did you just come here to correct me?
2) Discussions of scientific topics or hypotheses that are not 1) currently included in mainstream science or 2) have enough research back-up to satisfy the mods, would have included ideas that later became accepted by the mainstream if forums like this existed for the last 50 years.

You think people who come up with new ideas go right into the lab, get immediate supportive evidence and then mainstream science nods their heads all at once.


Oh, and of course a lot of fruitless ideas would have been and are included. You can live with that. You can stay in the science forums you like.

Or maybe you can't.
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Now this is pretty funny coming from someone like yourself. You see that's the problem with youth, no respect and that feralness has been increasing year by year. Too many liberties given to then, too many pipedream's they dream of to try and make everyone else succumb too.

You think I talk you down? Hah, that's a laugh in itself, You are off lightly in comparison to true scholars that wouldn't take your insolence young sprout.

A persons age does not symbolise what paths they have walk or how long they have been walking, you should perhaps take that into consideration.

The funny thing is that you know nothing about me.

The difference between me and you is that my value system is flexible enough to change when new information comes in. Yours, however, is in a fixed state no matter how much times have changed.

You may lick your scholars feets day and night for all I care. What I care about is the truth. And whatever theory makes the most sense and has the most evidence has my backing.

My schooling was no different from yours. I was taught that there a big island called pangea, and for some odd reason, it simply floated apart.

I was also taught that the U.S. was the best country in the world, we could do no wrong.

Keep in mind these are all things people told me, whether it be school or TV. They never encouraged me to research it for myself. Why did the Iranians take American hostages? Were they just naturally bad people? No, we overthrew their democratically elected government and installed the opressive shah, so they took our citizens. Simple as that. "Blowback." Look that up.

Why did 9/11 happen? Do people just hate freedom? Do they just hate our wealth? No, it because we mess with them all the time. We go into kuwait when it isn't our business, we have bases all over the middle, expecially in their holy land of Saudi Arabia, etc. They don't attack us for stupid reasons like how stupid people assume.

A persons age does not symbolise what paths they have walk or how long they have been walking, you should perhaps take that into consideration.

Exactly. Thank you.
Good point. I know at least one 14 year old... on this forum... who is far more articulate and astute than you are. Under 12, then? What, Mommy and Daddy leave you to your computer when they aren't beating you? Or are you overloved by them and now you're the tyrant of your household?

You have a 2 year old right? You make me laugh. You are unfit to be a parent.
So let me see you just jump on this forum by chance from some link and decide to go all out hostile on the site, it's moderators and even some of it's posters? While of course claiming that you are here without any previous grievance?

I wouldn't be surprised if one of your own pet theorum's was sunk in Pseudoscience some time ago, it would explain the bitterness you output. Obviously you didn't agree with the Moderators, perhaps you sat out the picture for a while waiting until you could pop back on under a different IP to harass those you feel you should blame.

You see that's the main thing that suggests you are young... Blame. You are Angry, you are upset and you probably don't even know why. You like getting a rise out of people because obviously it helps to have someone to take the blame for your anger, so you have something to rationalise it's existence with.

Do you know that such Anger and Hatred can actually generate a "Reward" in regards to the Brains reward centre. Obviously you probably didn't, however that's probably what's happening with you, you feel some reward for being angry, some reward for rebelling, some reward for casting blame on people. Perhaps understanding that would help you, after all as cruel as I can be, I'm not going to tell you there are drugs for your problem or anything.
LOL You make me laugh. You aren't fit to be alive. :rolleyes:

When someone attacks the age of a fellow member, it's obvious they have nothing left and use age try to dismiss their opponent. When in reality, he/she knows nothing about the other's age.

While you, in fact have said "The best thing in the world is when your 2 year old sleepily says,"I love you" when you tuck them in."

ROFL. Pathetic.