Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Why do you thank they dont want to find God.???
“ Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Based on what you know about me... which of those thangs do you thank apply to me.??? ”
oK i will answr myself.!!!
>>>because they're afraid.
If i thout Bible-God was real i woud be afrad.!!!
>>>because they don't want to give up control.
So aparently 1 has to give up control if they thank a Bible-type God esists an want to be involved wit it... so that dont aply to me ether sinse i dont thank a Bible-God esists.!!!
>>>because they don't want to admit there's anything wrong with them.
oK i guess you got me thar... cause i dont thank thers anythang rong wit anybody in the sinse that all people behave the only way they can... cause i see no evidence that thers such a thang as "free-will".!!!
>>>because they don't want to see the truth about themselves and this world.
I dont thank its posible that i coud intentonaly delude myself... i foller the evidence whare ever it leads.!!!
>>>because they hate authority.
Im not a hater... an i dont always agree wit "authority" but i prefer a world whare ther are people in authority.!!!
>>>because they love their sin.
"Sin" is jus somptin else i dont have beleifs in... but acordin to other people i am a sinner... an sinse i aprove of everthang i do then i coud be called a lover of my sin.!!!
>>>and because they think that god is religion,
I coudnt care less how the suposedly "true" beleivers... who know the real truth... play that type of word game... cause labeled any way you want... i thank all "beleif" is bs.!!!
>>>and that they'll have to turn into some church goer, or a terrorist, or both, and they don't want any part of that.
None of that is a prollem for me cause none of it ever enters my mind.!!!
But anyhow... acordin to you'r beleifs... wit the answrs i gave above... do you thank i deserve hell for eternity.???
posted by Lucysnow
As its an interview it looks more like an about the members but I'm sure one of the mods will figure it out.
Yes it does look like 1 of those interview thangs... however it is specificaly about religion... hmmm... O hell i dont know... its above my pay scale... lol... i will leave it up to a MOD to figer out sinse they get payed the big bucks