SOUL - Who? What? Where?

Who has a soul?

  • Only humans and their evolutionary counterparts

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lightgigantic said:
Not sure what your point is

.... do you actually have premises for you ideas or are you more into making bold statements to the world ...

Well , I should have known, that you are not sure of anything .....

What I am telling you is this : some small children believe for a while in everything you tell them - such things as a tooth ferry and santa claus -
they actually believe those figures exist - ( actually I heard Paris Hilton believed in Santa claus untill she was 20 years old ) - but normally, when they grow up , then they realise, that they were fooled by the people , who told them about it , even though the people , who told them these stories were nice and caring people - often their own parents, passing on a tradition of telling stories to the children ....

Nice and caring people has told you a nice story about religion,god and souls -
and since you obviously haven´t grown up yet - then you still believe in those stories - especially because believing in these stories gives you comfort in your troubled life !!! ;)
Like santa claus and the tooth ferry - god and souls are only in the fantasy
of people , who have heard these stories and for some reason still believe in them !!!!
What on earth is your proof for the existence of souls ????????

I am not saying, that there is anything really wrong with you - you BELIEVE and that gives you comfort - no problem....
One of the happiest guys I ever knew , was a skizofrenic believing he ruled the earth - he believes like you do, and he gets comfort from that delusion,
just like you get comfort from your delusion !!!

No problems - have a nice day !!!

Just as much mutated as religious people - some people´s genes causes mental illness, cancer or religious people or atheist (no gene for atheism is yet found) .....
You do not choose your own condition - but you might learn to live with it ..

You are probably happy with your condition ...... no problem Sam !!

But at least you should know - that there are NO proof of divine beeings and since there are no proof , then at best is is a theory only (without ANYTHING to substantiate it scientifically ) at worst a delusion ....

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Lord Insane said:
Just as much mutated as religious people - some people´s genes causes depression, cancer or religious people or atheists .....
You do not choose your own condition - but you might learn to live with it ..

You are probably happy with your condition ...... no problem Sam !!

But at least you should know - that there are NO proof of divine beeings and since there are no proof , then at best is is a theory only (without ANYTHING to substanciate it scientifically ) at worst a delusion ....


Ad hom

More than 80% religious people, no history of successful civilisation without religion.

No proof that anyone exists outside my mind either, except that my senses and mind say so.
Well - Denmark is now more secular than religious - having the strongest economy of Europe and a good and caring society and a true democracy- with more help to needing people that USA - including free medical treatment for all and a wellfare you can only dream about !!
The concept of caring for needing people is from the political socialist idea - every man is equal and should have equal opportunities as well - using free market economy but sharing out the big surplus to the needing people !!!


Some of the most backwards countries in the world are also some of the most religious !!!!!!!!

Religion is only a passing bad thing - eventually modern societies will evolve - forget the religion (or only keep it as a few rituals ) - and be stronger, more caring and richer ......
Lord Insane said:

Some of the most backwards countries in the world are also some of the most religious !!!!!!!!


Nope. Some of the successful countries have a higher percentage of declared non-religious, not all.

You dont actually know the number of nonreligious people in the backwards countries, unless you have valid surveys?

Countries with religious governments are unlikely to give actual incidence of religiosity, e.g. USA

Secularism is a 20th century concept put forward in countries that are not largely multicultural and have no socio-economic disadvantages due to colonisation of those "backward countries" and use of their resources to fast-forward the industrial revolution in the last 200 years.

I'd like to see secularism with an influx of immigrants and a stretching of resources.

Any examples?

My example:

India, multicultural with poverty and low education.

Secular, democratic socialist republic.

Atheism less than 1%

(the only atheistic movement is of Buddhism which has all but vanished in India).
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samcdkey said:
I'd like to see secularism with an influx of immigrants and a stretching of resources.

Any examples?

My example:

India, multicultural with poverty and low education.

Secular, democratic socialist republic.

Atheism less than 1%

(the only atheistic movement is of Buddhism which has all but vanished in India).

Very funny - Sam - I know you come from India - but India is NOT a secular
country !!!!!
Secular : worldly , not spiritual .....
India : EVERYTHING revolves about religion in India !!! ( 1 % atheists !!! )
I lived in India for one year - I actually like your religious festivals - very entertaining !!!

How did you come up with the concept of India beeing secular - did you read it in a book ?????? :p
Lord Insane said:
Very funny - Sam - I know you come from India - but India is NOT a secular
country !!!!!
Secular : worldly , not spiritual .....
India : EVERYTHING revolves about religion in India !!! ( 1 % atheists !!! )
I lived in India for one year - I actually like your religious festivals - very entertaining !!!

