spiritual interaction


Go to church? I am the church!
Registered Senior Member
in another thread, crunchy cat asked me to give an example of what i call my spiritual interactions, and i thought it was off-topic so i'm starting a different thread about it. he asked for a more recent one, but i believe that we all are constantly influenced by the spiritual realm, we just don't normally perceive it to be happening. so instead, i will start with what i would consider to be one of the most material experiences. and by that i mean the most observable or readily perceived by me. there are several that are actually inter-related but i'll start with the writing. what is it called when a spirit writes something and uses a person to do it? i know there's a technical term for it but i don't know what it is, but it was a message that was channeled through my handwriting.

it was a very interesting, enlightening, and exciting experience that's for sure.
it lets you be free, your hands will guide your fingers that guide the pen who's ink leaves mark of freedom of your mind on paper
in another thread, crunchy cat asked me to give an example of what i call my spiritual interactions, and i thought it was off-topic so i'm starting a different thread about it. he asked for a more recent one, but i believe that we all are constantly influenced by the spiritual realm, we just don't normally perceive it to be happening. so instead, i will start with what i would consider to be one of the most material experiences. and by that i mean the most observable or readily perceived by me. there are several that are actually inter-related but i'll start with the writing. what is it called when a spirit writes something and uses a person to do it? i know there's a technical term for it but i don't know what it is, but it was a message that was channeled through my handwriting.

it was a very interesting, enlightening, and exciting experience that's for sure.

Do you remember what the message said?
I think it would be interesting to read.
it lets you be free, your hands will guide your fingers that guide the pen who's ink leaves mark of freedom of your mind on paper

well, i didn't get the impression that it was my mind at work. or maybe it had to work to move my hand, but the message itself came from somewhere else.

i was so excited when it happened i was running around telling everyone, and my brother is an artist (and an atheist). he told me that many artists attest to the same type of thing happening to them when they create, and because of it, they don't necessarily take credit for the work even though it has their name attached to it. the topic of art came about because the message was poetry. it was poetry in the form of a letter that had meaning to me and the person who was to be the recipient of the letter. it was so beautiful, i knew i could never write anything like it. i'm an accountant for god's sake. i never did anything artistic in my whole life and i was 36 yrs old when this happened.
Do you remember what the message said?
I think it would be interesting to read.

i do...i have the first one, but it's personal. it was for someone specific, and i don't feel comfortable sharing it. the second writing i burned in fear. there was something that happened after i wrote it that scared the shit out of me and so i burned it in the fireplace along with the last full carton of cigarettes i ever bought. i tried to recreate it later, but it just wouldn't come out again.
i do...i have the first one, but it's personal. it was for someone specific, and i don't feel comfortable sharing it. the second writing i burned in fear. there was something that happened after i wrote it that scared the shit out of me and so i burned it in the fireplace along with the last full carton of cigarettes i ever bought. i tried to recreate it later, but it just wouldn't come out again.

What? Could you paraphrase it, I mean can you remember the jist of what was written?
I look into my mirror and see the eyes of him, I never saw myself in this reflection, it was mockup to begin. When I was born this illusion was created for me to feel, to see, and be seen like him. But now that I have awoken his arms have moved my thoughts through him.
subconscious mind is limitless

do you think that's what god is? some type of collective conscience or some universal source of all knowledge that we can tap into? i think that's some of it. it just seemed very apparent to me that there was a spirit involved in this interaction. i'll tell you why, but i'm at work right now (boo hoo, tgif). i'll tell you more about why i think that when i get home tonight. take care for now.
I look into my mirror and see the eyes of him, I never saw myself in this reflection, it was mockup to begin. When I was born this illusion was created for me to feel, to see, and be seen like him. But now that I have awoken his arms have moved my thoughts through him.

*sigh/blink combo*
do you think that's what god is? some type of collective conscience or some universal source of all knowledge that we can tap into? i think that's some of it. it just seemed very apparent to me that there was a spirit involved in this interaction. i'll tell you why, but i'm at work right now (boo hoo, tgif). i'll tell you more about why i think that when i get home tonight. take care for now.

if you do see that you are part of whole and you are whole and universe within, than why do you separate yourself from it? The spirit and the world you feel is you.
I also don't see ourselves as separate from any spiritual "realm". Spirituality, in my view, involves our relation to the world as an aspect of it, and the nature of consciousness.
I fail to see how you can make a claim that god spoke through you Lori, but when asked to present the evidence it was personal or it got burned up. I mean if the letter is as moving as you say would it not move others as well if it was the words of god? I am really interested to read it, maybe you could P.M it to me?
Or at least a summation of it.
well, i didn't get the impression that it was my mind at work. or maybe it had to work to move my hand, but the message itself came from somewhere else.

i was so excited when it happened i was running around telling everyone, and my brother is an artist (and an atheist). he told me that many artists attest to the same type of thing happening to them when they create, and because of it, they don't necessarily take credit for the work even though it has their name attached to it.

Your brother was right. This kind of "unconscious" creativity is very common. I frequently read a lot and sometimes without my realising it, everything falls into patterns that I recognise. Sometimes, I have the whole thing written out before I realise it, and only later when I read it, I feel very strange and disembodied about it. Often, I don't even recognise it as something written by me. :)

I find both these experiences are most common when I am involved in some kind of repetitive activity that does not require my attention or when I empty my mind for meditation or prayer.

Do you recall your frame of mind at the time?
This is due to ordinary consciousness being a combination of two operations. One is the generation of ideas, images, and random connections, the other is conscious selection of those images that are valuable. We call this creativity, thinking, brainstorming. When we sleep, we see the generation side more clearly, without much filtering.

The same principle has been harnessed to make a creativity machine.
It's unfortunate people don't give credit where credit is due. For some reason, they give credit to the invisible and undetectable.
You felt inspired and wrote something down. What, exactly, causes you to ascribe this to supernatural phenomena?
I think she is saying that her hand motions of writing and the content of the messages themselves were not a result of her conscious effort (i.e. she was an observer while the event was occuring).