Statistical Miracles of the Noble Quran

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Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
...Hence, our contemporary scientists and scholars, the professors in various universities who are leaders of human thought, ….
Disregarding the Galenic plagiarism, I wonder how various people interpret this?

"Thereafter We made him (the offspring of Adam) as a Nutfah (mixed drops of the male and female sexual discharge and lodged it) in a safe lodging (womb of the woman). Then We made the Nutfah into a clot (Alaqa, a piece of thick coagulated blood), then We made the clot into a little lump of flesh (Mugdah), then We made out of that little lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, and then We brought it forth as another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators!"

To me it appears to indicate a blood clot is turned into bone and then the bones are surrounded with flesh? Suggesting that there is a period of development where there are just bones in the womb. Is this a correct interpretation? If my interpretation is not correct then it certainly appears god is not a very clear individual (characteristically) for the reason that if one wanted to make human development clear, then one would make human development clear. Beginning with what a cell is and how it divides and how information is genetically inherited and moving on to the stages of development from there. Certainly the “ancient” Greeks had a concept of atoms, had measured the circumference of the earth, could perform cataract surgery, had mathematically predicted the placements of the 6 nearest planets as well as the moon, and had made the most sophisticated mechanical devise for near to be duplicated over the following 2000 years – added up I think the “ancient” human mind could cope with some simple human development starting with simple cells and moving to a birth - hitting on the major stages of development. If the god inspired-passage (Galen just rolled over) is not clear, then why waste our time reading something that is clearly one thing - useless information? As my interpretation of the above has lead me to conclude no practical information is garnished and the explained human development is clearly incorrect.
Originally posted by Blackstone


btw, proud syrian, that snooker player denied converting to islam lately, it turned out to be just another Muslim Hoax:,10158,1055103,00.html [/B]

Isnt amazing that someone from the toilet coptic room, we will always love you again and again come to here to spit his rubbish ?

first, if he really did not covert, it is the BBC first who should made the correction and since the bbc story was published first, it should be the BBC who should made the correction not athiest far left newspaper.


in anyhow, this is more SWEET RECENT NEWS for the dirty coptes:

According to the American news cooperation MSNBEC, ISLAM IS THE WORLD'S FASTEST GROWING RELIGION

And according to the ECONOMIST (famous respectable weekly published in london) Islam is the world fastest growing religion:

'' indeed, islam is the fastest growing religion in the world'' The Economist, Sept 13, 2003

According to the American york news times, more and more AMERICANS are coverting to islam specially after 9/11:

And according to the NEW YORK TIMES, Islam attract thousands of Americans to it drwan before and AFTER 9/11

And finally for the dirty filthy coptes who should be expelled from MUSLIM EGYPT, here is something for you:



I challenge you to debate me on islam, oh well, you are to scared to debate and that is why you reddot or bounce muslims from your sick rooms.

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
oh well, you are to scared to debate and that is why you reddot or bounce muslims from your sick rooms.

Then why haven't you responded to something I posted on October 2nd in another thread on this board?

True prophets of God always knew the revelations were from God. There was never any doubt.

Yet Mohammed was not sure of the source of his revelations. He believed himself to be possessed by demons. It was Khadija who convinced him he was a prophet. By what authority, experience or qualification did Khadija have to make the claim that Mohammed’s revelations were from God and not from an evil spirit?

Galatians 1
8But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!
Originally posted by chalcedony
Then why haven't you responded to something I posted on October 2nd in another thread on this board?

It is you who did NOT respond to my question about the contradiction in the bible...scroll back and BE BRAVE ENOUGH TO ANSWER THEM !

Originally posted by chalcedony
Then why haven't you responded to something I posted on October 2nd in another thread on this board?

And regarding your nonesense about prophet Muhammad revealation, I dont accept HEARSAY and nonesense from hate sites, give me solid evidence or proof to what you are propegating.

In the meantime, let us read these Peaceful verses from the bible:

2KI NGS2:23-24 Forty-two children are mauled and killed, presumably according to the will of God, for having jeered at a man of God !!!

