so to me the question becomes "He is able,we are not willing."
NMSquirrel, you have touched upon something that has always perplexed me.
If He
(caps for you) is "able", and we are not "willing", why does He not appear to be able and / or willing to
instill willingness in us? Surely that would be an easy matter for your God, and still leave room for "free will". Would not willingness naturally arise from knowledge?
I'm referring to
true knowledge, imparted by an able God, giving enlightenment to his children so that the path is clear. Why the propensity for "games"? Why communicate in cryptic parables and such?
Again, it would seem such a trivial matter for a being with such unlimited power. Omnipotent power, to be redundant. In other words, what am I missing? What would be the downside if God "gave a brother a break" and let us know for sure, through utilization of means absolutely impossible to refute?
Is this some kind of test, whereby only those willing to stake their faith on shaky evidence (at best) get a free pass to Heaven and a "get out of jail free card" from Hell?
So again, what is this hidden purpose requiring decryption of subtle (at least for some people) clues leading to hoop-jumping just so we can rest at peace knowing that our benevolent creator cares enough not to throw our immortal souls into some lake of fire, or the equivalent?
Seems to me that it is more a case of us being willing, coupled with God being able (taking your word for that), yet... Maybe God is the one lacking the will? Is that it? Is God
unwilling to make it "easy" for us? Why?
Why? I'm sure you try to ease your daughter's life, right? Why would our heavenly Father make this gift, the most precious gift of all, so difficult to attain? What would be the downside to easing the way, even for those having a hard time discerning the path? Answer these questions and you'll go further towards saving what I presume you would consider my "immortal soul" than all the religious indoctrination that I have been exposed to in my entire life.
We're willing, why isn't God?