spidergoat,can i pick on you a sec?

Why use a book as a guide when there contains scriptures you believe very well could have been made up by man?
cause although they are human and susceptible to their own humanity..they were inspired by god, and some of god was communicated,
so there is worth to it...

there is a 'if it is not written by god, it is worthless' tone coming from your questions..is this how you feel?
if you messed up,would you want ppl to focus on how bad you messed up?

What makes it even worthy to be used as a guide?
have you read any of it? or just get it second hand?
if you get it second hand..understanding is there, but flavored with the tellers humanity, the person who told him and even your own humanity..
if you read it,there is a better chance of understanding. eliminate the others flavor and figure out your own..once you figure out your own flavor, then you can sort through which is you and which is god..

How do you know this?
we don't know..
i think,
i feel,
i believe,
but i don't know..
3 out of 4 is close enough for me..

The Bible states that but, I thought not everything in the Bible is correct?
just because 'not everything' is true, does not mean 'everything' is false..

Further, I can get inspired to paint a dolphin but that doesn’t mean I know crap about dolphins.
do it..paint a dolphin..um...paint a picture of a dolphin..we don't want PETA after you..
sometime you dont have to know what you are doing to let god utilize you.

and even if your dolphin was the crappiest thing you have ever painted..god can still utilize you during the journey to get it painted..
How do you know that these men were truly inspired by “God”? Because they said so?
read the book.

Point being is that you do not know?
i have said these are my opinions.

From what I’ve gathered from your descriptions about the Bible,
keep in mind when you read/listen/comprehend you are unknowingly adding your own flavor to the mix..
wouldn’t reading it pretty much be like diving into a dumpster and trying to sort through all the crap just to find something worth keeping?
would you dive into a dumpster for a hundred dollar bill? (i would,except not at a restaurant..)

If one even did do that that would be subjective- certainly not fact-
i havent said anything about facts..

Understandable, I wonder, though, how many others feel the same way as you, yet hold different beliefs? I wonder how you all know who is right, because I think each person feels that they are.
thats what im trying to say..its not about who is right.
if it was about who is right, then someone has to be wrong.then it becomes more about who is doing wrong.
so that any point to be made is completely missed because ppl are being distracted by their own sense of worth.
to tell someone they are wrong is the same as telling them they are worthless..(whether one meant to or not)

and..you said feel..i try to break thing down into four areas..

each is as important as the other, to focus on any one to the exclusion of the others would not be good for you..

Again, how do you know that those of us who do not see are wrong? What makes you feel its simple miscommunication?
ah..i never said wrong..see how miscommunication works?..
and..if you dont see..how can you be either right or wrong?(thats not an excuse.)

You think it’s about both, take the rotten with the good type of thing?
that works..

Nope, that’s not what I’m trying to do. Sorry that it came out that way and I can see why you’d think that. I am just trying to get you to explain how you can overlook the bad stuff and come to the conclusion that a murderous lying God is ok to listen to.
i did not come to the conclusion that god is murderous, lying..
that is your flavor not mine

I never said that the Biblical God has done anything to me. I’m just repeating what the Bible says.
sound like you are guilty of what you are trying to condem me for..except the opposite..focus on all the bad things and ignore any of the good...
IOW you assign too much value on the bad god and not any on the good god.

Ganja and edible creamy marshmallow clouds?

That’s good. So I might understand, how is it you come to terms with God’s violence?
he sent jesus..
since jesus god has not needed to be old testament..

Which god?
why the god of the everliving squirrel of course..

i think the 'which god' question is an attempt to put our own humanity into it.
IOW we as humans try to make it about who is right and who is wrong.

