Spiritual questions answered here

I agree completely with zanket.

mystical duality
This mystical duality you talked about is essential for us to experience anything in life. The things you don't understand, you deny. In the absence of which that is not, which that is, is not.
Just because one believes something to be true does not make it so but given that you believe this how would it expand your creative power?
All thoughts are creative. When similar thoughts come together, they gather momentum, increase their creative power. We can choose to create ourself anew by ourselves, or we can let the collective consiousness create for us. Which one you choose is up to you.

Who verifies this with reality? Scientific community? Or society?

Anyone not of mental incapacity and the capability to do so can verify reality.

The way to verify a scientific theory for example is to run experiments and observe the results.

How would one verify a spirit or gods? Prayer?
Originally posted by Hevene
This mystical duality you talked about is essential for us to experience anything in life.
I disagree, dualities are typically overgeneralizations (false dilemmas) and while their juxtaposition can sometimes be useful they rarely provide any meaningful information. I may be overstating the case but, considering the definition of god as everything and nothing, no useful information is gleaned; one is simply left with the mystery of the illogical, an irresolvable duality. While I can appreciate it as an expression of the mystery of the unknown all that is really being asserted is that god is unknowable.

The things you don't understand, you deny.
No. The things I do not understand I attempt to understand.

In the absence of which that is not, which that is, is not.
This is nonsensical. Are you really asserting that which is not, is?

All thoughts are creative.
Define thought.

When similar thoughts come together, they gather momentum, increase their creative power.
I'm not sure what momentum and power mean in context. Certainly the combination of ideas results in more complex ideas, I'm not sure that this is synonymous with power and momentum however.

We can choose to create ourself anew by ourselves, or we can let the collective consciousness create for us.
Certainly we are capable of altering our own thoughts but I'm not sure I get your point here. What do you mean by 'collective consciousness'?


How was the earth created?

By the mutual belief of the collective consciousness that is God; that is, by us.

The earth was formed billions of years ago and man has only been on earth a small fraction of that time. What the heck have we been doing all these years? How does evolution fit into this scheme?

By your reasoning, we should have been dinosaurs.
Originally posted by (Q)
I repeat, if the beliefs are false the reasoning is not logical – it is a delusion regardless of whether they are true for you or anyone else.

There are ultimate truths, like the existence of the soul. But everyone is free to choose to believe whether or not the soul exists. This is not illogical or delusional; rather, it’s part of the divine plan.

Fallacy. Are you stating that spirits will exist as long as we believe?

No. The one thing you cannot not be is that which you are. We are spirits; hence spirits exist whether or not we believe they do. We can, however, fail to know we are a spirit, and consequently fail to experience that, or the opposite, by our beliefs.

If the beliefs are false, so then is the reality.

As you believe that, so it is, in your reality. Your beliefs create your reality whether or not I believe them to be false.

That is ridiculous – something can’t exist simply because you believe it to exist.

Not that simply, no. First comes thought, a belief that something does exist or will be created. Next comes creation, action on the thought. Next comes experience of the creation. The period between belief and experience can be but a moment, for example being happy, or it can be years, like an airplane. Everything that has been created was first a belief.

Reality will not impart a different version of itself for you than me or anyone else.

Yes, it does, and this is obvious. Everyone experiences his or her own reality. I hate onions for example. My dislike of onions is merely a belief that they taste bad. And so they do, for me.

Any beliefs that do not conform to reality are merely delusions.

Each personal reality is like the proverbial snowflake. Everyone has his or her own set of beliefs that determine how the common reality is experienced. And the common reality is itself a byproduct of the convergence of all beliefs. Each of us creates within the common reality, changing it moment by moment.

It has been mentioned already however I’ll mention it again; THAT is escapism.

Contrary to escapism, Katazia points out above that, “The practice of optimism and positive thinking are now well known therapeutic approaches to good mental and physiological health.” Better health is just one of the many ways that belief can optimize your experience. Belief can also end war and famine.

Contrary to escapism, Katazia points out above that, “The practice of optimism and positive thinking are now well known therapeutic approaches to good mental and physiological health.” Better health is just one of the many ways that belief can optimize your experience. Belief can also end war and famine.
I believe you have missed the point.

No matter how strongly and positively you believe that you won’t die if you jump of a high cliff, independent reality will still ensure you are squashed when you hit the rocks.

