Space Bending Debunked

Irrefutable proof that Space Bending cannot exist. Heres how:

Its said that Photon dont have mass so they cant be pulled by Gravity. Whatever the reason, they say that photon cannot be pulled by gravity hence its the space that bends and not the light.

So whats new ?

Well if photon cant be pulled as they dont have mass then why do all the smart people think (or cant think) that space which itself dont have mass can be pulled by Gravity.

Inshort they are saying that space is pulled more than light.

And heres another one

Look at those bend space lines, if light travels on those lines it will come back out straight, the observer outside the bend region will never notice that the light took the bend path except that there will be a delay in the duration for the light to reach.

So what does this mean ?

It means all the lens effects they talk about are not a result of space bending, so what is it ?

I think its the light thats bending.

photons, maybe moved by space... rather than through space.

i.e... space is in 4D motion... which is the motion of ALL radiation.

photons, are right hand twisting fields of energy... they are some how experiencing drag.. with that 4D space-time motion of space.

inductive fields... i.e.. magnetic fields... are well know to be left hand twisting... the diametrical opposite of photons....

and are in no way... effected by 4D space time motion.

this difference... leads to the keys to understanding how we might develop space 4D motion technology.... to include, time effects...

so the bigger question... is not so much whether gravity lensing occurs or not.... the bigger question, is how does gravity manifest over a distance...

i.e. if space is bending..... how does such manifest,??? since to all physcial apperances... no bending occurs.

it is my view... that space is not bent... it does not bend..

it just looks that way.

space is full of fields... invisible one dimensional fields of vector force, as spatial tension....

spatial tension... in manfesting as gravity... may look just like bent space.

but, there is no need for curving space time... at all.

Well if photon cant be pulled as they dont have mass then why do all the smart people think (or cant think) that space which itself dont have mass can be pulled by Gravity.

I think its the light thats bending.

I can't agree....Gravity is prevailing effect of curved space time. EVERYTHING that exist is space is effected by it.

As a result Gravity isn't a force it's a consequence of acceleration or deceleration against the expansion of's a counter force for the existence of mass....It's interaction...

From what I can tell it is not souce of energy or even a Force carrier boson. There fore light too...traveling along that space effect must follow the same rules.