South park creators mock Muhammed, infuriate muslim.

All this shit over nothing. Literally. Makes me want to puke.

Whatever species religiosos belong to (can't be human) should crawl back to their primordial pool.
All this shit over nothing. Literally. Makes me want to puke.

Whatever species religiosos belong to (can't be human) should crawl back to their primordial pool.

Standard ROE for shit over nothing is torture, mutilation, white phosphorus and drone attacks. At least a million dead.

These guys are amateurs
Standard ROE for shit over nothing is torture, mutilation, white phosphorus and drone attacks. At least a million dead.

These guys are amateurs
If I seriously thought that torture, mutilation, white phosphorus and drone attacks would permanently end the role of religion in the world, I might just consider it a moral imperative.

Fortunately, I'm a humanistic atheist. I tend to value a peaceful, rational approach to enlightenment rather than the approach taken by most religious groups (like the war in Iraq, inspired by our previous devout xian president who got his marching orders from god - look it up, I shit you not).
It didn't seem like they were mocking Mohammad, but the people that go insane when he is depicted. Hence why a major point of the episode was figuring out how to get him to South Park without anyone seeing or hearing him. They eventually decided on a mascot costume.
Fortunately, I'm a humanistic atheist. I tend to value a peaceful, rational approach to enlightenment.

Why is it that this south's park episode cannot be considered a peaceful approach by the non religious to address the hypersensitivity of some religious folk? Instead this peaceful approach is seen as an 'attack' in itself.

Why shouldn't they be able to explore in a funny and intelligent manner the idea that religion is beyond criticism or even ridicule without others calling foul? No one need conceptually respect any religion, save those who follow it (though many seem to lack that capacity:rolleyes)

Remember when scientology attempted to block a second viewing of the episode which made fun of their kooky ideas?

They ridicule them all, they're like equal opportunity ass kickers. Problem is that soon SPk will run out of people to draw from:D
That is how Muslim's are taught to deal with mocking of Mohammad. Mohammad acted like this. They must act like this too.

Muslims are being taught this to this very day. Many are unwittingly influenced by this story, even if they themselves have never heard it.

Yes but it really isn't muslims just the radicalized extreme fundie elements.
Why is it that this south's park episode cannot be considered a peaceful approach by the non religious to address the hypersensitivity of some religious folk? Instead this peaceful approach is seen as an 'attack' in itself.

Why shouldn't they be able to explore in a funny and intelligent manner the idea that religion is beyond criticism or even ridicule without others calling foul? No one need conceptually respect any religion, save those who follow it (though many seem to lack that capacity:rolleyes)

Remember when scientology attempted to block a second viewing of the episode which made fun of their kooky ideas?

They ridicule them all, they're like equal opportunity ass kickers. Problem is that soon SPk will run out of people to draw from:D
Couldn't agree more. Problem is, you see, that religious extremists are ASSHATS. That's it in a nutshell. Do you really think that a group that is willing to send their daughters into the grocery store wearing a festive burka-blast(TM) undergarment just to make a point, are going to be any less reactive to someone making fun of them?

I think not. Nope. They're the worst kind of shit-for-brains sub-human bathroom scum imaginable. I think some white phosphorous is in order here...
Yes but it really isn't muslims just the radicalized extreme fundie elements.

I wonder, are these the same type of people in society that matter most? Is it this demographic that make real change in society? Lead Revolutions. Invent iPhones, nuclear medicine. Write poetry, create art. Or are they the ones that hold us back? keep us in check.

Sheeple they are not. That much seems a sure thing....

It's too bad their brains have been hijacked by a crap bit of software (aka One God, One Prophet, One Book) :shrug: Instead of doing something constructive to change society for the better, they dream of murdering people who may otherwise be their kindred spirits or archnemesis?

I wonder, are these the same type of people in society that matter most? Is it this demographic that make real change in society? Lead Revolutions. Invent iPhones, nuclear medicine. Write poetry, create art. Or are they the ones that hold us back? keep us in check.

