South park creators mock Muhammed, infuriate muslim.

...Why? Tradition.
No. We are taught to respect other religions because our current philosophic and social ethics demand that we do. "Tradition" would have us going to war over it. Well... as an excuse, at any rate.

Should it be? This whole thread is about what it is, not how it should be...
Again, no. This whole thread is about how each individual perceives reality.

This is the 21st century and internet and such, so there are no more spaces. We are one global community...
So the advertising tells us. The reality is quite different I'm afraid.
Wakey, wakey, hand off mousy....
If anyone here truly thinks that mockery ever does anything else but motivate the devout to passionately resist the mockers beliefs then they have rocks for brains.
Ah, of course. So we should all respect and honour the beliefs of others in order to avoid retribution, if for no other reason.

So. One day in class, you draw a picture of a bully showing him in a mocking light. He sees the picture, and comes for you.
And you, little Adstar? You sincerely apologise and show the bully respect.... because otherwise he'd beat your brains out.
And you see nothing wrong with that.

Far as i know there are from various sources between 2.5 and 5 million muslims in the USA. And many of them notably the African american islamic population where born in the USA. So what's this garbage argument about their space and your space.. You live in the same space. So when a muslim american finds out their kids have been watching a cartoon that attacks what they deem to be an essential part of their children’s eternal existence you can be sure that they will be infuriated and wish those SOB,s at South park DEAD.
Again with the fear of retribution.

Do you live your whole life being afraid, Adstar?
To any sane person the answer is obviously no, they shouldn't be censored. So by that logic, it's insane to discuss it.

The muslims won't do anything, it's simply being blown out of proportion. Like msnbc is on every story in the middle east.

I'll bet some online terrorist cell (responsible for the horrible war crimes of bashing people online and watching too many cartoons) is making the threats if there is in fact any real threat.

Actually, looks like someone didn't pass on it.
I was sorry I missed Stewart's "Go F- Yourself" about it. Not even on YouTube.
I was sorry I missed Stewart's "Go F- Yourself" about it. Not even on YouTube.
I'm Australian, I have no idea who Stewart is.
If it was a reasonably intelligent "Go Fuck yourself", though, it might be worth a view.

Any argument is good if it is entertaining enough. That's the problem with these fundamentalists... no sense of humour.
Allah, as presented by Muhammad, is a psychotic megalomaniac, so it would stand to reason that anyone following this god is psychotic as well when it comes to Allah or Muhammad. They are taught to be this way. They will go to any lengths to defend their psychotic god and prophet.

Has there been a single Muslim here or anywhere else defending Parker and Stone?
You probably should have left out the first paragraph.

The second is quite telling, and would have stood on its own.
I watched the SouthPark episode(s). They were fine. Muslims will have to deal with having the piss taken out of them along with everyone else. If they have the freedom to teach their kids the Bible is corrupted (which they all teach because ONLY their magical sky-daddy book is "Perfect") then they have to accept it when someone says something about their Religion.

The only cure for these sorts of memes is education.
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I watched the SouthPark episode(s). They were fine. Muslims will have to deal with having the piss taken out of them along with everyone else. If they have the freedom to teach their kids the Bible is corrupted (which they all teach because ONLY their magical sky-daddy book is "Perfect") then they have to accept it when someone says something about their Religion.

The only cure for these sorts of memes is education.

Quite clearly they don't have to accept it. They can go out and behead those who take the piss out of islam. The quran gives them the all clear to do just that.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Ah, of course. So we should all respect and honour the beliefs of others in order to avoid retribution, if for no other reason.

So. One day in class, you draw a picture of a bully showing him in a mocking light. He sees the picture, and comes for you.
And you, little Adstar? You sincerely apologise and show the bully respect.... because otherwise he'd beat your brains out.
And you see nothing wrong with that.

Again with the fear of retribution.

Do you live your whole life being afraid, Adstar?

Why are you seeking to engage me in discussion when you have already posted in this thread:

I have seen the kingdom of God it is the alternative i compare all things too.

“QUOTE=The Marquis]... is where we part company.

Make up your mind.. If your saying your parting company then do so.

Apart from that I do not live in fear at all. fear comes to those who have no prospect of eternal life and only the prospect of this short physical life. They are the ones who fear death.

I believe islam is a lie and in not inspired by the God of Abraham. I have already accepted that i may well have my physical life ended at the hands of true muslims. But i do not fear them or beheading at all. I can see how you fear "retribution" isn't it funny how someone will project fear onto another to avoid admitting fear within themselves.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Quite clearly they don't have to accept it. They can go out and behead those who take the piss out of islam. The quran gives them the all clear to do just that.
And those that do will be arrested and imprisoned.

The world is shrinking. The end result of this will be that intolerant memes such as fundamental Islam are on the losing end of the History stick. It's just that simple.

If humanity continues to advance then Muslims will secularize as they become more knowledgeable and prosperous. If humanity reverses course for some reason then I suppose its back to whom ever has the biggest stick wins.
Quite clearly they don't have to accept it. They can go out and behead those who take the piss out of islam. The quran gives them the all clear to do just that.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Possibly so; but there's no need for this to go unchanged.
And those that do will be arrested and imprisoned.

So ? Do you think they care about imprisonment? Most of them want to be islamic martyrs anyway.

