spiritual interaction

i actually think it would be idiotic to believe as i do, if you had not had the experiences that i have had. what i think is idiotic is when just because someone hasn't had the experiences that i've had, that they label them delusional.

one night a couple of years ago a spirit came to visit me...on the heat vent in the corner of my kitchen. that's where i talked to my ghost.

There are many who have had the experiences you have had, the asylums are full of them.

does that make sense?

Oh yeah, perfect sense. :crazy:
There are many who have had the experiences you have had, the asylums are full of them.

Oh yeah, perfect sense. :crazy:

i gave you a chance. ok, several...

i'm beginning to think there's no hope for you q, which is totally contradictory to my nature. but until there's some sort of improvement...i'll be ignoring you.
you know what's funny?

a ghost telling me to pretend he's imaginary, so i'll talk to him.

The picture of mental health.

Lori, you could title this thread 'Lunatic Friends' and your content would still be relevant.
q...i can't read you sweetheart.

crunch cat...i was wondering if you would describe to me your cognitive model. what is it and what is it for? is this to do with your line of work, or are you just interested in it?
plus...hello! doesn't anyone think my ghost story is funny? how can you not appreciate the humor in that? it's fucking hilarious! it's fucking priceless, i swear to god. come on!
If it was properly capitalized, it would prove that Lori wasn't really who wrote it. Maybe one of her other personalities? Possessed by a demon perhaps? Channeling Ramtha?

Handwriting experts can distinguish between the handwriting of different individuals. If the handwriting was markedly different from Lori's normal handwriting, it would lend credence to the idea that she was 'channeling' someone. I'm betting that's not the case.
plus...hello! doesn't anyone think my ghost story is funny? how can you not appreciate the humor in that? it's fucking hilarious! it's fucking priceless, i swear to god. come on!

I would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Handwriting experts can distinguish between the handwriting of different individuals. If the handwriting was markedly different from Lori's normal handwriting, it would lend credence to the idea that she was 'channeling' someone. I'm betting that's not the case.

If the handwriting matched Lori's, it could easily be explained away by claiming Lori was used as a medium entirely, including her handwriting.

Handwriting experts can distinguish between the handwriting of different individuals. If the handwriting was markedly different from Lori's normal handwriting, it would lend credence to the idea that she was 'channeling' someone. I'm betting that's not the case.

it was my handwriting. a little sloppy but very uniform.
it was my handwriting. a little sloppy but very uniform.
:shrug: That would seem to indicate that it was you that was writing it. You described the sensation as watching someone else use your hand. Wouldn't someone else have their own handwriting?
:shrug: That would seem to indicate that it was you that was writing it. You described the sensation as watching someone else use your hand. Wouldn't someone else have their own handwriting?

i don't know that it was that extreme. i definitely knew that the subject and the way it was worded was not my idea, it was coming from somewhere else, and when i felt my feet were so heavy, and got that oddly somehow sensible explanation for it, and saw my pupils doing tricks in the mirror, that confirmed it for me. when i was writing my head hurt right in the middle of my forehead and i was very focused, but on what, i'm not sure. i think i was just focused on letting it come out. it came pretty fast. so i think i fixated on a point on the page in order to concentrate and not be distracted from the flow. i was though paying attention to the form it was taking. like i said, over time i had recognized a pattern, in that i knew it was worded perfectly when the words lined up perfectly between the margin lines when my handwriting was uniform and the punctuation was correct. see, sometimes i'll get a message and may initially get the wording wrong. i knew it was perfect firstly, because it read perfectly and was poetic. and secondly when i had seven paragraphs of ten lines each, forming perfect little blocks on the page. some weird things went on while i was writing it too. i noticed some animal weirdness going on, and i had another interaction that was even more significant to me than the poem, and my ex-husband got extremely weird and scared the shit out of me, which is why i ended up burning what i had written, after spending all that time and effort. there was also the coffee table incident that happened right before i was going to mail it off to the recipient. and what happened that day on my coffee table was the most materially significant interaction that i've had. it's the most physically observable. too bad i was alone when it was happening.