It still just seems that you’ve found a way for you to believe in the Biblical God and be able to accept his dark side. I see you say you don’t deny his dark side, but you also say you don’t really believe it? If I’m wrong about that- clear it up for me.[/QUOTE]

what is the most common way any person can get someone else to show them respect?(induce fear)

ancient ppl's knew this..the ppl who cannonized the bible knew this..maybe they included those text to establish that god has to be respected..

i am stuborn..someone gets in my face..i get back in theirs..(to a differant degree as i get older)..i tend to respect the ppl who have ALOT of patience, ppl who don't get mad or frustrated and still gets their point across without making it about who is right or who is wrong..

old testament god was very discipline oriented ..its not for me to say whether its right or not..i wasn't there..i do not have all the information to make a judgement as to whether it is right or wrong..the only thing i have to base ANY conclusion as to right/wrong is how i FEEL about it..and i know its not about how i feel..
(see above about think,feel,know,believe)
I could take out "If God is omnipotent that means" and replace it with "My brother." and it would be still be true...

My brother. He doesn't need to anything, He has to obligations and isn't driven to do anything." Yep, that's an accurate assessment. My brother is God, everyone. Let it be known.

you should be happy that god gives you the right to live and choose for your self, weather you wanna serve him or not, but NO you got to mock him as well,
your if ya say that ya brother isn't driven to do anything, well that makes your brother a looser, but god was driven to make us, it says in the bible draw near to god and he will draw near to you, so why don't you just try praying once in a while
you should be happy that god gives you the right to live and choose for your self, weather you wanna serve him or not, but NO you got to mock him as well,
your if ya say that ya brother isn't driven to do anything, well that makes your brother a looser, but god was driven to make us, it says in the bible draw near to god and he will draw near to you, so why don't you just try praying once in a while

and then someone comes along and spells it out..
amen brother
cause although they are human and susceptible to their own humanity..they were inspired by god, and some of god was communicated,
so there is worth to it...

How do you know some of “God” was communicated though? Does this go back to your ‘think, feel, believe, I don’t know’?

I guess what is most puzzling to me is how one could dedicate their life on a gut feeling, mixed with a bunch of mumbo jumbo, half truths whatever you want to call it. It just seems to me that it makes it more comfortable for someone who isn’t down with this dark side of God.

there is a 'if it is not written by god, it is worthless' tone coming from your questions..is this how you feel?

I’m just saying if this is what a person is to base their decision on in a spiritual sense, well- there is a lot to be desired of this Biblical God. I don’t know…I think you and I are just not seeing eye to eye of how the Biblical God is described (be it by man or himself). My thoughts are that his actions are written in black and white by man and spoke by God repeatedly- I had never heard of the concept of forgiving God until you put it out there. My take on that is- according to the Bible God created everything including "spiritual laws". The concept of sin is bs, imo. But to create a hell fully knowing that "souls" would end up there is flat out wrong- it's heartless and cruel. What loving parent would do that to a child-torment them for eternity. You say forgive a God who doesn't forgive all people-to me is crazy (no disrespect intended) :)

if you messed up,would you want ppl to focus on how bad you messed up?

I have no beef admitting when I mess up. I am human though. The Biblical God is supposed to be "perfect" yes? If he is perfection then we really have no hope, do we? The part that is unforgiving is all the violence, manipulation, etc... this is suppose to be a God not a mere mortal my good Squirrel.

have you read any of it? or just get it second hand?

I've read it cover to cover.

we don't know..
i think,
i feel,
i believe,
but i don't know..
3 out of 4 is close enough for me..

Okay, what do you think of Charles Manson? Would you cut him the same slack as you do the Biblical God and still "follow" him because some of what he taught on spoke to you? Would you still take the good with the bad?

just because 'not everything' is true, does not mean 'everything' is false..


Question. Would you want your doctor's studies to come from books that only involved partly accurate information or fully accurate. I'm just sayin'...

do it..paint a dolphin..um...paint a picture of a dolphin..we don't want PETA after you..

lol about PETA

read the book.

I have. Have you?

keep in mind when you read/listen/comprehend you are unknowingly adding your own flavor to the mix..

You don't think at least some of the stories are pretty black and white?

would you dive into a dumpster for a hundred dollar bill? (i would,except not at a restaurant..)

