stryder hates us

he does, does'nt he?

  • Total voters
Meanwhile said:
Should I just keep my Goddamn mouth screwed SHUT and BEAR IT!
It would be a marked improvement. But if you can't, for the second time of asking, will you learn the difference between principle and principal. SkinWalker is a gentleman, and rarely if ever indulges in personal attacks. I am not.
Place this single simple thought into your single simple brain. This is a science board. In those portions of the board dealing with science a proper respect for and employment of the methodologies of science is wholly appropriate. Your personal feelings and the personal feelings of every poster on the forums are irrelevant in this regard. It is not SWs views and terms that are being imposed or promoted, it the way things are properly conducted on a science board.
Now if that is too difficult for you why not just piss off?
Yes, Stryder hates you all... and who can blame him?! You're all babbling little retards (except for the skeptics).

Oh, that's a real balanced and unbiased poll, by the way! :D
SK: [...] should not come here with the expectation that the skeptics will passively allow their nonsense to go unchecked.

And you are just as impetuous to dispel unconventional phenomena as you are to promptly bewail the fact that we are too impetuous to acknowledge it!

SW: [...] allow their nonsense to go unchecked.

See what I mean...

I'm out of here.
Ophiolite said:
Ah, such a delicate touch. So much to learn, so little time. ;)

Ah, if only.... Face it, you were thinking the exact same thing, all I did was beat y'to the call... ;)

Toodles Meanwhile, don't get your flounce caught in the door on your way out, old stick.


The morons called moderator have no right to impose theirs view on what we are supposed to do and dont, instead of closing the threads they can make them invisible to everyones else other than thoes who are already in it, already subscribed can leave whenever they feel bored.
Actually Anomalous, they do have the right to impose their views on how we conduct ourselves in discussion - that's precisely why they're called Moderators and not regular users....

It's hardly a Mensa Test. :rolleyes:
Mr Anonymous said:
Actually Anomalous, they do have the right to impose their views on how we conduct ourselves in discussion - that's precisely why they're called Moderators and not regular users....

It's hardly a Mensa Test. :rolleyes:
And I am sure we didnt approve it, so that is dictatorship, and it should be uprooted.
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I don't think the rules are 'dictatorial.' Indeed, I think the rules need to be tightened a bit. The riff-raff is getting a bit out of hand.
Anomalous said:
First off I had never seen that page before, second thing I wanted to get in the forum anyway, third if the rules are dictatorial then U must join me fight against them.
the problem, anomalous, is
this is not your board, you do not make the rules
the only thing you can do is make an informed suggestion

and i agree with skinwalker
but instead of riff raff i will use the word trash
which is basicly the same thing

You keep complaining about moderators as being Dictator's yet you imposes a Dictatorship view of removing them. I mean what do you suggest to replace moderation with? From the sound of some of your posts, "The destruction of the world", Thats hardly a sane suggestion.

I know eventually you will find yourself probably given a week to think about what you want to post, however thats not my decision to make, only you really control that and you're going a fine way about making the wrong decision.
Just to keep the thread on topic: I love Stryder and want to have his babies. (Peers nervously over shoulder to see if the humourless Bhudda1 is in the vicinity, then exits stage right, mopping brow in a theatrical manner.)
SkinWalker said:
I took Gustav off of ignore long enough to see what the hype is about; read his posts in this thread; and looked at what he's posted in other threads. All in an attempt to give him a fair shake and see if he's lived up to his title of "new and improved." I'm left with the satisfaction that I made a wise choice in placing him on 'ignore' and wondering what his definition of "improved" is.

a need for vindication
a need to reinforce ego

how entirely predictable and needy
Stryder said:
So now you claim unbiasness, when previously stating you were biased.
On top of that you mention there is no either/or.

Unbiased + Bias = cancels each other out

Therefore you are just here to flame aren't you?

if that is all the effort you can muster, i suggest you let it go. the above looks like a cheap parlor trick. you do not understand subtleties, the use of rhetorical devices and i am not here to explain every word

you look at shit in a superficial manner. think what you want. i am no longer interested in your opinion

for a fucking forum vet, you lack skills. this poll was a joke. the rigging should have been an indicator. yet you took it at face value and here we are

look how cottontop[ deals with it..

Cottontop3000 said:
Yes, I hate you with a passion. You are a scoundrel and a fop, sir. Away with thee, i say. ;)

rather simple ja?