spoon bending

If no one has been able to prove their abilities after all this time then either these people don't have the powers they think they do or Randi's association has managed to cheat them out of every test without them realising. Which is more likely?

Like many you are clinging desperately to your testimonial evidence but with no real evidence to back it up it is worthless.

There are thousands of sightings of the Loch Ness monster therefore it must be real? Basic common sense?

I don't know about the loophole that Zammit claims is there but if someone passed the test and was not paid they would go to the press and it would totally discredit Randi. Hasn't happened yet...

While that is an interesting story regarding Wolf Messing he died over 30 years ago. It's not relevant to the Randi challenge and its hard to verifiy if it is just a story.

Yes if you ask the same old questions you will get the same old answers.
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still no response, mr crunchy cat?

i see. you offered to pay for airfare and everything, but i see that you expected noone to take you up.
i have lost a considerable amount of respect for the skeptical viewpoint that you spew. you shouldnt have challenged anyone if you werent going to "pony up" and follow through with it.
you would have been 5000$ poorer, and you know it. thats why you never responded to me.
The Devil Inside said:
exactly as i thought.
no response when i took crunchy cat up on his offer.
*shakes head* dont say it unless you mean it.

Sorry Devil. I have been horrible about keeping up with this particular thread.
The offer I posted is for TK exclusively; however, if you would like to jump on
that bandwagon then the offer is open to you as well.
The Devil Inside said:
still no response, mr crunchy cat?

i see. you offered to pay for airfare and everything, but i see that you expected noone to take you up.
i have lost a considerable amount of respect for the skeptical viewpoint that you spew. you shouldnt have challenged anyone if you werent going to "pony up" and follow through with it.
you would have been 5000$ poorer, and you know it. thats why you never responded to me.

BTW, just a sidenote I have had two people take me up on challenges
so far (bluemommaphish and zanket). Please PM them if there is any doubt
about my sincerity or committment to a challenge.

Being $5000 poorer for a successful TK demo is not how I would perceive
it. The value of knowledge and opportunity gained far outweigh the personal
financial 'hit' that I would take.
The Devil Inside said:
is that challenge only closed to TK experimentation? or can someone display clairvoyance to you? like maintaining an 80% guessing rate with playing cards?

if so, ill do it.


What's being proposed here? An 80% guessing rate for playing cards or
the power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses?
Tell me more. Make me an offer.
Devil? I know you have been doing a better job of following this thread
than I have. When should I expect a response?
today you can expect a response. haha sorry ive been working alot.

yes, i would say that i could guess 80% at playing cards. unfortunately, i have never exhibited a talent for any sort of tk. the reason for this thread was so that i could learn a bit more about a particular "flavor" of tk.
both of your options are valid to me. precognition or guessing games. its all the same. now, i apologize for my harsh responses. im just used to folks not putting their money where their mouth is.

ill tell you what......i dont want any money. just fly me where you want me to meet you, and ill show you. i dont ever accept money for that kind of thing.

get back to me!! :)
The Devil Inside said:
today you can expect a response. haha sorry ive been working alot.

yes, i would say that i could guess 80% at playing cards. unfortunately, i have never exhibited a talent for any sort of tk. the reason for this thread was so that i could learn a bit more about a particular "flavor" of tk.
both of your options are valid to me. precognition or guessing games. its all the same. now, i apologize for my harsh responses. im just used to folks not putting their money where their mouth is.

ill tell you what......i dont want any money. just fly me where you want me to meet you, and ill show you. i dont ever accept money for that kind of thing.

get back to me!! :)

Thanks for the update Devil, and no problem on the 'harsh' response. I
can understand that both sides typically have a trust issue. Fortunately,
there are those whom really work to bridge that trust gap.

Tell me a little more about that 80% playing card guess rate. How does
it work? What is the experience like from your perspective?

