They have some kind of lifeforce. I'd call them alive.
How do you know?
Same with the paranormal. Investigators already know ghosts exist. The issue is pretty much settled with them. For them then it is finding them and producing better evidence. That's a firsthand knowledge that a scientist would be no help in providing.
No, not the same at all. Even those who have had first-hand experience can't rule out delusion or misunderstanding. First-hand experience is notoriously unreliable.
God doesn't exist because there's no evidence for him. Have you seen any? I haven't.
Of the type of thing you call evidence for the paranormal? Tons. Countless millions of people throughout history have claimed to speak personally with God. Moses supposedly carried down tablets writ by God himself. Have you never seen weeping statues of Mary? Have you never seen the virgin mother's relief magically appear in glass?
Everything you call evidence of the paranormal exists in spades for God.
Yes. A being with objective reality should be able to interact with us in physical reality in some way. This never happens with God. It's all subjective inner feelings. Nothing anyone can point to and say with certaintly "Here's God." That's why he doesn't exist.
Incorrect. Many people have claimed to be healed by God. People claim certain weather events are orchestrated by God. Again, we've seen "evidence" in terms of statues affected, glass, even food items. People have claimed to be possessed by Satan and cleansed by God. Ever heard of stigmata?