stop for a's the right religion

cutey gal

Registered Member
Excuse me!! :eek:
Would you stop for a moment?!
Haven't you thought-one day- about yourself ?
Who has made it?
Have you seen a design which hasn't a designer ?!
Have you seen a wonderful,delicate work without a worker ?!
It's you and the whole universe!..
Who has made them all ?!!
You know who ?.. It's "ALLAH",prise be to him.
Just think for a moment.
How are you going to be after death ?!
Can you believe that this exact system of the universe and all of these great creation will end in nothing...just after death!
Have you thought, for a second, How to save your soul from Allah's punishment?!
Haven't you thought about what is the right religion?!
Here you will get the answer
Isn't "No Proselytizing" one of the rules?
If not, it should be,
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HAHA!! Allah, Yehweh, Jahova, Jesus, it's all the same God is God no matter what name we put on it. I'm a theist but come on let's have a little sense that's not asking too much.
Cutey Gal

How much worry should I give the state of my soul before I'm merely pandering to God? As an American, I encounter this problem whenever engaging Christians. Greed of this sort is an unfortunate symptom of redemptive monotheism, so how does Allah sit with pandering?

In the meantime, it is well enough to do one's best and know that God will do what God will do. Anything else and you might as well hire Karl Rove to con you in.
Excuse me!!
Would you stop for a moment?!
Haven't you thought-one day- about yourself ?
If people hadnt thought about it, we'd all believe the same things.
Who has made it?
Have you seen a design which hasn't a designer ?!
Have you seen a wonderful,delicate work without a worker ?!
It's you and the whole universe!..
Who has made them all ?!!
You know who ?.. It's "ALLAH",prise be to him.
Well you're entitled to believe what ever you like, doesnt make it fact of course.
Just think for a moment.
How are you going to be after death ?!
Can you believe that this exact system of the universe and all of these great creation will end in nothing...just after death!
I can believe anything i like cant i?
Have you thought, for a second, How to save your soul from Allah's punishment?!
No because i dont believe in god, so i have no need to save my soul from Allah(or anyone elses) punishment.
Haven't you thought about what is the right religion?!
Of course, and they all claim to be the right religion, and i cant justify choosing one over another, so that among many other reasons means i believe they are all wrong.
Allah, or Hubar, or al-ilah, or whatever it's called, is nothing more than a bastardization of ancient Judaism, early Christianity and the pantheon of pre-islamic Arabs.

I have tried on numerous occasions to have a dialogue with moslems. On each occasion, they cease communicating when the validity of their "religion" is brought up by me. I challenge any moslem to defend their "religion".
Who made it? a loaded question. Every living thing helped design every other living thing simply by eating the badly designed ones. There's only death from the point of view of a single life form, as a whole, there is no death because life forms aren't really separate from each other.
Hey cute-gal. I love pork. you want some? All Islamic women should wear miniskirts, and men should stop wearing diapers on their heads.
The only thing Arabs have contributed of significance to the human race is Islam. And it's barbaric.
Cutey gall,

Have you seen a design which hasn't a designer ?!

Can you show something designed that wasn’t based on something simpler – design doesn’t operate outside of an evolutionary process?

Have you seen a wonderful, delicate work without a worker ?!

Like a bee-hive for example, or a spider’s web – or a snowflake, or a salt crystal – the laws of chemistry, physics, combined with the dynamic nature of evolution have indeed created a fascinating universe.

Who has made them all ?!!
You know who ?.. It's "ALLAH",prise be to him.

Fortunately no such evil tyrant exists.

How are you going to be after death ?!


Can you believe that this exact system of the universe and all of these great creation will end in nothing...just after death!

Why not? There is nothing inherently permanent about anything good or bad. And all evidence points to death as being real. Believing otherwise because you want to doesn’t really help.

Have you thought, for a second, How to save your soul from Allah's punishment?!

Not a problem – there is no such things as Allahs or souls.

Haven't you thought about what is the right religion?!

There can be no “right” religion until truth is determined by dreamers instead of reality.
marv said:
Allah, or Hubar, or al-ilah, or whatever it's called, is nothing more than a bastardization of ancient Judaism, early Christianity and the pantheon of pre-islamic Arabs.

