St. Paul's God

M*W: I would hope that we have evolved beyond these sick behaviors.
okconor: I don't think we have unfortunately. Ever feel the urge for a shag - it's your genes calling.
M*W: No, dear, it wasn't us women who sent all you men off to war. I, for one, sent myself off to war, and it wasn't because of my animalistic behavior!
okconor: When I was at school - a long time ago, the girls always fancied the nastiest brutes. You had to develop wit and humor to overcome their basic instincts to go for the idiot.

And why the hell did you go to war - survival of your troup perhaps - your beliefs - your way of life -. Couple of competing troups of mankeys pretending to fight over something of consequence when it's really about survival. You American's, god help us will you never learn from our mistakes.
M*W: Well, I wish in my day I could have found a man to impress me!
okconor: well I'm sorry to hear that. A good man is hard to find. Anyway Freud always blamed his faults on his mother, so you should blame them.
M*W: If we don't consciously see ourselves elevated above nature, we will be doomed to survive at the animal level. Have you watched a Jerry Springer show recently? His show portrays idiots who survive in the human wilds

okconor: Exactly, we have to overcome our instincts to be a bit more than an animal. Still, we are doing what's required of us, "go forth and multiply", then the cycle of nature will turn, some catastrophy will befall us (probably by our own hand), most of the population will be wiped out and some pocket will survive and then it will start again, with a few adaptions. Jesus said that the meek shall inherit the earth, so after the catastrophy some family perfectly adapted fo scratching a living out of the desert will be the point of the next human step in evolution
okconor: When I was at school - a long time ago, the girls always fancied the nastiest brutes. You had to develop wit and humor to overcome their basic instincts to go for the idiot.
M*W: You were quite perceptive about this as I have seen it myself. I think it's a survival instinct that girls and women have to be attracted to the nasty brutes. Some women prefer the 'outlaw' type. The reality of it is, they usually end up having to protect themselves from the brute! Insanely, if they are attracted to the brute-type male, they will end up with another specimen of the same. This happens all the time. I believe it has something to do with the weak balancing the strong. There are women who are aggressive and authoritarian who are attracted to milquetoasts. If you get two aggressive-type 'brutes' and 'brutesses,' antlers will butt.

I believe that in each person there are two personalities -- the one on the outside that all the world sees, and the one on the inside that only the individual sees. A shallow person will be attracted to the outer person of interest. They are just looking at the superficial outer image. When they get together, their inner persons will surface, and they become totally mis-matched! It's always better to search for that inner-person in another to complement one's own inner-person. For example, if a woman happens to be the 'outlaw' type, it's crazy for her to look for a mate who's a milquetoast on the outside. They will never make it work. Now if a woman is a milquetoast-type, finding an 'outlaw' in a mate is just as vulnerable. Opposites attract, but they sure as hell don't stay together.
okconor: And why the hell did you go to war - survival of your troup perhaps - your beliefs - your way of life -. Couple of competing troups of mankeys pretending to fight over something of consequence when it's really about survival. You American's, god help us will you never learn from our mistakes.
M*W: I was a medic in Nam and Germany.
okconor: well I'm sorry to hear that. A good man is hard to find. Anyway Freud always blamed his faults on his mother, so you should blame them.
M*W: Well, I did blame my mother for a lot of unhappiness in my life, but fortunately I turned out like my dad. Now that I've lost her, I realize that she was unhappy all her life. Shit rolls downhill.
okconor: Exactly, we have to overcome our instincts to be a bit more than an animal. Still, we are doing what's required of us, "go forth and multiply", then the cycle of nature will turn, some catastrophy will befall us (probably by our own hand), most of the population will be wiped out and some pocket will survive and then it will start again, with a few adaptions. Jesus said that the meek shall inherit the earth, so after the catastrophy some family perfectly adapted fo scratching a living out of the desert will be the point of the next human step in evolution.
M*W: Jesus was not the one who said, "the meek shall inherit the earth," that was Paul who said Jesus said it, but Paul never knew Jesus nor heard anything that he might have said.

I don't believe we will see a catastrophe in our days.
M*W: Jesus was not the one who said, "the meek shall inherit the earth," that was Paul who said Jesus said it, but Paul never knew Jesus nor heard anything that he might have said.

Battig1370: "the meek shall inherit the earth," is this a lie?
St Paul took a distorted view of Jesus to the Roman Empire and sold it as the new thang to the decaying civilisation. They "ran with it". That's now the Holy Roman Empire. As I said before, there's nothing wrong with Jesus it's just christianity.
Anyway, the meek thing has interested me. It's a very good line (I don't care who said it) and when compared to what happens over the course of evolution it's apt. The tribes surviving on the fringes of society, making a iving from very little - dirt poor, they'll be the ones who are well prepared for any catastrophic event,and therefore will survive.
My thread has nothingto do with Paul though, I don't care much for him or any of the disciples. I suppose I should piss off and leave you lot to your quote unquote debate on the queer from judea
battig1370: "M*W: Jesus was not the one who said, "the meek shall inherit the earth," that was Paul who said Jesus said it, but Paul never knew Jesus nor heard anything that he might have said."

Battig1370: "the meek shall inherit the earth," is this a lie?
M*W: Since Paul stated that Jesus said this even though Paul never heard Jesus say anything, I would say this is a lie. However, I interpret this (whomever said it) to mean that our progeny will inherit the earth. Regardless if Paul said it or if Billy Graham said it, I believe it would mean the same thing. In any event, because Paul it and not Jesus, I would consider it a lie based on that fact alone.