For any belief to have true value it must be reflected in reality. A personal and unilateral declaration that a belief is true yet where there is no correlation within reality is simply a fantasy.

Those who persist in confusing fantasy with reality will ultimately meet with an inevitable fatality or find permanent residence in an appropriate institution among nice people with white coats.

Originally posted by James R
How can anything be both everything and nothing at the same time? That would seem to me to be ruled out by simple logic.

Everything is all things; plural. God includes everything but is one thing relative to nothing, not many things relative to each other. To be one thing, absolutely everything, God must include both everything and also that which separates everything, which is nothing. There is nothing illogical about that.
Originally posted by zanket
Everything that has been created was first a belief.
Man does not have the ability of creation, only the ability of change; to alter that which is into another shape or form. Nor is belief necessary, only ideas which evolve over time and are transformed through action. One may believe in the existence of airplanes until the end of time but unless the idea is acted upon there will be no airplanes. Just ask DaVinci.

Everyone experiences his or her own reality.
Everyone has their own experience of reality not their own reality, otherwise there would be no common ground upon which to communicate. Some would limit reality to the measure of their minds but such limitation is a fallacy, the part cannot be greater than the whole.

And the common reality is itself a byproduct of the convergence of all beliefs.
How would such a convergence be resolved? Do anti-posed beliefs annihilate each other? If so, how do they remain existent?

Belief can also end war and famine.
Belief can end war because war is carried out on the basis of beliefs but only food can end famine.


In the absence of which that is not, which that is, is not.
You cannot experience hot without the experience of cold, the ups without the downs, the left without the right. This is the mystical duality I talked about.
they rarely provide any meaningful information
Without them, you won't get any meaningful information.
Are you really asserting that which is not, is?
That which is not is not, but we created it to allow us to experience which that is. In this reality, which that is not seems to be which that is, but in God's world of the absolute, all there is is love.

Define thought.
Thoughts are another way of communication. Here we are trying to use words, but words are often misunderstood, it is the least effective tools for communication. There are also thoughts and feelings.

'collective consciousness'
We as individuals have a conciousness, we all have thoughts and feelings. When those thoughts and feelings come together it's the collective consiousness. It is the collective consiousness that is creating the world on the large scale. Our individual consiousness is creates the different experiences we choose to experience what the collective consiousness had created.

The earth was formed billions of years ago and man has only been on earth a small fraction of that time. What the heck have we been doing all these years? How does evolution fit into this scheme? By your reasoning, we should have been dinosaurs.
The basic priciples of life are:
and this is how evolution works. Provided that we have a body that functions, we can adapt to different environments and thus sustain our species. To the dinosaurs. When the environment changed drastically, they nolonger have a body that functions in that environment, therefore cannot adapt to it and thus unable to sustain its population. Similar things can also happen to human. If a nuclear war break out, which is very possible, our body will not function under that environment, and thus cannot adapt and cannot sustain our population. This is evolution.
Originally posted by zanket

Yes, it does, and this is obvious. Everyone experiences his or her own reality. I hate onions for example. My dislike of onions is merely a belief that they taste bad. And so they do, for me.

Hiya Zanket,

This may be a bad example but I wish to point out a flaw if I can. I believe almost along the same lines as you as regards you experience your own realities and so forth but what I tend to look for is interaction. For example.

You're making onion soup for your family which consists of 2 sisters and mum and dad. 2 members don't like onion's but 2 do, 2 have soup therefore 2 skip starters. We move onto the main course.

Can you imagine that?

Your belief is wrong as it's 2 vs 1 or maybe it's right because it's 3vs2?

What do onion's really taste like? Now that's the question...

Keep up the good work!

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There is no right and wrong. You decide what is right and what is wrong and that's your experience, and what's the reality zanket talked about.
Hiya Raithere,

Originally posted by Raithere
Man does not have the ability of creation, only the ability of change;


to alter that which is into another shape or form. Nor is belief necessary, only ideas which evolve over time and are transformed through action. One may believe in the existence of airplanes until the end of time but unless the idea is acted upon there will be no airplanes. Just ask DaVinci.

If you try to flog/sell an IDEA to a bank manager then you need backup, an idea is only as good as the belief that backs it. Aeroplanes are only metal birds at the end of the day, big ones like.