Exactly! The Biblical God is just like a restaurant dumpster times a million. The answer would be no.

thats what im trying to say..its not about who is right.
if it was about who is right, then someone has to be wrong.then it becomes more about who is doing wrong. so that any point to be made is completely missed because ppl are being distracted by their own sense of worth.
to tell someone they are wrong is the same as telling them they are worthless..(whether one meant to or not)

Of course it's about who or what is right. Someone has to be. But that wasn't what I was trying to drive at. I guess what I was trying to say was in the mix, everyone feels that their beliefs are right in line with whatever
God they believe in and worship or not. If one believes Jesus is the son of God, the other may believe he was merely a good prophet only and not God's son- someone has to be right about that, yes? Not for the sake of saying you're right above another though, it boils down to what a person believes.

You realize according to the Bible that if one isn't "saved" they will go to hell? Doesn't sound like a religion that one can afford the luxury of saying, "I don't believe certain things in the bible because it doesn't speak to me." This is a religion that rules via fear- (remember the Bible says God created hell- unless this is where you want to say, "No man did" because-well for whatever reason.)

ah..i never said wrong..see how miscommunication works?..

then what did you mean by what you said?

and..if you dont see..how can you be either right or wrong?(thats not an excuse.)

What if what you see doesn't jive with another person?

that works..

don't know how that works for you...but, it wouldn't for me

i did not come to the conclusion that god is murderous, lying..
that is your flavor not mine

Again, have you read the stories?

sound like you are guilty of what you are trying to condem me for..except the opposite..focus on all the bad things and ignore any of the good...
IOW you assign too much value on the bad god and not any on the good god.

If they are the same God then the Biblical God would still be as described


neither, I guess, would be a bad choice.

he sent jesus..
since jesus god has not needed to be old testament..

He was with ananias and saphira found in Acts.

i think the 'which god' question is an attempt to put our own humanity into it.
IOW we as humans try to make it about who is right and who is wrong.

well, either christians are correct about jesus or say the jews are in that he isn't the son of god

How does one decide when there is more than one option? wouldn't that person want to be right in their decision? You believe in Satan ...you think that he is wrong? What makes you select to follow the Biblical God over him?

what is the most common way any person can get someone else to show them respect?(induce fear)

ancient ppl's knew this..the ppl who cannonized the bible knew this..maybe they included those text to establish that god has to be respected..

and maybe god commanded it- just like it says

old testament god was very discipline oriented ..its not for me to say whether its right or not..i wasn't there..i do not have all the information to make a judgement as to whether it is right or wrong..the only thing i have to base ANY conclusion as to right/wrong is how i FEEL about it..and i know its not about how i feel..
(see above about think,feel,know,believe)

But, the bible says he's the God who changeth not. I can understand where you wouldn't want to feel or believe that the biblical God is what the bible paints him to be- but if you can't base things on what is written, what can you base them on- imaginary thoughts, hopes and unicorn dreams?
heart..we seem to be going around in circles..
i would like to give it a break for awhile..
dunno..if this is the place for it but its as a good as any..

A Supposition..
what if..

aliens are real...
they crashed on this planet from the day neandratol humans were leaving africa. (thats pry not archeologicaly acurate..) their DNA was close enough to breed with humans..i dont know how..but they did..their DNA made modern humans evolve..
maybe what humans thought were gods were aliens..(what did they teach humans?)
they either died or left..humans were left without a god..
then jesus came..

of course there have been ufo's throughout the centuries..they are checking up on us..
dunno..if this is the place for it but its as a good as any..

A Supposition..
what if..

aliens are real...
they crashed on this planet from the day neandratol humans were leaving africa. (thats pry not archeologicaly acurate..) their DNA was close enough to breed with humans..i dont know how..but they did..their DNA made modern humans evolve..
maybe what humans thought were gods were aliens..(what did they teach humans?)
they either died or left..humans were left without a god..
then jesus came..

of course there have been ufo's throughout the centuries..they are checking up on us..

Still lost in Neverland, Squirrel? :)

peace :m: