Somebody Calls this Christian?

1)no God
2)many Gods
3)one true God (this may also apply to 2 depending on your use of the word true)

those are the possibilities but, let's say someone worships the God that created the universe, here it gets simpler -
1)no God
2)the God who created everything

That multiple religions could claim to have the correct revelation of that God is a possibility, but the idea that multiple religions could worship the creator god and not worship the same God, no matter how they do it, is an impossibility.

So, basically, there is one true God, or no God. Most of the polytheistic religions (egyptian, hindu, etc.), believe(d) in multiple manifestations, "gods", but also in the one God that was the "true" God.
Woody said:
Actually Hitler is one of your own
I think you will find, he was christian read Mien Kempf.

also are you going to deny all the evil christians though out history, in hindsight there all bad, but until you know that they are bad,
they are thought of as good.
regardless of what there guilty of, they all started as good christians.
so no need for me or anybody like to me to discriminate.

heres a few more names below of good christians NOT.
Basil the Bulgar Slayer, Gilles de Rais, Ivan the Terrible, Vlad Tepes - Vlad the Impaler, H. H. Holmes, Charles Manson, Slobodan Milosevic.

Hitler was a Social Darwinian. Why do you think he exterminated 6 million Jews? What do you think about Social Darwinism as embraced by the Nazis? Will you deny that it existed?

You keep on leaving out Sun Yung Moon who lives in the present. His case breaks down your argument about the past. His example does not live up to the Biblical Standard for a child of God as we speak today. You and your atheist brethren do not understand the biblical standard for a child of God. This is why you make your statements about the past and ignore the present.
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Yeah I know. The catholic church killed a lot of christains during the grand inquisition. They wanted to rekindle the holy-roman empire, and this is why the vatican aligned with the Nazis. Pick up a text on modern european history. By the way, Pope John Paul formally ended the grand inquisition in the 1960s. This is many years after the concentration camps in Germany, which they were well aware of. They did there own fair share of Jew-massacreing during the spanish inquisition. Killing a jew is certainly nothing new for the catholics.
In my country, Slovenia (part of former Yugoslavia), during WW2, the Catholic Church sided with the Nazis and Fascists in the name of "any worldly authority is given by God". The official position of the Church was that to oppose the Nazis and the Fascists -- who have then occupied this country -- would be breaking God's law. Catholics were obliged to collaborate with the Nazis and Fascists, and who didn't, was branded as an "anti-patriot" and "traitor of the homeland", and, usually, killed.

It is absurd, when you think: The country has been invaded,thousands and thousands killed. And the people have been demanded to collaborate with the aggressors and embrace them -- this demand coming from those people had trusted to be God's representatives on earth.

This way, Christians became the traitors of the homeland here.
In USSR for example all confessions were to be reported to KGB. All knew that the higher priests were agents of the Communist Regime, actually it was a requirement if you wanted to be something more than a priest in a village church. And in the territory of Latvia during the german occupation in middle ages it were the priests who were the guardians of the ruling class, i.e., german lords. As far as I can see, the church has always bowed to whatever higher earthly power there was in the hopes of getting support, money and power from the government. Pick up any history book and it is clear as day. Hell, I can see it clearly today.
Never trust a christian priest, they are cowards and ass lickers. Of course that can be understood, for fear is the major fueling force behind christianity. Fear is a weakness and cowards are weak people.

Communism is an atheistic from of government. Marx himself was an atheist.

