spoon bending

Do some research! gees

okay well spoon/fork bending (the real kind) is not done ONLY with your mind but mostly with your mind, it is a mind over matter kind of thing. it Is "Psychokinetic" and NOT Telekinetic.

Also Telekinesis is really REAL, Get ahold of this book some how and build the "Mind Machines" you will see that you CAN move them from many feet away! With your MIND! http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1560870753//104-1754095-9712732

Take a look inside the book on amazon.com!

This is REAL S***

Any Questions?

P.S. Go to or host a spoon bending party, when you see spoons bending all around you then you will know that it is NOT just a "A simple parlor trick."

How to host a spoon bending party... http://realityshifters.com/pages/articles/spoonbendingparty.html
And I say they bend them with their hands. But one could argue that it was their minds that told their hands to do it.

Not one of these "spoonbenders" has ever demonstrated the ability to do it under controlled situations -i.e. with independently provided spoons and with clear observation of their hands.

In fact, Penn and Teller's Bullshit did a show on this and their reporter watched the participants of the party use their hands after being encouraged to do so by the host! And when interviewed, they all thought that this was inconsequential and that their was "PK" happening.

It was, of course, bullshit.
"Scientists say it can't be done because we don't have a good theory for why it happens," he said. "Engineers just use what works."
And yet I've never heard of engineers using psychic abilities to make even the tiniest adjustment to some piece of precision metalwork.

However (as with many psychologists he appears to be scientifically illiterate), it isn't the case that "Scientists say it doesn't work because we don't have a good theory of why it happens". That more or less is the exact opposite of the scientific method. Science says it doesn't work because it doesn't work. Science does not need a theory of why it happens, if it genuinely happens. It does not genuinely happen according to science unless a repeatable experiment has shown that it happens under conditions that nothing else could be the cause.

"Science" is really the process of designing experiments that eliminate all possible alternative causes for an effect. In the case of spoon bending, a major component of spoon bending is a person - a human being. It is therefore necessary to design your experiment in such as way as you eliminate the most obvious alternative cause for a bending spoon: A fraudulent person. Anybody claiming to bend a spoon with psychic powers could in fact be applying a force to the spoon and either lying about it or not understanding how much their own physical force is affecting the spoon (bouyed up in a group situation like the one described by peer pressure).

The claim of the spoon bender is that by "focussing psychic energy" they can cause a spoon clasped between their fingers and thumb to bend. But when you clasp something between your fingers and thumb you have the potential to apply a force to the spoon.

Solution a) Don't have the subject hold the spoon, but have the spoon clamped in a vice. This of course is not acceptable because even the scientist has to admit the possibility that the supposed psychic force has to be carried from the mind down the arm and through the skin to the metal.

I have thought of Solution b) which is to build a kind of fixed gauntlet which holds the fingers and thumb firmly while leaving the skin uncovered. The gauntlet is in a fixed position. The spoon is touched by the fingers, but no force can be applied by them.

Probably Randi's test for spoon bending involves this kind of experiment.

Oh, wait, hold the phone!
The people that had success in bending the spoons without the use of physical force were also invited to participate in further analysis. Their names and contact information was collected so they could later be brought into a laboratory setting, where they would try to replicate their feat in a controlled environment for Schwartz.

Schwartz said the laboratory tests would commence within the next couple of weeks.
So where's the follow up report of the "contolled environment" laboratory condition test? This story is almost exactly 4 years old.

This, you see, is a very typical example of why the paranormal brigade continue to claim that there is substance to what they claim. "Look at all the evidence!" they say, and cite story after story after story - stories like this one. But if there is a proper scientific follow up we never hear about it. But surely if science confirmed the paranormal it would be a much bigger story than this "spoon bending party" that we actually have a report of?

