Spirituality in Atheism

Do atheists believe in spirituality

  • I am not an athiest and I do not believe in spirituality

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uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Do athiests believe in spirituality?

What is their concept of it, if any?
Well am I an atheist? I believe that the concept of God is everything including me and you Sam and all that is universe. I believe that all is cyclical, that I never truly die, but get to be reborn over and over again.
Hmm I've heard some atheists take up Eastern meditation. What do they believe is the benefit of it and why?
Well am I an atheist? I believe that the concept of God is everything including me and you Sam and all that is universe. I believe that all is cyclical, that I never truly die, but get to be reborn over and over again.

You sound more like a pantheist
Hmm I've heard some atheists take up Eastern meditation. What do they believe is the benefit of it and why?

Because in my belief one creates his own destiny by mind alone, mind allows oneself to realize their existence and this realization of oneself also allows them to choose their destiny further in this world.
Do athiests believe in spirituality?

My concept of spirituality isn't something that is applicable to the term 'belief'.

What is their concept of it, if any?

It's deep appreciation. It can encompass an abstract such as reality or be focused upon a detail such as a particular sound. I find such appreciation to be quite a pleasurable experience.
So you consider spirituality to be a consequence of a subjective experience?
If you don't have a concept of it, you can skip the thread. I'll discuss my concept of it but I want to hear what atheists think about it first.
Well am I an atheist? I believe that the concept of God is everything including me and you Sam and all that is universe. I believe that all is cyclical, that I never truly die, but get to be reborn over and over again.

Don't you think it's bad enough inflicting yourself on on in this lifetime without coming back to start all over ?
Don't you think it's bad enough inflicting yourself on on in this lifetime without coming back to start all over ?

bad enough? Life is a struggle and that struggle is what makes it worthwile. There is no bad or good about it.
I use the term in a metaphorical way. I don't "believe" in it, or think there is really a spirit apart from the qualities imbued in us by our material body. I think so-called eastern meditation is beneficial to counteracting the effects of culture. Beyond simple relaxation, I think it helps train the brain so that you can realize the true nature of the mind (mind being the subjective functioning of the brain). When we are caught up in day to day worries and problems, we don't see the true picture of reality, how we filter experience through past experience, how the true potential of consciousness is more than we could have guessed.
Yet another poll without a choice I can simply check.

We know there is a context for the human mind because there is more than one mind and they differ, and because the one we know best has changed and faces possibilities.