2KINGS 19:35 An angel of the Lord kills 185,000 men !! ( What kind of Lord is this when he sent an angel to kill 185,000 MEN !! )

PSALMS 144:1 God is praised as the one who trains hands for war and fingers for battle !!

2KINGS 10:17 "And when he came to Samaria, he slew all that remained to Ahab in Samaria, till he had wiped them out,according to the word of the Lord ...."

are you disagreeing or agreeing that Allah is the God of Abraham.?!?!
Originally posted by everneo

are you disagreeing or agreeing that Allah is the God of Abraham.?!?!

Allah is the God of Abraham, no doubt about that.
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
And according to the ECONOMIST (famous respectable weekly published in london) Islam is the world fastest growing religion

I don’t understand what your point is? For example, lets say I had 1 person who was a “place-religious-name-here” and this person lived in Arabia. This 1 person gets another 10 people to convert to “place-religious-name-here”. This means that place-religious-name-here has a growth rate of 1000% (as the number of people has increased by 10 fold). Again, I say so what? Incidentally this would mean that “place-religious-name-here” is the fastest growing religion in Arabia. Hmmm, according to you (I am assuming that is why you posted all the sites on Islam religious growth) this must mean that “place-religious-name-here” has some sort of claim of credibility?

Pretty idiotic huh? It really doesn’t mean anything.

Incidentally, as China has the largest population in the world and was not so long ago converted to Atheism. Presumably, at some point Atheism was the fastest growing belief system in the world. The number of people who converted from the belief in “creationism” to the belief in “evolution” (just after Darwin introduced it) was astronomical.

Bla bla bla bla bla . . . . . .

Statistically the"Jedi Knight Religion" was doing pretty good :)

Living in Australia I was surprised to see,
Buddhism: the fastest growing religion in Australia

Nevertheless, it is well documented that religious converts decrease the more industrialized a country becomes. Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism appear to maintain their status quo by the large birth rate typified in economically depressed countries such as around the Pacific rim, S. America, Africa, India . . . etcetera. As these nations increase their wealth the tend appears to be that religion takes a back seat to goods. Personally, I think it would be great if Islam could become more prominent in the Industrialized countries, especially the USA. 1) Maybe Americans will get over their Islamic phobia 2) I think an “Islamic Reformation” would occur much quicker and 3) after said reformation perhaps Islam will subside to the level of influence that Christianity maintains in peoples lives – that is; a harmless amount. Thus allowing people to begin to think for themselves, decreasing the control institutions have over society, resulting in an enlightenment period and rise in atheism, this then is followed by a loss of social cohesion and the collapse of society as we know it thus bringing about a rise in new religious intuitions to control said chaotic masses and back to square one we go :D
Originally posted by Blackstone
stop whining, email the Gaurdian and tell them they are lieing.
P S:

By the same token, e-mail the BBC and tell them they are lying


maybe its Because Muslims Refuse to use something called : BIRTH CONTROL?

Good for you, keep breeding, keep getting poorer.
P S.

Or maybe because so many WESTERNERS are coverting to islam but hopeless coptes like you wont admit it....


These Topics Quote what they are saying from MUSLIM SOURCES such as cair, who desperately tries to whitewash islam after 9/11 , having NY times Saying this is not the end of the story, there is something called the source of information where jounalists get their info from, and since the sources of these journalists are, islamic groups and ORGs, they are unreliable.

P S:

So are you saying the NEW YORK TIMES is pro-muslim and they get their information from MUSLIM SOURCES ?? LOOOOOOOL

too bad that i dont give a rat's ass because i a not a christian...go to a christian and invite him to a 'my god is better than your god' debate. Not may invite me to watch though, i find islamic-christian babble to be quite entertaining.
P S:

You are not christian, you are racist copte, that is what you are, liar who pretend to be ex-muslim, typical pathetic christian behaviour.

by the way, your room, we will always love you againa and again on paltalk has been hacked and for more than 2 hours, the room was packed with muslims listening to the holy Quran and writing on the text the words ALLAHU AKBAR..........