The world is shrinking. The end result of this will be that intolerant memes such as fundamental Islam are on the losing end of the History stick. It's just that simple.

The intolerant end of the islamic spectrum is the one growing in popularity.

If humanity continues to advance then Muslims will secularize as they become more knowledgeable and prosperous. If humanity reverses course for some reason then I suppose its back to whom ever has the biggest stick wins.

I guess a few senators in the Roman empire would have had the same brain dead delusional belief about how their advanced empire was going to exist forever, they must have thought themselves so superior to those simple minded barbarians. But their descendants experienced being raped pillaged and slaughtered by the same barbarians anyway.

There is no one easier to defeat then the one who under estimates their opponent.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Why are you seeking to engage me in discussion when you have already posted in this thread:
We might part company on your assertion that you have seen the kingdom of god; but do not assume I'm going to leave you alone on the strength of that. What do you fear? Surely not me.

Leave god out of it. You haven't seen his "kingdom", you merely believe or imagine you have. Wasn't there something in the commandments admonishing pride, Adstar?

Apart from that I do not live in fear at all. fear comes to those who have no prospect of eternal life and only the prospect of this short physical life. They are the ones who fear death.
The fear of death is what leads to religion.
Humans are one of the few animals that is capable of understanding death for what it is. We are also a biological organism; we have survival programmed into us at a very basic level.
Religion in any form is a means for humanity to cope with the concept of death. It is our pillow; our avoidance.

Without religion, you would live in fear. Even with it, I do not believe you live without that fear. It is as simple as that. You are dishonest. Perhaps even to yourself.

I believe islam is a lie and in not inspired by the God of Abraham. I have already accepted that i may well have my physical life ended at the hands of true muslims. But i do not fear them or beheading at all. I can see how you fear "retribution" isn't it funny how someone will project fear onto another to avoid admitting fear within themselves.
I do admit a fear of death, Adstar. I challenge you to point out where I have ever said I do not. I even fear growing old.
I will not, however, cloak that fear in the warm embrace of a belief that convinces me death is not the end.
That, Adstar, is cowardice.

And if your god doesn't understand that, he should consign himself the very hell he wishes on those who defy him.
Why did god create humanity when he already had the angels, Adstar? Hmmmmmmm?
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We might part company on your assertion that you have seen the kingdom of god; but do not assume I'm going to leave you alone on the strength of that. What do you fear? Surely not me.

I don't fear. And you are correct i certainly do not fear you. :)

Leave god out of it. You haven't seen his "kingdom", you merely believe or imagine you have. Wasn't there something in the commandments admonishing pride, Adstar?

Where does pride come into it? I never claimed to see it because of my abilities to see. Thats something you are projecting onto me. If one has something shown to them then it is the One who shows it Who has the ability. Not the one being shown.

The fear of death is what leads to religion.

The fear of God is one of the factors that lead people to seek God's will. But for me the removal of fear came with the revelation of the will of God through the Words of the Messiah Jesus. As the Word says:

1 John 4
18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

I have the Love of God, so be assured, i am in no fear.

Without religion, you would live in fear. Even with it, I do not believe you live without that fear. It is as simple as that. You are dishonest. Perhaps even to yourself.

That's what you want to believe.

I do admit a fear of death, Adstar. I challenge you to point out where I have ever said I do not. I even fear growing old.
I will not, however, cloak that fear in the warm embrace of a belief that convinces me death is not the end.
That, Adstar, is cowardice.

LOL. No it is the realization of the ultimate reality.

Your message here is your own self-confusion. You say you fear and then say your brave by claiming that those who do not fear death like me are cowards??? How confused are you.

And if your god doesn't understand that, he should consign himself the very hell he wishes on those who defy him.
Why did god create humanity when he already had the angels, Adstar? Hmmmmmmm?

Because one of those angels satan and 1/3rd of the angels where and still are in rebellion against His Godship. The Universe was created as a stage where the great controversy could be played out and resolved. God could have simply imposed His authority through His might but then He would have been a God through Might and Power only. God uses the Universe and humanity to demonstrate to the Angels why He is and can only ever be the 1 and only God of all existence.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
And how on earth does is this any different from the rant of an islamic extremist who uses god as an excuse to perform atrocity?

What has this question got to do with the observation i made?

Apart from that the fear of God causes one to seek Gods will.

The devout jihadist believes it is Gods will for him to go out and perform atrocities. The jihadist is no longer seeking Gods will, he/she believes they have already have Gods will. Totally different things.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
Jihadists do not represent the average muslim. And to my previous post I mean that your opinion that 'The fear of God is one of the factors that lead people to seek God's will' is no different than the excuse extremists use to force people to adhere to their religious rhetoric.

In the meantime the nonsense continues. Did you see the video from the BBC?

A Swedish artist who created an international furore by depicting the Prophet Muhammad as a dog was assaulted as he delivered a university lecture.
Lars Vilks says he was head-butted by an audience member as he spoke about the limits of artistic freedom.

The cartoonist's glasses were broken, but he was not injured.
Mr Vilks has been threatened on numerous occasions, but the assault at Uppsala University was the first time he has been physically attacked.

Actually this footage is better as in the confusion you see this guy come along and hit someone else with a hat who was standing around and had nothing to do with anything:D

Its stuff like that that makes me feel sometimes that they should all just leave and go somewhere else. Look at all the Swedes sitting around looking bewildered.
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