stryder hates us

he does, does'nt he?

  • Total voters
Stryder said:
but the shear lack of education in people about the number of Charlitan Scam mongers that would have you buy into their ploys, either to part with your money or make their claims seem more credible to get others to part with it

what is this subforum called?
what kinds of topics would be posted here as a result of the title?

what kind of topics would you like to see posted?
do you intend to break with a tradition that dates back to the days of exosci?

what gives you the right?
who gives you the right?
Cottontop3000 said:
Stryder, ...
While I know it is against the forum rules to troll or flame, it seems that the mods' attitude to the rules (over the past 6 months that I have been a member) has been lenient, to say the least. While this lets many of us get away with a lot of flaming and trolling and causes some trouble on the forum, I think it has been a good thing overall. It's what made this place unique. There are a lot of science forums on the internet that talk about nothing but science, in a very polite and dispassionate way, and they tend to get stale very fast.

Please don't change how you moderate this forum. It would change it irrevocably and not for the better in my opinion. People need exposure to some flaming now and then to let them know what life can really be like.

The problem with this methodolgy is that without any form of moderation the deterioration of threads causes those that could "tutor" us in facts about the world from properly structure conversation, dialect and even debate are more than likely to give this forum a miss.

So the forum is found left with nothing but trolls and troll haters and nothing outside of that mentality. I know you don't want the threads to become boring lectures (which you guys have all too knowingly got me writing in response) however a slight change is benefiticial to remove the endless circles of repeative flameposting, even if it's just a short-term Shakeup.

Perhaps where people have provided Evidence I could stick such evidence in a non-editable thread on each topic, where-by followup threads could contain the free "abuse" of the uneducated, since "to the educated man, the most heinous of abuses is an uneductate person" it could be suggest it won't take long for the thread to breakdown into the usual literally retorte wrestlefest.

As for the "Uniqueness" of how the moderation was operated, some might think it was purely lapseness, however as I mentioned in the past to which some will remember some of you might eventually grow up and become credible in your chose professions and the only way that you'll be a better person in those professions is by realising just how idiotic some of your interpretations were back when you were a kid. (Believe me I've experienced just this, back when I was younger I had some odd interpretations and believed in aliens etc)

I'm not against Free Speech, if the speech is worth hearing.
Communist Hamster said:
I wholeheartedly support stryder. It's about time we had a Mod that did something about the trolls.
i agree with you commie
but what about the "stalkers"
people like me that follow a certain person around the board and deride everything that person says?
the person i refer to is happeh
i have intentionaly followed him around and blasted everything he said
why? because he's a jerk
he has denigrated everything from 4 month olds to our veterens.
why this asshole has not been banned is a mystery.

maybe stryder can help?
Communist Hamster said:
I wholeheartedly support stryder. It's about time we had a Mod that did something about the trolls.

i have a suggestion. i presume you are one of the rational ones, ja?
how about not feeding them or indulging them in anyway?
do you think that might discourage a troll?

can you do your part? if not why
now, please read carefully

stryder has a problem with pseudoscience being discussed in a pseudoscience forum
Alright, I know what you mean Stryder. I don't mind a little shake-up. I just got worried that the whole forum was headed down a dark path of big brother and government spying. The whole NSA wiretapping thing has really got me pissed off and this thread-closing seemed a little too similar.

PS Gustav, I was joking.

PPS Stryder, Gustav kind of has a point. Part of his post before last.
i started this ridiculous poll as a joke
some decide to take it seriously
well then so will i

i was perfectly ok with the locked threads because resuscitation has always been frowned on in here.

but then stryder started ranting
and i was stunned
and astonished
and practically speechless

but i always liked stryder
he even stood up for me
and was a total crackpot at one time
Gustav said:
i have a suggestion. i presume you are one of the rational ones, ja?
how about not feeding them or indulging them in anyway?
do you think that might discourage a troll?

can you do your part? if not why
now, please read carefully

stryder has a problem with pseudoscience being discussed in a pseudoscience forum

Gustav, look very carefuly at your quoted post... now closer...
You will notice that your post coudl be seen as flame, while also notibly stating that you understand why people should flame above it.

I've noticed in two or three of your most recent posts the clear manipulation of the post to be a "Literal Example" of what a troll looks like.