And before I leave you, here is something to make your day:

Originally posted by Michael
I don’t understand what your point is? For example, lets say I had 1 person who was a “place-religious-name-here” and this person lived in Arabia. This 1 person gets another 10 people to convert to “place-religious-name-here”. This means that place-religious-name-here has a growth rate of 1000% (as the number of people has increased by 10 fold). Again, I say so what?

P S:

My friend:

We are living in an era of HYSTERIC ISLAMOPHOBIA and anti-muslim racism and hate, so any good news about people embracing islam will streangthen our resolve in standing up for this hate which is coming from pathetic fanatic christians and jews.

The amazing thing is that the western media portray islam in the worst possible shape, they always show you so much BS and nonesense and YET THOUSANDS of westerners are coverting to islam every year........isn't amazing ????
There were only 40 converts during the first years of Mohammed's message and most Meccans rejected his message. If Islam is so wonderful, why wasn't the growth of Islam explosive from the start? Islam only began its growth after mohammed approved the use of the sword as a conversion tool. Some divine blessing if the choice is death by sword or convert to a religion. Once Mohammed began teaching that whole "die a matyr in battle and go to paradise" thing, then fighting became quite fashionable for your religion.

Christianity grew without the use of a sword and despite the fact that Christians were threatened with death if they did not renounce their beliefs. That is more of a miracle than islam.

If you use numbers to gauge whether or not a religion is true, then the Hindus and Christians have the same claim.

If numbers are a way to gauge if something is good, then what about the fattening fast food and pornography? They have high numbers of popularity too, yet I would not call them good.
Originally posted by chalcedony
Christianity grew without the use of a sword and despite the fact that Christians were threatened with death if they did not renounce their beliefs. That is more of a miracle than islam.

Please excuse my vulger intrusion on this subject, but this is so laughable...Damn....I'm in tears and I accidently farted while laughing....okay, I'll control myself.

THE SYMBOL OF CHRISTIANITY IS DEATH...It's a cross. At least muslims don't wear a chain with a sword on it. But christians parade the tool of death, the cross on their chests, their churches, ect.....They are worshipping the electric chair of their prophet....How most absurd. You killed your own Jesus...You killed your own Messiah...You killed anyone who preached the correct christianity. Everyone left was either a victorious Roman or Jew that accomplished the mission of killing christianity. It was a supreme time to take over and hijake christianity. .....hoooohehhhhhe Roman Christians....Palease....??? The christians you speak of are not christians, they are Roman catholics, and all the modern deviants from the catholic faith are a confuse bunch. Did you foget your roots my dear? My dear confused Roman Catholic.
Originally posted by chalcedony
There were only 40 converts during the first years of Mohammed's message and most Meccans rejected his message. If Islam is so wonderful, why wasn't the growth of Islam explosive from the start?
P S:

How absurd your understanding of the history of Islam, go read little bit before you display your shameful ignorance.

Islam only began its growth after mohammed approved the use of the sword as a conversion tool. Some divine blessing if the choice is death by sword or convert to a religion. Once Mohammed began teaching that whole "die a matyr in battle and go to paradise" thing, then fighting became quite fashionable for your religion.
P S:


How do you explain then the spread of Islam in south east Asia ( Indonesia and Malaysia ??????????????? )

Christianity grew without the use of a sword and despite the fact that Christians were threatened with death if they did not renounce their beliefs. That is more of a miracle than islam.
P S:

I forgot what the word CRUSADE means ???????

If you use numbers to gauge whether or not a religion is true, then the Hindus and Christians have the same claim.

If numbers are a way to gauge if something is good, then what about the fattening fast food and pornography? They have high numbers of popularity too, yet I would not call them good.
P S:

The fattening fast food and pornography are WESTERN DISEASES, keep them to yourself, we are fighting hard in the muslim world to keep the western filth away..thank you.
Originally posted by chalcedony

Christianity grew without the use of a sword and despite the fact that Christians were threatened with death if they did not renounce their beliefs. That is more of a miracle than islam.

