stryder hates us

he does, does'nt he?

  • Total voters
And by the way, I don't know Stryder. I didn't vote in the poll. I don't hate him, and I'm sure he doesn't hate me, if he's a sensible character.
Gustav said:
please do not ever take me off ignore again.
you lack the intellect to comprehend
you are better off as you were

now fuck off

No thanks, I don't swing your way. But, interestingly enough, I still have spookz in my ignore list. I thought the list was working, but I see I had help when Porfiry "forever" banned you from sciforums.

Couldn't stay away, eh? Welcome back (albeit belated). Why didn't you tell us who you really were? You had, what? 6,000+ posts before you were banned, wasn't it? Mostly spam and insults of course, but still... that's a lot of time invested in an internet forum. It must have really hurt you deeply to have the authorities take it all away. Glad to see you back, Spookz.
Giambattista said:
What? Are you referring to myself as a maggot? For simply asking about such a thread? Or were you demonstrating the failings of someone else?

I believe that was what it was, but I can't quite tell.

of course not
you too are my hero

/pained ;)

i think i'll leave it off for a while
to observe
perhaps participate
your welcome
Giambattista do you genuinely fail to understand that in calling you a fool immediately after you stated that 'calling someone a fool does not make them one' I was demonstrating the truth of your statement; I was agreeing with you 100%; I was acknowledging the accuracy of your remark. Calling you a fool, as I did, clearly did not make you one. That proved, in that instance at least, that you were not a fool.
I don't know what you are finding so difficult to understand about that, and I am at a complete loss as to why you did not perceive this intent at once.
Your persistent failure to do so appears to me to be evidence that, contrary to my expectation, you are foolish. This is surprising to me. But I am not calling you a fool for real. You are demonstrating, by your amazingly obtuse inability to comprehend the intent of my original post, that you are perhaps foolish. Don't blame me for that. Don't accuse me of insulting you, when the insults stem from your own actions.
I try to nice and helpful and all I get is accusations from you. So it starts to appear that not only may you be foolish, but you may be ungrateful and rude as well. I am not calling you ungrateful and rude. I am saying that is how you are coming across by your bizarre reaction to my very simple post, desinged to help support you and your point.
Gustav said:
/spits at the yob
So you are here simply to troll, la, la, la. Not offer any points of view, and intersting facts, any novel perspectives on science, or the human condition.
Just here to be small minded, rude, disruptive and generally unpleasant.
You lack imagination, my Terran companion. You lack an appreciation of society. You do not understand science or the scientific method. What you do understand is destruction and negative energy and blinkered, narrow minded thinking.
Originally, I thought you were just a pain in the ass, but I now suspect you are a quite unpleasant human. The sort who nobody weeps over when they are found lying face down in a gutter. Were you abused as a child? That would merit some sympathy.

your analysis of the grump is correct
do not be fooled for an instance

he will attack without provocation
the bait is best ignored

the modus operandi

backhanded compliments
veiled insults
snide remarks
sarcastic putdowns
offensive/smarmy attitude
semantical wordplay
willful ignorance

you can also smell the tard

as far as i can tell, you have been well behaved
yet you face this crap
report him

it is a shame that new signups should face this sort of reprehensible conduct
Ophiolite said:
Giambattista do you genuinely fail to understand that in calling you a fool immediately after you stated that 'calling someone a fool does not make them one' I was demonstrating the truth of your statement; I was agreeing with you 100%; I was acknowledging the accuracy of your remark. Calling you a fool, as I did, clearly did not make you one. That proved, in that instance at least, that you were not a fool.

I don't know what you are finding so difficult to understand about that, and I am at a complete loss as to why you did not perceive this intent at once.

I vaguely remember you describing yourself as arrogant in a reply to someone else.
Just recently, you declared that you were "not a gentleman" like James R.

Why would I automatically assume, then, that you were conducting an experiment or demonstration, and not actually insulting me or provoking some type of response?

Ophiolite said:
You are demonstrating, by your amazingly obtuse inability to comprehend the intent of my original post, that you are perhaps foolish. Don't blame me for that. Don't accuse me of insulting you, when the insults stem from your own actions.

Who's obtuse?
You called me a fool, very simply. I asked you what you meant by that, very simply.
Instead of merely saying that you were demonstrating how correct I was, you conclude with a peculiar piece of logic:
Your response may indicate, however, that saying it can occasionally ferret one (a fool) out of the woodwork.

How does my rather neutral response to what I perceived to be an insult make me a fool?

I try to nice and helpful and all I get is accusations from you.

I merely asked what you meant by the statement "You are a fool." And shortly thereafter you conclude that I may well be one for even asking about it. I fail to see how that is "nice and helpful" but it is not hard at all to see where you might just be feeding some need you have.
Gustav said:

your analysis of the grump is correct
do not be fooled for an instance

Sound advice.

Gustav said:
the modus operandi

backhanded compliments
veiled insults...

Ophiolite said:
Your response may indicate, however, that saying it can occasionally ferret one (a fool) out of the woodwork.

Seems to fit the description.

Gustav said:
willful ignorance

Well, didn't he call you an unpleasant person?

Gustav said:
you can also smell the tard

That last one, though. I don't know.
Giambattista, I give up. I apologise if you feel I insulted you. That was never my intent. I still am bewildered by your inability to pick up on a simple demonstration. You seem like a reasonable person who has chosen, on this occasion to behave unreasonably. I wish you well, but suggest you place me on ignore, since there seems little chance you will be able to correctly interpret anything else I say.
Ophiolite said:
I wish you well, but suggest you place me on ignore, since there seems little chance you will be able to correctly interpret anything else I say.

it is the usual consequence of speaking with a forked tongue or perhaps say... from both sides of your foul mouth.

do grow up
Ophiolite said:
Giambattista, I give up. I apologise if you feel I insulted you. That was never my intent. I still am bewildered by your inability to pick up on a simple demonstration. You seem like a reasonable person who has chosen, on this occasion to behave unreasonably. I wish you well, but suggest you place me on ignore, since there seems little chance you will be able to correctly interpret anything else I say.

Sounds edible.