As for "Stryder having a problem with pseudoscience being discussed", how can that be so?

I'm open to discussion, just tired with constant flames and one weighed (purposely spelt, rather than being "way") arguements. Try the FOR and AGAINST arguementative stance (Arguement doesn't mean loud words and fistycuffs in this particular statement)

In fact I will start a thread and we'll see if you kiddies can play along or start a recroom brawl.
Stryder said:
As for "Stryder having a problem with pseudoscience being discussed", how can that be so?

how many issues do you bring up in the following........

Stryder said:
No simply Gustav, I've reached my limit of suffering from interminable BS, this doesn't just go for the arguements here, the incessent trolling but the shear lack of education in people about the number of Charlitan Scam mongers that would have you buy into their ploys, either to part with your money or make their claims seem more credible to get others to part with it.

..quote? list them please
Stryder said:
In fact I will start a thread and we'll see if you kiddies can play along or start a recroom brawl.
Hey, I'm 36 man (though you probably can't tell). How dare you call me a kiddie! You *(%^%(#$ (*&^%$#@!)(*& *&^%!! Like that?! :D
Stryder said:
Considering the "Devil" is just Mythological mumbo-jumbo to scare little kids into being quiet when they visit churches or sit through long ceremonies I don't feel that "he" (again the mythology) has in anyway possessed me.

I Know about you man, believe me devil exist more than you think. How do you know you didn't taste it? You know what I'm talking about. I don't believe in this mumbo-jumbo on a fairytale way also, but I do on a way that is right now.
Stryder said:
I'm open to discussion, just tired with constant flames and one weighed (purposely spelt, rather than being "way") arguements. Try the FOR and AGAINST arguementative stance (Arguement doesn't mean loud words and fistycuffs in this particular statement)

the only thing i suggest you do is follow james's lead. bar direct personal insults.
everything else goes.

i am not frikking obliged to be openminded. it is not your frikkin place to tell me how i should think. if i choose to be biased and one sided, that is my right. if i refuse to consider the opposing viewpoint, that is also my right.

the only right you then have, in light of my conduct, is not to engage in punitive measures but for you to move on. to more enlightened pastures. leaving behind the ignoramuses to wallow in whatever the fuck they want
Cottontop3000 said:
The whole NSA wiretapping thing has really got me pissed off and this thread-closing seemed a little too similar.
what about where i said i googled "bomb the cia"
i even gave you a link from that search
Gustav said:
the only thing i suggest you do is follow james's lead. bar direct personal insults.
everything else goes.

i am not frikking obliged to be openminded. it is not your frikkin place to tell me how i should think. if i choose to be biased and one sided, that is my right. if i refuse to consider the opposing viewpoint, that is also my right.

the only right you then have, in light of my conduct, is not to engage in punitive measures but for you to move on. to more enlightened pastures. leaving behind the ignoramuses to wallow in whatever the fuck they want
now how can anybody argue against that?
Gustav said:
i am not frikking obliged to be openminded. it is not your frikkin place to tell me how i should think. if i choose to be biased and one sided, that is my right. if i refuse to consider the opposing viewpoint, that is also my right.

Then why enter into any form of discuss or debate on any topic, since both discussion or debate means hearing what the opposition has to say or argue. If you can't hear them out because you can only hear yourself then perhaps the one that should move to pastures new is you, yourself. (This is not meant as a flame, just a point that if you can't discuss in a forum and can only flame why stay here?)

the only right you then have, in light of my conduct, is not to engage in punitive measures but for you to move on. to more enlightened pastures. leaving behind the ignoramuses to wallow in whatever the fuck they want

If you feel that way perhaps you could get a PHPBB or something similar (Free Licenced forum software) up on a freewebspace or find an actual site that hosts premade forums and have your own affectionalitely group of "ignoramuses" join it. Of course as I've previously stated you won't have room for discussion with each other so why bother with a forum build for discussion?

I respect that you want your specific individual rights of your own interpretation, however when your interpretation interfers with the intrepretation made by others then you yourself are infringing those very rights you sought.

You are right about this one. Governments who knows that we know, are in dilemma how could people speak about something they are not able to see or for them to hide any more. Actually we know more than they know because ''Them'' don't speak with afraid ones. Government people start packing your things, the fear will coming to get you all.