Of course, the reason for this apparent silence is that there was no positive result from the laboratory condition test. That's not a sexy story, so nobody bothered reporting it. "Science proves yet again what scientists already believe" What on earth would be the point that story? It's not even a problem specifically with the media: Say you, as a scientist, set out to prove the existence of psi-powers. You lick your lips as you imagine the Nobel prize within your grasp as you rigorously abolish all alternative causes for an effect and get ready to truly demonstrate psionic energy and its capabilities. Unfortunately your experiments yield nothing. There is nothing outside the margin of error. There is no obvious movement of a book, or bending of a spoon, or greater than chance card guessing. What can you do? What would you publish? Nobody's interested in a negative result. Not publishing your results wouldn't even constitute scientific fraud or lack of integrity!

And the result is that it is very very easy to find anecdotal evidence for psychic phenomena, but very hard to find stories about rigorous scientifically backed tests for said phenomena. You can safely assume that the scientific tests showed no evidence for psi-forces, because if they had shown the opposite, you'd have read about it.

EDIT: talks about scientific rigour but apparently can't subtract 2001 from 2005 and get the right answer! :p
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Crunchy Cat said:
No problem. Moving's a bitch. I PM'd ya with my email address. Let's
e-chat and exhange #'s.

*bump* Hey Devil, just a reminder. My email address is in your PM area.
The Devil Inside said:
sorry mister
ive been very busy learning dutch

hoe maakt u het?
how do you do?
your response is in your mailbox, sorry for the delay!!!

:). I checked my mail box and nothing was there... my SPAM filter may
have erradicated it. Try re-sending with a modified subject line:

ex. This is Devil

That should get through.

For the skeptics who really want their science, but science has limitations:

Ever heard of the Dowsing Rod? The age old method for finding minerals or water with just pieces of stick and your thought.

Science has tested this phenomenon under controlled conditions, and what did they found out about it? Nothing, absolutely nothing except attempts to explain it. Well, there's your science you really longed for. And that's how limited it is. And the rod is still being used until today, by people who don't even care if it was proven by science or not, as long as it works.

Archeologists, treasure hunters, and yes even my officemate uses one. When I asked how do I use one, he says "just program it with your thought". I could not describe my awe.

The success varies from person to person. This is related to psychic ability perhaps?
spirit said:
For the skeptics who really want their science, but science has limitations:

Ever heard of the Dowsing Rod? The age old method for finding minerals or water with just pieces of stick and your thought.

Science has tested this phenomenon under controlled conditions, and what did they found out about it? Nothing, absolutely nothing except attempts to explain it. Well, there's your science you really longed for. And that's how limited it is. And the rod is still being used until today, by people who don't even care if it was proven by science or not, as long as it works.


The success varies from person to person. This is related to psychic ability perhaps?

Here is a link to dowsing rods.

The reason science has found nothing under controlled conditions is because there is nothing to find. The fact that people BELIEVE that it works is what keeps it going, even though it's failed every test ever devised to prove that it works.

As with all so called psychic powers, the successes (which are by pure chance) are highlighed while the failures have been swept under the rug, even though they are much more prevelent.
spirit said:
Archeologists, treasure hunters, and yes even my officemate uses one.

Name one archaeologist that uses a dowsing rod. A real one. One that is published.
spirit said:
For the skeptics who really want their science, but science has limitations:

Ever heard of the Dowsing Rod? The age old method for finding minerals or water with just pieces of stick and your thought.

Science has tested this phenomenon under controlled conditions, and what did they found out about it? Nothing, absolutely nothing except attempts to explain it. Well, there's your science you really longed for. And that's how limited it is. And the rod is still being used until today, by people who don't even care if it was proven by science or not, as long as it works.

Archeologists, treasure hunters, and yes even my officemate uses one. When I asked how do I use one, he says "just program it with your thought". I could not describe my awe.

The success varies from person to person. This is related to psychic ability perhaps?

Here is an encyclopedia entry on dowsing.


There is an interesting quote:

"However repeated tests under controlled conditions have failed to provide support for this claim."

