Some logic for both sides...

You believe in a great many fairy tales, like the one in which communicating with you is for your benefit.

To place the term 'logic' into the title of your thread would make one assume you were going to demonstrate logic. So far, you've not demonstrated an ounce of logic or anything remotely similar.

see, you did it again!

and what benefit are you deriving from your communication?
and what benefit are you deriving from your communication?

Who says I'm deriving any benefit at all?

Certainly though, there is value in pointing out your complete lack of logic and your penchant for embracing fantasy, superstition and myth. Whether or not you or anyone else benefits is entirely relevant.
Who says I'm deriving any benefit at all?

Certainly though, there is value in pointing out your complete lack of logic and your penchant for embracing fantasy, superstition and myth. Whether or not you or anyone else benefits is entirely relevant.

well thank you, because as you know, your opinion is important than mine is.
well thank you, because as you know, your opinion is important than mine is.

Your opinion is valuable, as it demonstrates the thinking process of the indoctrinated cult member, whose version of logic is merely another term they use for faith-based "belief." To the cult member, they are one and the same.

You're text book.
Your opinion is valuable, as it demonstrates the thinking process of the indoctrinated cult member, whose version of logic is merely another term they use for faith-based "belief." To the cult member, they are one and the same.

You're text book.

yes, and you must be a very important person. and knowing and so wise you are! so much more than i. i am merely a mindless, drooling drone who is ever so indebted to you for telling me how and what to think (exactly as you do of course), and what i am, and who i am, and what me and my life are all about!

whatever would i do without you, oh wise one? i am so thankful that you are so right because that gives you the right to judge me, ridicule me, disrespect me, condemn me, diagnose me, call me a liar, no wait, it's all a delusion right?

i thank god for you. oh wait that's right, there is no god because you said so.

would you be my god? i can't stand the thought of having to think for myself.
i just want to make you smile.

Evolution is the process by which God is creating us.

But instead, I was laughing uncontrollably.

Belief is the process by which Lori creates delusions.
Why are you so neurotic?

neurotic? MORE! HARDER!

you don't even get it do you?

i wonder if you were here with me, if you would physically abuse me. verbal abuse seems to be just fine with you. would you hit me? spit on me? where do you draw your arbitrary line Q? i would let you hurt me if i thought it may serve a worthy purpose. i've been known to withstand pain to prove a point.

thanks for participating in an experiment. you're like a mouse in a cage to me.
neurotic? MORE! HARDER!

you don't even get it do you?

i wonder if you were here with me, if you would physically abuse me. verbal abuse seems to be just fine with you. would you hit me? spit on me? where do you draw your arbitrary line Q? i would let you hurt me if i thought it may serve a worthy purpose. i've been known to withstand pain to prove a point.

From neurotic to paranoia in one fell swoop. Why are you physically abused? Who is physically abusing you? How is it that someone points out your lack of logic and you equate that to physical abuse? Are you so wrapped up in a fantasy world that reality has no meaning anymore?

thanks for participating in an experiment. you're like a mouse in a cage to me.

And yet, you've said and done nothing at all other than neurotic and paranoid delusional rants? Is that how you conduct "experiments?" :bugeye:
From neurotic to paranoia in one fell swoop. Why are you physically abused? Who is physically abusing you? How is it that someone points out your lack of logic and you equate that to physical abuse? Are you so wrapped up in a fantasy world that reality has no meaning anymore?

And yet, you've said and done nothing at all other than neurotic and paranoid delusional rants? Is that how you conduct "experiments?" :bugeye:

you are an abusive person. here, verbally. i have many discussions with many people who do not necessarily share my views on things, yet they are not abusive when they speak to me. you are. what i said was, " I WONDER IF YOU WERE HERE WITH ME IF you WOULD BE physically abusive as well. it seems to me that if you justify and rationalize speaking to people who you disagree with in an abusive manner, then you may use those same rationalizations to phyiscally abuse them as well. you?
you are an abusive person. here, verbally. i have many discussions with many people who do not necessarily share my views on things, yet they are not abusive when they speak to me. you are. what i said was, " I WONDER IF YOU WERE HERE WITH ME IF you WOULD BE physically abusive as well. it seems to me that if you justify and rationalize speaking to people who you disagree with in an abusive manner, then you may use those same rationalizations to phyiscally abuse them as well. you?

The fact that you set up a strawman argument to defend yourself because you are unable to use logic and answer questions in no way precludes your paranoia and neuroses.

Although I'm not a therapist, I'm sure you'd claim abuse if they said the same thing to you.

You inability to use logic and answer questions has already been verified, Lori. You really need not say anything more.
The fact that you set up a strawman argument to defend yourself because you are unable to use logic and answer questions in no way precludes your paranoia and neuroses.

Although I'm not a therapist, I'm sure you'd claim abuse if they said the same thing to you.

You inability to use logic and answer questions has already been verified, Lori. You really need not say anything more.

way to shun the question. no therapist, or rational or respectful human being, would speak to me in the manner in which you do. i'm not talking about what you say. like i said, many people disagree with me, and many people have no idea what i'm talking about. but most people don't use that as some carte blanche excuse to verbally abuse me, and you do. and from what i've experienced and witnessed in this world, most people who justify abusing people verbally progress to using the same justifications at times to abuse them physically as well. for some reason you think that not agreeing with someone gives you the right to treat them poorly. and that's incorrect.
for some reason you think that not agreeing with someone gives you the right to treat them poorly. and that's incorrect.

Really? And the fact that YOUR particular cult, which you hold in the highest regard, has caused the most horrific wars and amounted the most bloodshed in history is no reason their followers should not be treated with the utmost in contempt.

I thought I was being completely docile in comparison.
Really? And the fact that YOUR particular cult, which you hold in the highest regard, has caused the most horrific wars and amounted the most bloodshed in history is no reason their followers should not be treated with the utmost in contempt.

I thought I was being completely docile in comparison.

i'm not a member of a cult. and it seems to me that your finger-pointing and bigotry may be the kind of behavior that is responsible for these horrific wars.

in reality there are no sides; we're in this together. people segregate in fear.
Yes, you are, the cult of Christianity.

Religions segregate mankind by providing the fear.

i have a personal experience that is all my own and does not involve a cult of any kind. i do believe that others have their own personal experiences, and i would conclude then that we are all members of one giant cult of experience.

YOU segregate yourself with your own fear. it's pathetic to witness actually.
i have a personal experience that is all my own and does not involve a cult of any kind. i do believe that others have their own personal experiences, and i would conclude then that we are all members of one giant cult of experience.

YOU segregate yourself with your own fear. it's pathetic to witness actually.

But it is not a personal experience as you yourself admitted that you got the notion of God from a book. All your 'person experiences' are based on that..