P S:


(Norman Lewis, The Missionaries, Arena 1989, pp.10-15)

Missionary efforts in preaching the Gospel are hardly worthy of emulation. In 1795 the London Missionary Society was formed, its immediate attention focused upon the Pacific; two years later a convict ship bound for Australia put the first missionaries ashore on Tahiti. It was four years before any of them learned enough of the local language to be able to preach a sermon to a puzzled though sympathetic audience. The Tahitians built houses for them, fed them, and provided them with servants galore, but after seven years not a single convert to Christianity had been gained. The missionaries opted for a more brutal tactic and gained the upper hand by helping to reduce the local chief to an alcoholic and then offered him backing in a war against other islands chiefs by supplying firearms (the enemy having only wooden clubs to defend themselves). Assistance was provided, however, on the condition that all the islanders would have to accept Christianity once victory had been gained. The whole nation was converted in a day!!!!!!!!!!!! CONTINUE READING HERE:
Originally posted by chalcedony
Christianity grew without the use of a sword and despite the fact that Christians were threatened with death if they did not renounce their beliefs. That is more of a miracle than islam.
?? Come on chalcedony where in the world did that come from. 1st relatively speaking, not many Christians were put to the sword/executed in the ancient roman empire. Although, I’d say after Constantine a large number of other people were. Anyway, the numbers are relatively low. As I understand, in Alexandria the governor reports that 9 Christians came to him to demand they be executed and die as martyrs, he advised them to jump from a cliff and refused to have anything more to do with them. Chalcedony, can you give me an idea of (outside of a few crack pot Emperors) how many Christians were “executed” and over what time period. I think if you read up on the subject from a non-biased source you will find the numbers much lower than you think. That said – I started this post with “relatively”. Why – well because Caesar himself after subduing the Gallic peoples sold around 1 million women and children into slavery. To make an example in a rebellious town in Gaul, Caesar had both hands cut off from each male regardless of guilt (I think it was around 3-5K people) and then sent them to beg in other towns to act as a reminder. The above being non-Christian examples of people that got the shaft. My point being – just what sort of world do you think Christians were living in? And why is it you think that Christians got it any tougher than many other peoples of all sorts of religions. Christians were often confused with Jewsso and after Roma burnt Nero blamed the Christians living in Roma (as Jewish were considered trouble makers) and had them rounded up and executed. However – this is nothing when compared to what the Gaul’s endured.

Second – Christianity was spread by the sword. What planet do you live on? That isn’t to say people didn’t convert by choice as that did occur as well. However to say that Christianity wasn’t an excuse to decimate entire civilizations in the name of god is laughable. They didn’t call em conquistadors for nothing.

Thirdly, when a “missionary” withholds food or links receiving food to Christianity. Well, quit frankly I think we can agree that is repugnant.

As I understand, in Indonesia Islam was spread through contact and trade. Buddhism did the same in Japan. Where at one time the Japanese wanted all Buddhists killed. After awhile they themselves became Buddhists. That’s just human nature.

According to my Iranian friend, Muslims conquered and killed Persians to “spread” Islam there. Then they removed the heads of state and replaced them with Arabs and changed the language. Many Persian intellectuals fled to India. That is why many pre-Islamic Persian myths are in the Qur’an. Of course this is according to him. He’s a Doctor Biochemistry but also Iranian. So I consider him learned and his word is worth something. So here we see Islam spread by the sword. As we should expect.

I have been told, in Islam if you are Muslim (maybe in the past?) you get a tax break versus if you are in an acceptable religion but not Muslim? Is this correct? WAs there any kind of financial incentive? If so I’d convert as well – or at least say I was converted. Godly – yeah right.

People of both religions were notorious slave traders. I mean notorious. They killed millions. So the truth is people believe that which they are taught to believe and people are people regardless of faith.