However, I am a reasonable person. It seems as if your co-worker can
successfully use one. Up for a little experiment and wager?
Crunchy Cat said:
:). I checked my mail box and nothing was there... my SPAM filter may
have erradicated it. Try re-sending with a modified subject line:

ex. This is Devil

That should get through.


*bump* Hey Devil... just a friendly reminder.
Man, give it a rest, Crunchy! It's not for another five months, give the guy a break! :)
Silas said:
And yet I've never heard of engineers using psychic abilities to make even the tiniest adjustment to some piece of precision metalwork.

However (as with many psychologists he appears to be scientifically illiterate), it isn't the case that "Scientists say it doesn't work because we don't have a good theory of why it happens". That more or less is the exact opposite of the scientific method. Science says it doesn't work because it doesn't work. Science does not need a theory of why it happens, if it genuinely happens. It does not genuinely happen according to science unless a repeatable experiment has shown that it happens under conditions that nothing else could be the cause.

"Science" is really the process of designing experiments that eliminate all possible alternative causes for an effect. In the case of spoon bending, a major component of spoon bending is a person - a human being. It is therefore necessary to design your experiment in such as way as you eliminate the most obvious alternative cause for a bending spoon: A fraudulent person. Anybody claiming to bend a spoon with psychic powers could in fact be applying a force to the spoon and either lying about it or not understanding how much their own physical force is affecting the spoon (bouyed up in a group situation like the one described by peer pressure).

The claim of the spoon bender is that by "focussing psychic energy" they can cause a spoon clasped between their fingers and thumb to bend. But when you clasp something between your fingers and thumb you have the potential to apply a force to the spoon.

Solution a) Don't have the subject hold the spoon, but have the spoon clamped in a vice. This of course is not acceptable because even the scientist has to admit the possibility that the supposed psychic force has to be carried from the mind down the arm and through the skin to the metal.

I have thought of Solution b) which is to build a kind of fixed gauntlet which holds the fingers and thumb firmly while leaving the skin uncovered. The gauntlet is in a fixed position. The spoon is touched by the fingers, but no force can be applied by them.

Probably Randi's test for spoon bending involves this kind of experiment.

EDIT: talks about scientific rigour but apparently can't subtract 2001 from 2005 and get the right answer! :p

Hmm, your proposed method is a lot like testing the skill of a basketball player by putting him in a straight-jacket and seeing how many shots he can make. If he can't get any, you'd blame the basketball player rather than the methodology of your test. Psi has it's rules and mechanisms: either accept it on it's own terms or forget about it. But don't play disingenuous games then claim there's nothing to it. This is why Randi's offer is a joke to any rational person with 2 cents worth of a brain.

The Doctor
Silas said:
Man, give it a rest, Crunchy! It's not for another five months, give the guy a break! :)

Yeah, and SF just went down for over a month. An unfortunate example of
the many things that can go wrong while when trying to set up a long term
future committment.
The Doctor said:
Hmm, your proposed method is a lot like testing the skill of a basketball player by putting him in a straight-jacket and seeing how many shots he can make. If he can't get any, you'd blame the basketball player rather than the methodology of your test. Psi has it's rules and mechanisms: either accept it on it's own terms or forget about it. But don't play disingenuous games then claim there's nothing to it. This is why Randi's offer is a joke to any rational person with 2 cents worth of a brain.

The Doctor
The problem is that any decent magician can perform these feats as well.

So Doctor, how do you separate the frauds from those who have powers?

Or do you not want to do that?
Gee, what paranoia you must have to think that everybody is a fraud out to
fool you. As a psi, I wouldn't waste my time trying to show anybody with that
kind of attitude anything.

The Doctor
The Doctor said:
Gee, what paranoia you must have to think that everybody is a fraud out to
fool you. As a psi, I wouldn't waste my time trying to show anybody with that
kind of attitude anything.

The Doctor

you are a fraud like the others.
Crunchy Cat said:
you are a fraud like the others.

Yes, Yes. And you are a fool and an ass. Now we know each other for
what we are, so I won't waste any more of my time with you. :bugeye:

The Doctor