How did you come up with the concept of India beeing secular - do you read it in a book ?????? :p


1. A doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations.

We in India reject religion and religious considerations in government.

This is the pledge on the first page of every school book.
Our Pledge

India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters. I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage. I shall always strive to be worthy of it.

I shall give respect to my parents, teachers and elders and treat everyone with courtesy.

To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion. In their well being and prosperity alone, lies my happiness.

Our flag:

HE NATIONAL FLAG OF INDIA is in tricolour ( TIRANGA) of deep saffron (Kesari) at the top, white in the middle and dark green at the bottom in equal propotions.

The Indian flag is a horizontal tricolour in equal proportion of deep saffron on the top, white in the middle and dark green at the bottom. The ratio of the width to the length of the flag is two is to three. In the centre of the white band, there is a wheel in navy blue to indicate the Dharma Chakra, the wheel of law in the Sarnath Lion Capital. This center symbol or the 'CHAKRA', is a Buddhist symbol dating back to 200th century BC.

Its diameter approximates the width of the white band and it has 24 spokes, which intends to show that there is life in movement and death in stagnation. The saffron stands for courage, sacrifice and the spirit of renunciation; the white, for purity and truth; the green for faith and fertility.

The design of the National Flag of India was adopted by India's constituent assembly on 22nd july, 1947. It's use and display are regulated by a code.

The flag symbolizes freedom. The late Prime Minister Pandit Nehru called it a flag not only of freedom for ourselves, but a symbol of freedom for all people.

Our National Emblem


The national emblem of India is a replica of the Lion at Sarnath, near Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. The Lion Capital was erected in the third century BC by Emperor Ashoka to mark the spot where the Buddha first proclaimed his gospel of peace and emancipation. The national emblem is thus symbolic of contemporary India's reaffirmation of its ancient commitment to world peace and goodwill.

The four lions (one hidden from view), symbolising power, courage and confidence, rest on a circular abacus. The abacus is girded by four smaller animals, that are considered guardians of the four directions: the lion of the north, the elephant of the east, the horse of the south and the bull of the west. The abacus rests on a lotus in full bloom, exemplifying the fountainhead of life and creative inspiration. The motto 'Satyameva Jayate' inscribed below the emblem in Devanagari script means 'truth alone triumphs'.
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samcdkey said:
I'd like to see secularism with an influx of immigrants and a stretching of resources.

Any examples?

No - thankfully I have no examples of that !!!
First you have to implement good education to everyone - education is a resource in itself - generating a lot of income - then slowly people realise,
that they do not need religion as a comfort anymore (except those who are brainwashed from childhood or have the god gene ) - it goes real secular (atheistic) with even better results - people now is able to pursue their dreams without spending time and money on religion !!!
Feelig free from the restrains of obsolete religions - only having to follow the
political law in pursuing their dreams !!!
Secularism = freedom !!!!
Lord Insane said:
No - thankfully I have no examples of that !!!
First you have to implement good education to everyone - education is a resource in itself - generating a lot of income - then slowly people realise,
that they do not need religion as a comfort anymore (except those who are brainwashed from childhood or have the god gene ) - it goes real secular (atheistic) with even better results - people now is able to pursue their dreams without spending time and money on religion !!!
Feelig free from the restrains of obsolete religions - only having to follow the
political law in pursuing their dreams !!!
Secularism = freedom !!!!

In other words, secularism is a negative concept?

Since it discrimiates against 80% of the world?

You guys are beating the racists hollow. :p
samcdkey said:

1. A doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations.

We in India reject religion and religious considerations in government.

This is the pledge on the first page of every school book.

Our flag:


Our National Emblem


When I said secular - I meant that the PEOPLE was secular - not only the government !!!!

The Indian government might be secular - but the people of India is NOT secular !!!
1 % atheists !!!!! I rest my case :p
samcdkey said:
In other words, secularism is a negative concept?

Since it discrimiates against 80% of the world?

You guys are beating the racists hollow. :p

Oh dear , sweet Sam is running out of valid arguments - and think that the MAJORITY of people ALLWAYS chose the ONLY right thing !!!!!

You are muslim right - please explain to me what the word "islam" means -
something about beeing SUBDUED - or OBEYING the religious laws - right !!

Secularism = freedom !!!

But actually - Sam - I think you need to feel subdued - you need religion as a comfort for yourself !!!!

Nothing wrong in that - as long as you are happy !!!!!

You just might have the god gene !!! :p
Sam - you have hidden masochist tendencies !!! :)

Just kidding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It would be interesting to meet you for real one day !!!
But your faith might not survive it ;)
Lord Insane said:
Sam - you have hidden masochist tendencies !!! :)

I keep hearing that especially from atheists.

Since I'm delusional, it MUST be true. lol.