Splinter: Hating Muhammad

The "bloody" establishment of Pakistan etc was a product of divide and rule which has been normative of every society the British dipped into.

SAM, 1 million+ Muslim Punjabis were massacred during the Partition violence by Sikh and Hindu mobs, most of them women and children. Sikh Indian Punjab was ethnically cleansed of Muslims, to the degree that they were stripped naked and burned alive, as it was a popular Hindu and Sikh belief that if Muslims were burned alive then they would not enter Paradise (which is not true BTW). Whole trains coming to Pakistan were murdered by Sikh vigilantes. This violence did not start with the Partition, but was part of a nearly 150 year British policy to favor Sikh and Hindu rule over Muslim lands and support oppression of Muslims, who were seen as a threat to the British. It was extremism and lack of political voice which led to the establishment of Pakistan. The complete and utter disregard for the victimized Muslims in the face of communal massacres by Congress leaders only made the establishment of Pakistan irreversible and permanent.
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SAM, 1 million+ Muslim Punjabis were massacred during the Partition violence by Sikh and Hindu mobs

First of all the estimate is 500K to 1M total, with deaths and completely horrendous atrocities pretty evenly distributed between all participants. About 14.7 million were displaced, again with the number evenly slpit between muslin, hindu and sikh.

But the muslims get the dubious please of being the first to strike:

The Direct Action of the Muslim League was launched on August the 16th, 1946 after cabinet Mission failed. The Muslim League Bengal Government declared August 16, 1946 to be a public holiday throughout Bengal. This Direct Action Day, also known as Great Calcutta killings, left 5,000 Hindus dead and about 15,000 injured. The Direct Action Day riots in Calcutta spread to other regions, reaching this district where a massive pogrom was organized against the Hindu minority. An important incident following Direct Action Day was the Noakhali district massacre on October 1946. The death toll is estimated to be in the thousands, with 51-75 thousand Hindus ethnically cleansed from the region. In the words of S. L. Ghosh of the Ananda Bazar Patrika- "The horror of the Noakhali outrage is unique in modern history in that it was not a simple case of turbulent members of the majority community (Muslims) killing off helpless members of the minority Hindu community, but was one whose chief aim was mass conversion, accompanied by loot, arson and wholesale devastation... No section of the Hindu community has been spared, the wealthier classes being dealt with more drastically. Abduction and outrage of Hindu women and forcible marriages were also resorted. The slogans used and the methods employed indicate that it was all part of a plan for the simultaneous establishment of Pakistan." an attack on Hindus occurred in Delhi on the 12th August, 1946. There was rioting in such vastly different places as Cawnpore, Bombay, Poona, Ahmedabad, Dacca and a few others. The lesson of it all was becoming very abundantly clear. The Muslim League was waging its war in earnest on non-Muslims to achieve its Pakistan.This was followed by genocide of Hindus and Sikhs by Muslim League in Punjab. According to Richard Symonds “at the lowest estimate, half a million people perished and twelve million became homeless”
Swarm, my references come from a report conducted by Sir Zafarullah Khan concerning the Partition fatality rates of the Punjab and neighboring Muslim-Hindu states between Pakistan and India, which you will find printed in both the regional media sources of the Punjab and neighboring Muslim-Hindu states between Pakistan and India, as well as published by the British media after it was presented to the British government. I suggest you look up this report before commenting further.

Hindu supremacist organizations, such as the BJP, RSS, etc. (who I am positive you must be familiar with) have blatantly fabricated statistics to suit their political agendas and vilification of Muslims. The honor of beginning the violence rests solely with the Hindu extremist press agencies throughout India who demonized Muslim leaders and mobilized Hindu mobs to punish Muslims for demanding their own state in the regions where they were majorities. Amritsar, Mumbai, Dehli, and the regions of Sikh Punjab, Hindu majority Uttar Pradesh, and radical Hindu Gujurat were the regions where violent communal violence began. We can see that Gujurat has continued to remain in communal strife as shown by the recent 2002 massacre and burning alive by Hindu mobs of 3,000 innocent Muslims, mostly women.
People should have the freedom of religion, language and culture.
I agree. The funny thing is, in general Islam doesn't bring about freedom of religion, language or culture. It tends to preach anti-anything that isn't monotheism, teaches Muslims that Arabic is the best language and Islam is the best culture.
I think you'd be better off as one of the free-love "spiritual" types with a tree-hugging nature-religion. Like a Wiccan. Or maybe there's a Hindu version of Wicca?
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I tried the century eggs in a dim sum meal once
Oh now I want an 100 year old egg. I LOVE these eggs. I mean, YUM :) Generally I like to eat a couple with beers. Just the eggs and the beers. Yeah, it can get smelly :D I don't know why but they are just great.

(note: I like natto, blue cheese, Vegemite .... sorts of foods....)
