spiritual interaction

and sl,

leave it alone and stop arguing with me. that's not what this thread was meant to be about. why do you egotistical types always have to ruin a good thread? (rhetorical)
that analogy isn't applicable. i'm not asking you to do anything or to not do anything in response to my testimony. it's just to listen to and appreciate or not appreciate. i don't care if you believe me sl. i'm not surprised about it...
Ok. Fine. It just sounds like you are trying to argue your point sometimes.

Sharing experiences is not meaningless. Claiming them to be objectively real without support, is.

That's all I meant.
i understand what's going on in my own life more than you do.

When it comes to your claims and personal experiences with talking to gods, we most certainly know more about your life than you do.

i might be tempted to say that i'm in a minority group of us who describe having spiritual interactions or experiences, but i don't think that's true.

You are no different than all the other Christians spouting the same nonsense. Theirs is merely a different story than yours in the details, but with all the magic and mystery intact.

if you don't want to believe in a spiritual realm, and so you seek to label any and all things spiritual a delusion, or attribute them to something else, i respect that opinion. i think it's idiotic, but it's yours and you have every right to it

So, it's idiotic not to accept the stupefying claims of theists who talk to invisible friends?
Lori... you just need to come back down to Earth and see it from an atheists point of view.

Basically, even though you didn't really go into specifics with that post, I kinda knew what you were talking about. Why? Because I am also human the same as you. Same emotions, but different beliefs.

So going by your vague descriptions, I feel it is very significant that I somehow knew what you were talking about. You could quite easily say that this was god if you like, but I have a feeling it's more to do with that grey matter between your ears.

Learn it, trust it, feel it.

i'm sure that gray matter has a lot to do with it, as i'm quite sure i wouldn't be alive or be able to write without it's function. the physicalities that were expressed and observed by myself during this experience i felt were noteable and was the reason i chose this particular experience to share. but to me, in all things that occur, i see the physical manifestation as "the how", and what is god or spiritually driven as "the why". like i've said before, i don't believe in magic. i think there's a reason and a method or a means by which everything occurs. it's the reason behind what has occured that leads me to attribute it to the spiritual realm. the reason i haven't really gotten into as of yet. but i did choose this particular interaction because of the physical manifestations.
like i've said before, i don't believe in magic. i think there's a reason and a method or a means by which everything occurs. it's the reason behind what has occured that leads me to attribute it to the spiritual realm. the reason i haven't really gotten into as of yet. but i did choose this particular interaction because of the physical manifestations.

The spiritual realm = magic, Lori.
I have a friend whom claims to have witnessed (multiple times) a self-proclaimed priestess of some Christian denomination walk around to people in any social gathering, deliver messages from 'God' in a similar fashion to what you describe, and touch people whom were demon infested (they would all fall down in convulsions and arise different -presumably demonless-).

Have you encountered any experiences where touching appears to affect someone?

no i haven't. i've always wondered about that actually because of what you described here. more in regards to healing. though i supposed someone who is demonically possessed would need some healing. it would be really nice if i could just walk up to someone and put my hand on them and say "poof! you are healed in the name of jesus!" and have that act miraculously cure them.

honestly, i think that's a pipe dream. i may be wrong, but i just can't see the logic in it even. i mean, usually when people are ill, there's a reason for it. a physical, psychological, or behavioral reason for it. and if walking up to them and laying hands on them was to change the outcome of it, the cause would still be there, unless that's where the excorcism comes in. the way that god has dealt with me personally, is that he points out my sickness and my faults and then he shows me how to eliminate them, or that it's not possible or why it's not possible in this life. none of us are able to be perfect people and that is because of sin. you can't live in a bubble outside it's affect, and you can't rid yourself of it even if you could. we are going to suffer in this life. and he explains to me that this suffering has a reason, and that reason is to learn. i would wonder what it is that these people are learning from this priestess. it seems to me that people (including myself) always want a quick fix and there is always someone there to sell it to them, but at what cost? people want it fast and easy and sugar-coated. they don't want the truth. they want lies, and as long as they want lies, there will be someone there to lie to them. i'm a firm believer that we all get what we want in this life. that's why it is very important to examine our own intentions, as the truth can be hard to swallow.
Lori is a believer. 'Nuff said. Give it up Q old buddy.

