SOUL - Who? What? Where?

Who has a soul?

  • Only humans and their evolutionary counterparts

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I take it , that you now at last have accepted the Lord Insane !!!

This certainly beats some tv sitcoms. :D It's very entertaining or otherwise we wouldn't be here.

Anyhow LordInsane, good show, I don't think you were rash, Lightee hardly can make sense anymore, he's reaching so hard though, that I think this is why a chance is often given.

Magic, good try, but also notice how he blew you off. ;)
Godless said:
This certainly beats some tv sitcoms. :D It's very entertaining or otherwise we wouldn't be here.

Anyhow LordInsane, good show, I don't think you were rash, Lightee hardly can make sense anymore, he's reaching so hard though, that I think this is why a chance is often given.

Magic, good try, but also notice how he blew you off. ;)

Its probably just due to idleness in the absence of any real subject matter to respond to

This reply you posted is a classic example - seems like all the atheistic arguments have dried up and all thats left are bold statements

lightgigantic said:
Must have been a moment of delusion

Yes , I have noticed that you get these moments of delusion - when you are having them , then please don´t post - except if you want to be laughed at and ridiculed ...........

Then the big problem only comes if your delusional condition becomes constant ..

lightgigantic said:
says nothing about whether the faith can be properly applied though

Your link describes Hwang Woo-suk - a fanatic religious scientist ( first a christian catholic - now converted into buddism - meditates 40 minutes every day and wants to become a monk ) - the bastard did not observe the rules of science and falsified his research - very sad when religion and science try to mix !!!!!!!!!

A catholic leader was so embarrased by this that he claimed " religion is not an issue in Hwang Woo-suk´s disgracement " - damagecontrol !!!

So I guess , delusional faith and the real world is not a good mix !!!!

philosopher´s stone said:
Your link describes Hwang Woo-suk - a fanatic religious scientist ( first a christian catholic - now converted into buddism - meditates 40 minutes every day and wants to become a monk ) - the bastard did not observe the rules of science and falsified his research - very sad when religion and science try to mix !!!!!!!!!

A catholic leader was so embarrased by this that he claimed " religion is not an issue in Hwang Woo-suk´s disgracement " - damagecontrol !!!

So I guess , delusional faith and the real world is not a good mix !!!!


once again - its says nothing about whether faith can be properly applied - after all his scientific claims were not accepted heartily on the grounds of his religiousity
lightgigantic said:
once again - its says nothing about whether faith can be properly applied - after all his scientific claims were not accepted heartily on the grounds of his religiousity

Ohhh - that is very good - next time I see some scientific research , then I think I will have to check the religious background of the scientist -
if he is religious, then people should probably not accept his research , before it has been replicated by non delusional scientists !!!!!!!!


Religion and science do not really mix in real life ...........
philosopher´s stone said:
Ohhh - that is very good - next time I see some scientific research , then I think I will have to check the religious background of the scientist -if he is religious, then people should probably not accept his research , before it has been replicated by non delusional scientists !!!!!!!!


Religion and science do not really mix in real life ...........

You can do that if you want - but its not a very scientific process - actually it is a fanatical process - it indicates the nature of your faith
lightgigantic said:
You can do that if you want - but its not a very scientific process - actually it is a fanatical process - it indicates the nature of your faith

Well - the point from your quote of mr Hwang is :

Religion and Science should NOT mix !!!!!!!!!!!!

philosopher´s stone said:
Well - the point from your quote of mr Hwang is :

Religion and Science should NOT mix !!!!!!!!!!!!


But he wasn't accepted on the basis of religion
Nor was he rejected on the basis of religion

Its not clear what role religion had to play in the whole ordeal
Its probably just due to idleness in the absence of any real subject matter to respond to

Riiighht you are, you have not brought forth any matter of serious discusion! ;)

This reply you posted is a classic example - seems like all the atheistic arguments have dried up and all thats left are bold statements

NO! the well is plenty full, however you have failed to substantiate any of your claims, empty claims are only worthy of "bold statements" :p
Lord Insane said:
Let´s see - what is LG saying here, let me analyze - first of all you state it is only "bold statements " - then LG says, I do not know anything about religion and should listen to great philosophers and religious scholars - and LG also makes fun of my name here on Sciforums : Lord Insane ......

Allright , LG is trying to discredit me - excellent - that is the last thing you can do , if you do not have any real arguments ;)

What else - WOW - LG is actually sure of something : LG is sure that I have never studied a variety of religions and never will do so !!!

Unfortunately you are wrong (as usual) !!!!!!!!!!

Just for your information LG :
My name here is actually very well chosen , beeing a MD and now professor
of psychiatry I first thought of the name : Master of Insanity - but since
a long life has convinced me about the blessings of secularism - I choose
the name Lord Insane = god, as I see him ...... as a kind of joke on the deists ....

Just like Paraclete here on Sciforums choose his name - Paraclete works as a
psychiatrist here at my hospital - I am his senior - and he told me of this funny chatroom so I joined .....

