Stinky Revelations


A plauisable explanation for the biological creation of Aids. Remeber this is only a theory but the mechanics is right.

Sodomy; anus-sex; poop heaven; feces festering in the womans privates; will cause damaging molecular changes; disease; and animal poop isn't cool either, yet a possability. To think if aids started due to nasty promiscious people. If I'm way off base tell me so

Well? Do you have another theory?:cool:
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That sick and stupid! AIDS is a virus believe to have come for chimpanzee sense they have the highest rate of resistance to it

Though chimps do have a lot of sex :D
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No chimps are very polygamous... Bonibos are just noted for doing it like people do :D
** At the rate humans are going I can definately see a animal rape crises center in the near future,nevertheless, we should brace ourselves for the newest deadly diseases if the trend of porn with animals/humans continue.
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I think you have some kind of fetish??? where did you get this idea animal sex is so common?
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
I think you have some kind of fetish??? where did you get this idea animal sex is so common?

** Every time I check my email, there's a offering to watch young hot teens with horses and the local crack heads do pit-bulls. Crossing Species Sex this is where the disease's pop up so quickly from. Anyways I have my fetishes, and poop ain't one of them.:D
:eek: ya you got me there! I make sure all that stuff gets filltered out. Oh well wipe and leather is my limit.
oh thank god

i thought lady got a whiff of my stinky fart over the internet and decided to expose me!
In the darkness slithers plagues within the dungeon.
When Aids is spotted trying to break out the cousin
Who is more seasoned, well trained and cunning.
Hostile and venomous is this swift mobster

Then there's the uncle who is in chains
In dier agony these two will be bring change
Beckoning mortals to cross the line
So the disease family can shine
Stinking bodies, death divine, at last partners in crime.
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AIDS is virus that came from other viruses or bad genes... in fact the aids virus's genome ir related to a whole classes of retroviruses.

I'm not saying though that having sex with animals will not give you some kind of disease, I would put a good bet that it would in fact give you a whole veriaty of horrable illnesses!

AIDS came from the african jungle; how it got into people though I doubt was through @#%$ing a ape!
Promiscious sex was the primary thing
Which wiped out nations and slaughtered kings
No vaccines or weapons could control this thing
Which deemed cockroaches masters and made them supreme
no, Lady

No, Lady, I'm sorry. Promiscious Sex
did not wipe out nations.
Viruses did.

If you wish to insult me now, please visit the Insulting
Susan Thread. It is all fixed up for you.
No, Lady, I'm sorry. Promiscious Sex
did not wipe out nations.
Viruses did.

** At least your half way there.

If you wish to insult me now, please visit the Insulting
Susan Thread. It is all fixed up for you.

** This sounds personal, anyways, I didn't find the thread.:cool:
Sadly Lady is correct in stating that promiscuity spreads disease. If everyone were into monogamy then there would be virtually no STD to speak of! Having sex with many others is the primary means that many pathogens use to travel and spread.
I don't support spontaneous generation. Most viruses came from Transponders (or vis versa) Virus have come form organisms but this is do to the situation of the organism’s genetics. Having anal sex would increase your chance of getting a infection.
So would an infection or bite. If it came from a primate, especially the chimpanzee, it crossed over likely because we're so much alike genetically. There are other diseases that do the same from even more distant species.

But your point of it being around still due to our behaviour is right. HIV is a rather fragile virus on its own...if it was hardier, or more contagious than it is, we'd all have it.