q's on my ignore list and is the only one ever to be on it and i hate that and i want to take him off. i'm going to, but i beg of you q, please do not hurt me anymore. i don't understand why it is that you guys have a problem with the fact that i believe differently from you. don't you see that you are behaving like religious people in that respect? judgemental, self-righteous, condemning words and actions never got them anywhere. are you sure that's the way to express your views? you know, it doesn't bother me that you guys believe in a different way than i do. i actually enjoy hearing you talk about things that you know about. i'm not a very literary or scientifically educated person and so i find that i can learn things from you. i just don't see why you can't have that same perspective towards me and my experiences. i mean regardless of what you might attribute them to, or what you think of them, they're a thing that you haven't had yourself..maybe you could learn something from me too.
When it comes to your claims and personal experiences with talking to gods, we most certainly know more about your life than you do.

You are no different than all the other Christians spouting the same nonsense. Theirs is merely a different story than yours in the details, but with all the magic and mystery intact.

So, it's idiotic not to accept the stupefying claims of theists who talk to invisible friends?

see...i regret it already. this is hateful condescending abusive bullshit and i'm not going to have any part of it. what you have to say is meaningless other than your intentions to promote your own ego and hateful self-righteousness.

I think what ticks people off is when you categorize people that don't believe as idiotic. Maybe if you just stick to your experiences. But then again, maybe you only said that in response to us telling you you're an idiot.

Fair enough.

I think what ticks people off is when you categorize people that don't believe as idiotic. Maybe if you just stick to your experiences. But then again, maybe you only said that in response to us telling you you're an idiot.

Fair enough.

Fair enough.

i have to clarify though. i do NOT in any way think that someone is idiotic because they don't believe as i do. no way. i actually think it would be idiotic to believe as i do, if you had not had the experiences that i have had. what i think is idiotic is when just because someone hasn't had the experiences that i've had, that they label them delusional. and my mother's co-dependent behaviorisms and resultant and incessant opinionated speaking. does that make sense?
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If it was properly capitalized, it would prove that Lori wasn't really who wrote it. Maybe one of her other personalities? Possessed by a demon perhaps? Channeling Ramtha?

it was properly capitalized. there ya go. proof indeed that it wasn't me. :p
All religious people have an imaginary friend. :bugeye:

you know what's funny?

one night a couple of years ago a spirit came to visit me and i was being shy, as i didn't know what to say to him, and i kind of felt put on the spot. so he says to me, "you don't seem to have a problem talking to me when you think i'm not around." and then i said, "well that's because i thought you were just imaginary." meaning basically, that i thought i was talking to myself. and so he says, "well then pretend i'm imaginary." now how fucking hilarious is that?

the irony is astoundingly funny. a ghost telling me to pretend he's imaginary, so i'll talk to him. i busted out laughing then, and it made me feel a lot more comfortable around him. and i still laugh every time i think about it. or when i'm standing on the heat vent in the corner of my kitchen trying to get warm.

that night was warm. i'm pretty sure it was in june or maybe may, but it was hot outside, and i was freezing my ass off, so i went to check my thermostat and it read 84 degrees. it didn't make any sense so i turned the heat on and grabbed a blanket off the couch, wrapped it around me and went to stand on the heat vent in the corner of my kitchen. that's where i talked to my ghost.
you know what's funny?

one night a couple of years ago a spirit came to visit me and i was being shy, as i didn't know what to say to him, and i kind of felt put on the spot. so he says to me, "you don't seem to have a problem talking to me when you think i'm not around." and then i said, "well that's because i thought you were just imaginary." meaning basically, that i thought i was talking to myself. and so he says, "well then pretend i'm imaginary." now how fucking hilarious is that?

the irony is astoundingly funny. a ghost telling me to pretend he's imaginary, so i'll talk to him. i busted out laughing then, and it made me feel a lot more comfortable around him. and i still laugh every time i think about it. or when i'm standing on the heat vent in the corner of my kitchen trying to get warm.

that night was warm. i'm pretty sure it was in june or maybe may, but it was hot outside, and i was freezing my ass off, so i went to check my thermostat and it read 84 degrees. it didn't make any sense so i turned the heat on and grabbed a blanket off the couch, wrapped it around me and went to stand on the heat vent in the corner of my kitchen. that's where i talked to my ghost.

(Repo Man backs carefully towards nearest exit)