Can you name an atheist that stood up against the German atrocities in WWI? Surely there were some atheists in WWI Germany.
You haven't read anything from Carl Marx, have you? :bugeye:
He declared God his prime enemy. He believed in it and he wanted to stand against it.
Communism is as much atheistic form of government as parlamentary democracy is.
Can you name an atheist that stood up against the German atrocities in WWI?
No. I've never been interested in that.
Woody: By the way, Pope John Paul formally ended the grand inquisition in the 1960s. This is many years after the concentration camps in Germany, which they were well aware of. They did there own fair share of Jew-massacreing during the spanish inquisition. Killing a jew is certainly nothing new for the catholics.
M*W: JPII was not elected Pope until October 1978. Can you cite a reference for this information?
Woody said:
. Why do you think he exterminated 6 million Jews?
possibly because he was a xian, we all know that xians dislike jews, because they killed jesus, he just took it to the extreme.
he did not like the way they looked down him, as if he was a piece of shit on there shoe, you should read mein kampf.

there are over I believe 34,000 different xian sects, one of them being the moonie, as they are not in the headlines everyday, it seem they are living there lives peacefully. what people do with their lives is their bussiness, and as long as they are not causing you any harm, they should be left alone.
how many other sects are not following the Biblical Standard, and this includes yours.
he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.

so it's only fair to talk about the past, xian sects.
Woody said:

Hitler was a Social Darwinian.

You aren't suggesting that "social Darwinism" or even "Darwinism" supercedes religion. Neither are religions and can exist within a religious framework.

we all know that xians dislike jews

Yet america, the most xian nation in the world, is defending Israel. America was a big part of Israel's formation. How do you reconcile this: xian = jew hater = jew defender
M*W: JPII was not elected Pope until October 1978. Can you cite a reference for this information?

Timeline for Papal Inquisition

From Reference: So when did the Papal Inquisition officially end? The Congregation of the Holy Office was officially supplanted by the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith during Vatican II – in 1962/65!
Yet america, the most xian nation in the world, is defending Israel. America was a big part of Israel's formation. How do you reconcile this: xian = jew hater = jew defender

Government - christianity = two different things.
M*W: JPII was not elected Pope until October 1978. Can you cite a reference for this information?

Timeline for Papal Inquisition

From Reference: So when did the Papal Inquisition officially end? The Congregation of the Holy Office was officially supplanted by the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith during Vatican II – in 1962/65!
M*W: Woody, you specifically stated:

"By the way, Pope John Paul formally ended the grand inquisition in the 1960s."

M*W: Stated:

"JPII was not elected Pope until October 1978. Can you cite a reference for your incorrect information ?"
Einstein said this, and he was an eyewitness "Being a lover of freedom...I looked to the universities to defend it, knowing that they had always boasted of their devotion to the cause of truth; but, no, the universities immediately were silenced. Then I looked to the great editors of the newspapers whose flaming editorials in days gone by had proclaimed their love of freedom, but they, like the universities, were silenced in a few short weeks. Only the church stood squarely across the path of Hitler's campaign for suppressing the truth. I never had any special interest in the church before, but now I feel a great affection and admiration because the church alone has had the courage and persistence to stand for intellectual truth and moral freedom. I am forced to confess that what I once despised I now praise unreservedly." from a letter to an american bishop, Reported in The Evening News, Baltimore, April 13, 1979.
(Einstein was there, saw it first hand, he would know, he was not just reading about it years later and making assumptions.)

Also, WOODY, america needs a presence in the middle east. After we take over Iraq and Iran, we'll see how much support amerikkka (amerikkka, hahah, just kidding) gives the jews.
Either way our politics will be decided by economic matters, just like they ALWAYS have been.
MW said: "JPII was not elected Pope until October 1978. Can you cite a reference for your incorrect information ?"

Woody: I was going by memory on John Paul. I knew the inquisition was discontinued in the 60's. The link covers that. Here, I'll do a cut and paste for you:

Inquisition Link

" the Inquisitorial charge and sentence against Galileo was eventually overturned when it was too late to help – in October 1992, by Pope John Paul II. So when did the Papal Inquisition officially end? The Congregation of the Holy Office was officially supplanted by the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith during Vatican II – in 1962/65!"

OK I missed it a little, I thought (based on memory) that John Paul was part of the 62/65 procedings. He is certainly old enough.

So when did the inquisition stop according to your reference?