Originally posted by Hevene
It's the belief that there is not enough food that created famine.
No, its the actual lack of food that causes famine, or more accurately, the economic and logistical difficulties in distributing food from areas where there is a surplus to areas where there is need causes famine. A change of belief may spur people to action that relieves the situation (and in fact it does) but belief alone will accomplish nothing.

You cannot experience hot without the experience of cold, the ups without the downs, the left without the right. This is the mystical duality I talked about.
I understand and I disagree. A person might live all their life in a heated room and never experience cold, yet they would still know the experience of heat. As I said before, it's a false dilemma.

Without them, you won't get any meaningful information.
I disagree. Information comes from the thing itself, meaning through its relation to other things. Dualities are occasionally useful and sometimes enlightening but they are rarely accurate and self-negations are simply meaningless.

That which is not is not, but we created it to allow us to experience which that is.
Care to support that assertion evidentially or logically?

In this reality, which that is not seems to be which that is, but in God's world of the absolute, all there is is love.
A lovely sentiment but all we have for its veracity is your assertion.

Thoughts are another way of communication. Here we are trying to use words, but words are often misunderstood, it is the least effective tools for communication. There are also thoughts and feelings.
Indeed? Perhaps you could demonstrate the direct communication of thoughts and feelings without the use of words or gestures.

When those thoughts and feelings come together it's the collective consiousness.
How, where, when, why? As far as anyone can demonstrate consciousness exists only in the physical brain. I see no reason to assume otherwise, much less imagine a collective consciousness.

It is the collective consiousness that is creating the world on the large scale.
How was existence created prior to consciousness then? Or did consciousness appear ex nihilo.

This is evolution.
Its part of evolution, specifically; natural selection.

Originally posted by davewhite04
Hiya Raithere,
Hi :)

If you try to flog/sell an IDEA to a bank manager then you need backup, an idea is only as good as the belief that backs it.
I agree, to an extent. People act upon their beliefs and disbeliefs, thus they are indeed instrumental in actualizing an idea. But the key component here is action. What Hevene seems to be asserting, and that which I am grilling him on, is the idea that belief itself and alone causes existence. That airplanes exist solely because we believe they exist. Towards this notion I remain highly skeptical.


No, its the actual lack of food that causes famine, or more accurately, the economic and logistical difficulties in distributing food from areas where there is a surplus to areas where there is need causes famine. A change of belief may spur people to action that relieves the situation (and in fact it does) but belief alone will accomplish nothing.
You have identified the cause of famine. I think many of us can see that as well. But for hundreds of years, despite the acknowledgment of the cause of our problem, we haven't acted to solve the problem. This is because we have a belief that is stopping us to solve the problem. We believe that there is not enough in this world, and it is ok to hurt others if through that process we will get what we want - ie we are separated, we are not one. All behaviours are based on beliefs. With this kinds of beliefs, no wonder nothing had changed much throughout the years. What we need is a change in beliefs, it will spur people to action to solve the problem. Of course belief alone won't accomplish anything, but it is the source of all actions. With the belief that works, we can at least start solving the problem.

A person might live all their life in a heated room and never experience cold, yet they would still know the experience of heat. As I said before, it's a false dilemma.
If that person never experienced cold, what is cold to him? He will know warmth conceptually, that's all he knows, but he cannot experience it, because there is nothing else but warmth. Here is a better example. Say you are 2 metres tall, and everything in this world is 2 metres tall (the trees, tables, everything), nothing taller, nothing shorter. You know conceptually you are 2 metres tall, but cannot experience it. It is only when there is something that is slightly shorter or taller, then you can finally experience the 2 metre tallness. You will know it conceptually, but cannot know it experientially.

Information comes from the thing itself, meaning through its relation to other things. Dualities are occasionally useful and sometimes enlightening but they are rarely accurate and self-negations are simply meaningless.
You said its through its relation to other things that gives that thing its meaning. This shows how important is to have this dualities. With them, there would be no meaning. Meanings might not be accurate. What is accurate anyway? You decide meanings to things based on your level of conciousness, hence things can mean differently to different people.

That which is not is not, but we created it to allow us to experience which that is. Care to support that assertion evidentially or logically?
I've explained that already.

Perhaps you could demonstrate the direct communication of thoughts and feelings without the use of words or gestures.
Just ask two lovers, how they can understand eachother without using words.