Sheeple they are not. That much seems a sure thing....

It's too bad their brains have been hijacked by a crap bit of software (aka One God, One Prophet, One Book) :shrug: Instead of doing something constructive to change society for the better, they dream of murdering people who may otherwise be their kindred spirits or archnemesis?
Interesting thoughts...
Trey Parker and Matt Stone continue in their nothing is sacred tradition but now it is Muhammed they are parodying. Haven't seen the episode yet but of course I must see it now.

News report

The defend the prophet from south park video

Is this just free publicity for south park (not that they need it)
Should they be killed or is it just silly, Discuss

I think it is allowed to mock deities or other authority figures as long as it is funny.

And if it is not funny, than it should be at least functional.

And if it is not functional, than they should at least deserve it.

I guess there is always one of these conditions that apply to authority figures.
I know some women who don't like to leave the house without makeup :eek:

SouthPark should keep doing what they're doing. That's our culture - we make fun of the Pope, the POTUS, Jesus, Santa, Mohammad, Buddha, etc....

The only way to tackle superstition is with prosperity. The only way to tackle fundamentalism is with a laugh in their face :)

Thats a grand mistake. You stir the fire within the violent radical when you laugh in their face.

True Christians will do their best to turn their cheek to that kind of abuse. That’s why those that mock Christianity have a longer average life expectancy then those who mock islam.

There is no call from muhammad to turn the cheek to a non-believer mocking islam. In fact a True muslim would go out of their way to destroy those who mock islam.

I wonder how many people will be killed in the world when true muslims see the episode. How many lives do you think your humour is worth athiest? Very expensive laughs me thinks.

Or how many dollars will terry parker and matt stone earn off the dead bodies of those killed because of their work?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Thats a grand mistake. You stir the fire within the violent radical when you laugh in their face.
So the entire world should bow down in fear to a believer?
I don't give a damn if you're talking about Islam, Christianity or Buddhism... if you submit through fear of reprisal, you've lost.

Perhaps it's time any radical should understand that in order to receive respect, they should first give it - and that includes respect for a culture which does not gel with your own.

Neville Chamberlain is often vilified for his appeasement policy prior to World War 2. It led to the fall of Austria and Checkoslovakia before the rest of Europe was forced to intervene.
In defence of Chamberlain, though, most historians are now leaning towards the fact that it may have saved Britain from disaster - they were not ready to fight in 1938. Chamberlain bought Britain time... time which proved to be invaluable.

I wonder if anyone can say the same for the current situation. Time, it appears, is not on the side of the west in the face of religious trends.
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So the entire world should bow down in fear to a believer?
I don't give a damn if you're talking about Islam, Christianity or Buddhism... if you submit through fear of reprisal, you've lost.

Perhaps it's time any radical should understand that in order to receive respect, they should first give it - and that includes respect for a culture which does not gel with your own.

The way to respond is with all seriousness and considered words. Not with mockery. Mockery never achieves anything with the true muslim but rage and violence. Desisting from mockery is not submission, if one is interested in responding with a considered reply to islam.

And no. The true muslim will never respect western culture. I was born into a western culture, in Australia, and i loath it with a passion.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The way to respond is with all seriousness and considered words. Not with mockery. Mockery never achieves anything with the true muslim but rage and violence. Desisting from mockery is not submission, if one is interested in responding with a considered reply to islam.
Actually, no it isn't. Desisting from mockery is surrendering one's own values, if those values involve mockery - which Australian values often do. The Australian mocks even himself, which I happen to believe is rather healthy.

And no. The true muslim will never respect western culture.
There's some headway.

I was born into a western culture, in Australia, and i loath it with a passion.
Me too. I don't loathe it though - I tend to think of it as one of the lesser of several evils.
I suspect that having actually experienced the alternatives, you might too.