From an Atheists point of view I see Islam and Christianity walking hand in hand like lovers. They're so similar one can scarcely distinguish between the two.

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
We are living in an era of HYSTERIC ISLAMOPHOBIA and anti-muslim racism and hate, so any good news about people embracing islam will streangthen our resolve in standing up for this hate which is coming from pathetic fanatic christians and jews.
This is true (about the hysterical Islamophobia) but don’t think it is just from pathetic fanatic Christians and Jews. I certainly know a number of non-fanatical pretty much run-of-the-mill Buddhists, Atheists, Hindu, Taoist and Shinto that are also Islamophobic. That being because everyday on the television these people see a Muslim blowing something and someone up with a bomb. I’m not going to debate whether this is truly representative of Islam. I don’t think so. But the Christians and Jews don’t control the Chinese media nor the Japanese media nor the Hindu or Thai or Singaporean media. Yet, I have talked with many of these people and they are afraid to go to countries that are Islamic and sometimes get scared seeing Muslims. (oh, when I said Chinese I meant Atheists Han). Obviously, everyday people from every culture witness some disaster in Indonesia or India or the ME or Russia or the Philippians or North and East Africa or Eastern Europe or Pakistan or some woman being sentenced to stoned-to-death or protesters in Iran beaten. I’m not saying that this doesn’t occur in other countries. God only knows how violent it is to live in the USA. But that is seen as a social problem not a religious problem. As a result and quite frankly when compared to the other major religions I think we can agree you just do not see that level of violence. Just last night my partner (her father is a Buddhist priest) was watching TV and exclaimed “Oh no” and so I looked up from reading and on the news there was some Pakistanis from one Muslim faith killing some Muslims from another faith. Although I’m Atheist I have religious friends some of whom are Muslim and although like all Religious people in that their a bit brain-washed – (just my perspective) other than that they are the nicest people you could hope to meet. So you certainly can at least understand where this stero-type is coming from? I think we can agree to at least that much?
re: Michael:

Generalization in the tool of the fools

You are not fool and you did not generalize, but the spots in the world where NON-MUSLIM terrorism is raging is far more than the spots of the world where the so called muslim terrorism is raging ( just look at Colombia, the FARC rebels as only one tiny example)

The problem is this sickning hypocrisy in the west in dealing with muslim news, one example:

I am sure you havd heard the case of this nigerian woman who was put on trail by an Islamic SHARIA law court accused ot adultry after marriage, a crime punishable by stonning to death...
the western media went hysteric about this case ( ALTHOUGH THEY DONT TALK ABOUT THE 4 AMERICAN WOMEN GET KILLED EVERY DAY IN THE USA AS A RESULT OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ) and the western media was filled with stories about this woman,

You see, so much hypocrisy is involved and this only fuels the muslim hate and anger against the west.
Originally posted by Flores

THE SYMBOL OF CHRISTIANITY IS DEATH...It's a cross. At least muslims don't wear a chain with a sword on it. But christians parade the tool of death, the cross on their chests, their churches, ect.....They are worshipping the electric chair of their prophet....How most absurd.

Jesus is the only way to heaven, that is your roadblock, your stumbling block, there is no other way, just Jesus

From The Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians chapter 1, verse 22 to 24, “Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.”

You killed your own Jesus...You killed your own Messiah...You killed anyone who preached the correct christianity. Everyone left was either a victorious Roman or Jew that accomplished the mission of killing christianity. It was a supreme time to take over and hijake christianity. .....hoooohehhhhhe Roman Christians....Palease....??? The christians you speak of are not christians, they are Roman catholics, and all the modern deviants from the catholic faith are a confuse bunch. Did you foget your roots my dear? My dear confused Roman Catholic.