We can work out an agreement about any kind of demo that we will want
to move forward with. I appreciate your willingness and if we move forward
I would at least take you out to lunch / dinner :)
it isnt really an "experience" exactly.

you shuffle the deck of cards up, and then i will go through them one by one, telling you what card it is.
maybe 80% is a bit high. i would say probably 70% and stick to that. is that satisfactory?
how do you feel when you are guessing. is it like the feeling of clarification or

just like it was the obvious thing, as if your answering a common question like

your name, you dont think about it, you just say it? i may be "gifted". I hate

saying that, using that word but i did alittle research and its not exactly

qualified as psychic powers. see, your subconcious has this built in instinct

thing. mechanism, u could call it, that is triggered during situations where bosy

needs to react to survive. some people have a hightened ability to "predict to

survive" , and even fewer can trigger it; control it

but what do i no, im only 14
The Devil Inside said:
it isnt really an "experience" exactly.

you shuffle the deck of cards up, and then i will go through them one by one, telling you what card it is.
maybe 80% is a bit high. i would say probably 70% and stick to that. is that satisfactory?

It sounds like we're just kind of randomly guessing and get it right 70% of
the time. Would this interpretation be correct?

When going through each card one by one, is the card supposed to be
shown or given a 'correct' / 'incorrect' response at the time of the guess? Also, there are alot of cards in a deck, how is it ensured that a guess is not
well, it isnt random. its just something that i know at the time of the telling.
no no no response as to correct or incorrect until the test (probably multiple tests over a series of hours or days) is over. the person recording it should be a neutral party.
as for the guess not being duplicated, to assume such a thing is to assume failure. that isnt very scientific. but to answer your question about that, it will be up to my own mind to guess as a deem appropriate, you know?
:) i am moving to belgium in one month, so it would probably be more economically intelligent to conduct these tests within that period of time.
talk to ya later!!!
The Devil Inside said:
well, it isnt random. its just something that i know at the time of the telling.
no no no response as to correct or incorrect until the test (probably multiple tests over a series of hours or days) is over. the person recording it should be a neutral party.
as for the guess not being duplicated, to assume such a thing is to assume failure. that isnt very scientific. but to answer your question about that, it will be up to my own mind to guess as a deem appropriate, you know?
:) i am moving to belgium in one month, so it would probably be more economically intelligent to conduct these tests within that period of time.
talk to ya later!!!

I see. How long does it take to know what a card is when it is presented? Also, what happens in the situations that you are wrong? Is it a case where
the feeling of 'knowing' was false, is it a case where the feeling of knowing
simply never existed, is it something else?

If we move forward with a test that's repeated mutiple times, it is realized
that it means that each repeat has to yield a 70% or greater accuracy
every time i am wrong, you can slug me in the head. after the tests, of course.
that way, if i am right most of the time.....it gives me incentive. lol
The Devil Inside said:
every time i am wrong, you can slug me in the head. after the tests, of course.
that way, if i am right most of the time.....it gives me incentive. lol

:). I am still interested in the answers to the original questions.
Crunchy Cat said:
I see. How long does it take to know what a card is when it is presented? Also, what happens in the situations that you are wrong? Is it a case where
the feeling of 'knowing' was false, is it a case where the feeling of knowing
simply never existed, is it something else?

If we move forward with a test that's repeated mutiple times, it is realized
that it means that each repeat has to yield a 70% or greater accuracy

lets say....3 minute time limit per card. when i am wrong, i wont know from outside stimuli. only if i KNOW im wrong will i know which cards were guessed incorrectly.

about the multiple test's accuracy....of course.
sorry for the delay. i work LOOOOOONG hours. insurance salesperson.
The Devil Inside said:
lets say....3 minute time limit per card. when i am wrong, i wont know from outside stimuli. only if i KNOW im wrong will i know which cards were guessed incorrectly.

about the multiple test's accuracy....of course.
sorry for the delay. i work LOOOOOONG hours. insurance salesperson.

Thanks for the update Devil. Insurance sales is certainly no easy job! It sounds like in the case of an incorrect identification, the feeling of 'knowing'
is no different than correct identification.

It is also interesting that 3 minutes are required per card. I am curious to
know what happens during those 3 minutes?

3 minutes arent required, but that is a reasonable time limit i think.
i think i should sit, facing away from the cards, or perhaps in another room, with a person (impartial) accompanying both of us to alert as to when each card has been chosen by you.
sound fair?