As far as anyone can demonstrate consciousness exists only in the physical brain. I see no reason to assume otherwise, much less imagine a collective consciousness.
What you cannot demonstrate, doesn't mean doesn't exist. You cannot demonstrate individual consiousness, but it exists. Conciousness doesn't only reside in the brain, but rather in all the cells. It's just that the brain contains more cells than anywhere else, hence it seems to us that conciousness is only in our brains.

Its part of evolution, specifically; natural selection.
If you rather not be responsible for the things that we are doing now, then say natural selection, blame the environment for our destruction. We are the ones that is causing the change in our environments, or producing the selecting pressure. Be reponsible.

What Hevene seems to be asserting, and that which I am grilling him on, is the idea that belief itself and alone causes existence.
And I'm not a him, I am a her!!!
I said belief is the bases of all creation, all behaviors. Therefore what we belief, we create, even though this might not be clear to us sometimes. What we need to do is to change our belief and hence a change in behaviors will follow, and thus a creation of a different kind.
Originally posted by Raithere
Perhaps you can explain its usefulness because this seems to me the equivalent of nihilistic reductionism; it provides no foundation upon which to assert anything at all.

The nothingness between everything is what separates everything within God. Only when something has something else to compare itself to can knowledge be experienced. For instance, you can’t experience jumping on a trampoline if you are the jumper and the trampoline and the space between them. The nothingness between everything also allows us to have different opinions and to relate those to others’ opinions as we are doing here. The nothingness provides relativity within an otherwise absolute being.

It is more precise to say that God is that which it is and that which it is not. (For there is nothing God is not, and, as Hevene says, “In the absence of that which is not, that which is, is not.” Something having nothing to compare itself to might as well not exist.) In this way the is-not-ness includes all the opposites of that in the is-ness, rather than just everything & the space between everything that everything & nothing might imply. For example, God always exists and never exists. For something that is time, time might as well not exist.

Its usefulness in the day-to-day practicality of spirituality is, for me, knowing that right & wrong, true & false are personal beliefs and personally valid; that helps me to accept others as they are.

This concept can fill a chapter of a book and I’m trying to answer questions here briefly. If you wish to go further with it I can recommend some books.

Just because one believes something to be true does not make it so but given that you believe this how would it expand your creative power?

The God-given creative power we innately have is squelched by most of us due to our belief that we don’t have such power. The power is realized as you alter your belief to include it.
Originally posted by (Q)
The earth was formed billions of years ago and man has only been on earth a small fraction of that time. What the heck have we been doing all these years?

We are God divided, “now” having the experience of man on Earth. We have always existed.

How does evolution fit into this scheme?

We were involved in the creation and evolution of Earth.

By your reasoning, we should have been dinosaurs.

Originally posted by Raithere
Man does not have the ability of creation, only the ability of change; to alter that which is into another shape or form.

That is creation.

Nor is belief necessary, only ideas which evolve over time and are transformed through action.

An idea is a belief. Yes, action is the next step as I described above.

Everyone has their own experience of reality not their own reality, otherwise there would be no common ground upon which to communicate.

Yes. When I say I have my own reality I mean I have my own experience of reality, the common reality. My experience is greatly affected by my beliefs.

How would such a convergence be resolved? Do anti-posed beliefs annihilate each other? If so, how do they remain existent?

There’s nothing mystical about it. We war, for example, if enough people believe war is the right thing to do and then create it.

Belief can end war because war is carried out on the basis of beliefs but only food can end famine.

All sorts of beliefs lead to famine; it is also “carried out” on the basis of belief. For instance, the belief that drought will not happen. China’s Great Famine, the largest famine in recorded history, was caused primarily by the belief that doing a despot’s bidding is better than tending crops. Famine is a choice.
We are God divided, “now” having the experience of man on Earth. We have always existed.

Then it should be easy for you to tell me what we’ve been doing during the time prior to our Earthly experiences.

We were involved in the creation and evolution of Earth.

What about the rest of the solar system – did we create and evolve that as well?

By your reasoning, we should have been dinosaurs.


So, what happened? Why did they become extinct after roaming the Earth for millions of years? Was this part of the divine plan?

Famine is a choice.

Oh-oh! This one is going to get you into hot water!