Street Lights Go out as I walk under them

One of the many odd coincidences that take me back for a second (like when I am thinking to myself and a word I say in my head happens to coincide with a word on a radio going by or a passing-by conversation), but nothing more than that.
Why do you ask?
You're right, it is about time.
It's about time you took your meds.
webprodesign said:
Street Lights going out when you go under them?

Tell Us!

My name is Denverette. I'm new to this forum as I just typed in "street lights going out" and googled it. Google came up with this post on this websight.

I've been experiencing this phenominon for most of my adult life here in Denver. My husband has been with me when it happens, and we always hum the Twighlight Zone theme. But he definitely notices it and jokingly thinks it's me that is causing it (he's never experienced this by himself) and it happens so frequently, I am wondering why? Is this all coincidence...or some weird energy that causes it.

These occurrences come in waves. In the last few weeks, I've had many more lights going out on me as I drive under them. Wierd. THEN, today in the Denver Public Library, I was standing in an aisle and a loud rattling noise came from above. I looked up, as did the staff person who was standing next to me, and the cover to the flourescent lights swung open. Fortunately, it was hinged and couldn't drop on top of us. The library employee started humming the Twilight Zone theme. I just chuckled to myself and asked him if this happens a lot. He said, "never."

Righteo, then. I went home and told my husband about it and he just said, "it's you, honey. You caused this." Ha, ha, ha,...Laughable, but very wierd.

Does anyone else have these experiences? IS this all just coincidence?
You should read "Firestarter" (or is it Fire Starter?) by Stephen King.
Well, for all those who give a damn, I can't wear a watch, because every time I put one on my wrist, it stops within 10-15 minutes. It used to piss me off, but I don't care any more. Also, yes, street-lights do go off whenever I walk under them. Personally, I think it's a CIA plot--or maybe aliens. I will now go and take my pills and lie down for a while.
Personally, I think the CIA are either aliens themselves, or working for them--maybe I should have started this idea as a seperate thread?
It's the red car syndrome. All your life you see red cars everywhere but they mean nothing to you. But, you buy a red car and suddenly you're seeing red cars everywhere. In your mind, your pattern-seeking machinery kicks into full gear and you come to believe that the reason that there are so many red cars out there is because you just bought one.

It's the same with these street lights. Every day you walk under streetlights and nothing happens and it means nothing to you. Doesn't even phase your consciousness a whit. But, suddenly one does. Your pattern-seeking machinery correlates the shutting off of the light with you waking underneath of it and voila! You're some kind of energy sucking monster roaming the streets at night feasting on the power flowing from the street lights.

I've noticed this happening to me before as well, by the way.
It's coincidence. Nothing more.
invert_nexus said:
It's the red car syndrome. All your life you see red cars everywhere but they mean nothing to you. But, you buy a red car and suddenly you're seeing red cars everywhere. In your mind, your pattern-seeking machinery kicks into full gear and you come to believe that the reason that there are so many red cars out there is because you just bought one.

It's the same with these street lights. Every day you walk under streetlights and nothing happens and it means nothing to you. Doesn't even phase your consciousness a whit. But, suddenly one does. Your pattern-seeking machinery correlates the shutting off of the light with you waking underneath of it and voila! You're some kind of energy sucking monster roaming the streets at night feasting on the power flowing from the street lights.

I've noticed this happening to me before as well, by the way.
It's coincidence. Nothing more.

Good point, invert; It's like those pictures that you see of faces in the smoke when the Twin Towers went down. We see smoke going up from the buildings, and we see patterns in the smoke, and our pattern recognition kicks in--hey, that looks just like a face! :rolleyes:
Hmm. Missed your earlier post, Xylene. The one about not being able to wear watches.
Let me ask you something. Have you ever been clinically dead? Or close to it?
invert_nexus said:
Hmm. Missed your earlier post, Xylene. The one about not being able to wear watches.
Let me ask you something. Have you ever been clinically dead? Or close to it?

Actually, invert, I was over in Ottawa about 20 years ago, and had a rather-too-extreme drinking session with some friends. I passed out on the balconey and spend the night sleeping on the concrete. When I came too in the morning, I lay there with my eyes closed for a moment and I was surrounded by an intense, inky blackness. I thought it must still be night-time, but when I did open my eyes it was broad daylight. I spent the next three days rowfing my face off before I felt strong enough to even walk around. Perhaps that was a near-death experience--if it was, I sure didn't go up :rolleyes: Not sure where I went, to be honest.
I've had the same thing with streetlights happen to me too, often enough to make me wonder about it and try to test the red car syndrome.

But actually if a streetlight goes out, and you notice it, it must be in your proximity. It didn't actually go out because you were near it, but you were near it and noticed it go out.
Ophiolite said:
Interesting first I thought your near death experience was simply being in Ottawa. :)

Too true, Ophiolite; it's pretty freakin deadly being in Ottawa in Winter. ;)