I have now spend 26 years studying religion - I have more than 3 meters of books about religion on my bookshelves at home - and even more at the hospital ... for the last 4 years I have studied the concept of Jesus in other religions - especially in islam - which also accept Jesus as a prophet ....
I have bhagavad gita, the quran, hadiths, the bible and books about most other religions including even special books of rare and obsolete religions,
including the cargo cult you mentioned in another post - and right now I am reading about the religion of small and occult sects here in the west ......

Why do I study that , beeing secular myself - the answer is simple :

It is my job to decide who is insane or not !!!!!
I am even paid very,very,very good money for doing that !!!!

There is NO doubt that religious people are delusional - but it is a delusion that is accepted by society and the religious people that suffers from that delusion , are not in mental agony - actually often comforted by it -
so there is no need to treat them for their delusion !!!!!!!!!!

It has not always been so - in the Soviet Union for a while , the communist government choose to look at religion as a mental disease and locked up religious people in closed psychiatric departments !!!!!!!!

Part of my job is to know - when people are coming here as mental patients - whether their delusion are induced by their religion or sect that they belong to or not !!!!!

If their delusion is induced by religion I choose NOT to treat them - delusion induced by brainwashing ( or perhaps god gene) !!!!
If not I have to treat them , sometimes against their will !!!!!
So I HAVE to know about religions !!!!!!!!!!!

So my dear LG - what are your qualifications to be an expert in this topic !!

After reading your posts I see, that you mostly quotes famous people , discredit your opponents , uses nice words like ontology and epistomology - and sometimes says it is only a battle of will of LG and the opponent :
I say yes - you say no - I say yes - you say no ....... and everybody who do not agree with you have only " bold statements "

Do you really think anybody will take you serious when you do this ???????

Try to take a look into yourself for once !!!!!!

Anyway take care LG .....

Salaam ....

Lord Insane - from the moment I read your posts, I realised that you were a very dangerous man !!!!
One of your posts got very close to prove that God does not excist !!!
If you are right, using the latest theories of the universe ( the ekpyrotic theory and the theory of the cyclic universe ) made by many leading scientists , and especially Paul Steinhardt - combining it with the teachings of the Bible - then God does not exist !!!!

You actually made a muslim Imam think hard for a while ....

However I choose to think that either science is flawed - or God does not exist !!!
So beeing an Imam in Egypt - I have chosen to believe that science is flawed !!!

Anyway - your posts has convinced me that science and religion , can NEVER
coexist in peace - there will always be quarrels between them !!!!!

This new post is however the most interesting , that I have ever read !!!!
This means that I am delusional in believing in the Quran of the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) and Allah !!!

If you are right - then I must admit , that I prefer to be be delusional - and get happiness from that - I originally came from Iskanderia (you call it Alexandria) - but now workig as an Imam in a smaller town in the rural area of Egypt - there is not much fun here, except endulging in my religion -
so , I choose to be delusional and happy !!!!!!!

By the way - lord insane , if you were a muslim in my country saying this - then we would lock you up in jail - and "brainwash" you into believing the same as us again !!!

If you ateheists ever come into power in a secular society - then I hope you have more tolerance ............
So what have we learned from this thread :

Science and religion/god can never coexist in peace - there will always be quarrels
between them ................probably should never mix , but be kept apart .........

A majority here on Sciforums are sane without belief in delusional religions/god .....

True secularism is not a religion , but freedom from spending time and money on obsolete and delusional thoughts and rituals derived from religion/god .......
freedom to pursue your dreams without the inhibitions from delusional religion/god .....

Secularism = freedom !!!!!!!!!!!!

philosopher´s stone said:
By the way , now it is more - now 63 % ,not 60 % anymore

Actually , now it is more than 66 % ..........

I think Sciforums must be one of the most sane chatrooms in the world !!!!!!!


:) ;)
philosopher´s stone said:
So what have we learned from this thread :

Science and religion/god can never coexist in peace - there will always be quarrels
between them ................probably should never mix , but be kept apart .........

A majority here on Sciforums are sane without belief in delusional religions/god .....

True secularism is not a religion , but freedom from spending time and money on obsolete and delusional thoughts and rituals derived from religion/god .......
freedom to pursue your dreams without the inhibitions from delusional religion/god .....

Secularism = freedom !!!!!!!!!!!!


to establish that religion is delusional you would have to establish what the reality is that theistic scholars and philosophers are perceiving - its not sufficient to say that things are delusional because you don't perceive things because there are many things you may not perceive - such as antartica or china for eg.
lightgigantic said:
...its not sufficient to say that things are delusional because you don't perceive things because there are many things you may not perceive - such as antartica or china for eg.
Once again you spout flawed examples that do not support your statements.
Antartica and China CAN be perceived.
Just ask the people who live there or who have been there.
Sarkus said:
Once again you spout flawed examples that do not support your statements.
Antartica and China CAN be perceived.
Just ask the people who live there or who have been there.
same holds true of spiritual truths too