So Christians are supposed to take religious lessons from muslims now? you must be joking, you don't even have the history of islam right, why should we believe the enemy of God? We are to take history lessons from you? No way, Christianity is alive & well, read the Bible more, try to see the Real Jesus for the very first time, not the issa of the muslims, who no Christians would recognize, being a fictitious character made up by Mohammad’s imagination & his followers after him

Jesus is the only way to heaven, that is your roadblock, your stumbling block, there is no other way, just Jesus

From The Gospel of John chapter 14, verse 6, “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Originally posted by Flores
Please excuse my vulger intrusion on this subject, but this is so laughable...Damn....I'm in tears and I accidently farted while laughing....okay, I'll control myself.

THE SYMBOL OF CHRISTIANITY IS DEATH...It's a cross. At least muslims don't wear a chain with a sword on it. But christians parade the tool of death, the cross on their chests, their churches, ect....They are worshipping the electric chair of their prophet...How most absurd. You killed your own Jesus...You killed your own Messiah...You killed anyone who preached the correct christianity. Everyone left was either a victorious Roman or Jew that accomplished the mission of killing christianity. It was a supreme time to take over and hijake christianity. ....hoooohehhhhhe Roman Christians....Palease....??? The christians you speak of are not christians, they are Roman catholics, and all the modern deviants from the catholic faith are a confuse bunch. Did you foget your roots my dear? My dear confused Roman Catholic.

You know, Flores, now that we are modern man, perhaps we should wear a syringe around our necks since lethal injection is the way to go today. I think the Mormons still use a firing squad. Do they wear a rifle around their necks? Yes, parading the "tool of death" as you so aptly put it is so representative of Xianity. Even JC said he came to bring the sword or something to that effect. More appropriate than a cross on a chain would be an "X" on a chain. The Saint Andrew's Cross. You know in the touristy shops in Rome, you can get a Pope on a rope or a pencil with the eraser shaped like St. Paul's beheaded head. And St. Peter, who was crucified upside down, is actually the symbol of the Antichrist. "When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?" ~ Bob Dylan
Originally posted by Randolfo
Jesus is the only way to heaven, that is your roadblock, your stumbling block, there is no other way, just Jesus

Just come out and say it....You are a pagan who doesn't believe in god. You believe Jesus is god and disbelieve in god the father that Jesus prayed to. Randologo, go and yell Jesus all you want after you die, it's no use. Start hearkening the name of god for practice or you'll be in shit loads of trouble.

Originally posted by Randolfo
From The Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians chapter 1, verse 22 to 24, “Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.”

And I'm supposed to take these corrupt made up stories by the Pagan romans for a grain of salt?

Originally posted by Randolfo
So Christians are supposed to take religious lessons from muslims now? you must be joking, you don't even have the history of islam right, why should we believe the enemy of God?

What god? You don't even believe in god. You believe in jesus christ the man who walked this earth 2000 years ago, and I believe in god...Please exclude god out of the discussion...he's not your damn toy to include him whenever you want to and exclude him when you want ot. Your inconsistency and hypocracy is sickening.

Originally posted by Randolfo
We are to take history lessons from you? No way, Christianity is alive & well, read the Bible more, try to see the Real Jesus for the very first time, not the issa of the muslims,

You must be joking. First off Jesus is not called Jesus. His name is Issa. the J letter doesn't even exist in arabic, hebrew, or armaic. Just go worship your santa claus white blue eyed disney Jesus and teach your kids to leave Jesus cookie and milk for their salvation.

Originally posted by Randolfo
who no Christians would recognize, being a fictitious character made up by Mohammad’s imagination & his followers after him

I don't believe that Disney fictitious characters are made up by Muslims. You see, muslims lack imagination. Most good stories are fabricated by christians.

Originally posted by Randolfo
Jesus is the only way to heaven, that is your roadblock, your stumbling block, there is no other way, just Jesus

Keep repeating that to yourself, it sounds so good, doesn't it.

Originally posted by Randolfo
From The Gospel of John chapter 14, verse 6, “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

I have already been through Jesus by believeing in him in the true light and now I can see the father. You on the other hand will always be blinded to the father, because you seem to be stuck at the Jesus road blockage.