I have tried on numerous occasions to have a dialogue with moslems. On each occasion, they cease communicating when the validity of their "religion" is brought up by me. I challenge any moslem to defend their "religion".
maybe you've never been able to have a conversation with a "moslem" because they don't know you are trying to talk to them being they are muslims. just a thought. ;)
cutey gal said:
Haven't you thought-one day- about yourself ?
Who has made it?
my parents,
Have you seen a design which hasn't a designer ?!
yes the universe
if someone designed it,who designed this designer?
Have you seen a wonderful,delicate work without a worker ?!
It's you and the whole universe!..
Who has made them all ?!!
no one can really say for sure, it most likely always existed
You know who ?.. It's "ALLAH",prise be to him.
How are you going to be after death ?!
same as I was before being conceived,...nothing
Can you believe that this exact system of the universe and all of these great creation will end in nothing...just after death!
all living things die,thats the way the nature works
Have you thought, for a second, How to save your soul from Allah's punishment?!
nope,theres no souls
Haven't you thought about what is the right religion?!
imho they all suck,
teach lies/nonsense,hate for those who believe differently,and control peoples minds thru fear of eternal punishment by the "loving god"!!! :rolleyes:

btw if yours is so righteous,how does your religion feel about homosexuals,or people who have sex before mariage,or those who dont follow/believe in Allah?
cutey gal said:
Excuse me!! :eek:
Would you stop for a moment?!
No, you aren't excused and I stop all the time. For example, the law requires that I stop when the light turns red.

Haven't you thought-one day- about yourself ?
Only to decide what to clothe myself in and what to feed myself, etc.

Who has made it?
My mummy and daddy.

Have you seen a design which hasn't a designer ?!
Everything has a designer, including the jeans I'm wearing right now. If you are so inclined to believe in God, you would state that God is the designer. Nature is a designer.

Have you seen a wonderful,delicate work without a worker ?!
Reading through your post, I'm assuming that you believe in God. So by that little statement, you're assuming that God did not work to create that 'wonderful, delicate work'? Everything that is created has a 'worker' of some sort behind it. A delicate web is created by a worker, it's called a spider. Beautiful cliff faces where the colours of the earth blend to create a plethora of patterns has a form of worker behind it... it's called the environment.

It's you and the whole universe!..
Who has made them all ?!!
I have stated above, I was created by my parents. As for the universe, I can point the finger at the big bang.

You know who ?.. It's "ALLAH",prise be to him.
So you say. You have yet to prove it though...

Just think for a moment.
Must I? Here I was amusing myself with this post because I didn't have to think...

How are you going to be after death ?!
Either decomposing or my ashes scattered to the four winds.

Can you believe that this exact system of the universe and all of these great creation will end in nothing...just after death!
Why shouldn't it just end in death? Everything ends in death. Take a leaf from a tree for example. It falls from the tree and it's dead. Surely you aren't assuming that that particular leaf goes to leafy heaven.

Have you thought, for a second, How to save your soul from Allah's punishment?!
I enjoy eating bacon and ham too much to think about such things.

Haven't you thought about what is the right religion?!
Yes. It's called NO religion.

I'll get my answer from cheesy websites? That's like trying to find the answer from the back of a cereal box.
Bells said:

I enjoy eating bacon and ham too much to think about such things.

I actually ate a pound of bacon today. I'm told I'll never make it in the entertainment business ....
i ask from everyone to try and put away his thoughts about islam and let ur mind work clearly without the interfering of what is happening in the world nowadays ......i confess that many peole is using islam in its wrong meaning ..........but if u try and buy a book about islam (in its true meaning) u'll give ur mind a chance to think before answering what's the true religion.........u'll find ur heart beating fast from what this religion has given to the whole humanity ............if u try and read the holy quran u'll find that from the very small part of ur body to the the great stars in this universe is mentioned in this holy book.......yes it's true .......i'm not joking........i've my proof's the book and read ......u'll find an answer to every little question in ur mind and more , put all the negative thoughts in ur mind away and think clearly in this amazing book and i'm sure u'll find the truth and tell me honestly cos maybe i'm wrong and maybe u r wrong