Some facts about guns in the US

Fix what? Obama has had plenty of chance to "fix it" by now, no?
Not really your republicans are doing everything they can to prevent him from fixing the problems they caused and economic effects have a large delay before their full effects are aparent
Not really your republicans are doing everything they can to prevent him from fixing the problems they caused and economic effects have a large delay before their full effects are aparent

How is that any different than the Dems blocking every and any thing in the past that they could to prevent Republicans from accomplishing goals? You're kidding me, right?
How is that any different than the Dems blocking every and any thing in the past that they could to prevent Republicans from accomplishing goals? You're kidding me, right?

They don't. They make the occassion all stand. The republicans block everything the dens do. Which is why there like 60 judgeships empty cause the republicans try and block every appointment. And the republicans goals are help buisness and screw the poor. The dens try and help people
They don't. They make the occassion all stand. The republicans block everything the dens do. Which is why there like 60 judgeships empty cause the republicans try and block every appointment. And the republicans goals are help buisness and screw the poor. The dens try and help people

They don't? So you're saying they always try to help the Republicans get things done when they are in office? That the Dems are true team players?

They don't? So you're saying they always try to help the Republicans get things done when they are in office? That the Dems are true team players?


That's not really the point of an opposition party it's to prevent excess which the dens do. Republicans think they get to set policy whether they win or lose.
That's not really the point of an opposition party it's to prevent excess which the dens do. Republicans think they get to set policy whether they win or lose.

The opposition party? Which one is the opposition party, the one not in office? So you're saying that the opposition party's job is to what? To make sure excess (spending in this case) is prevented? So the Republicans are the opposition now, and they are preventing excess spending (or trying to anyway), so the Republicans are doing the right thing. So why are you crying about them blocking the Dems agenda, when it's their job to do so as the opposition party (according to you)?
The opposition party? Which one is the opposition party, the one not in office? So you're saying that the opposition party's job is to what? To make sure excess (spending in this case) is prevented? So the Republicans are the opposition now, and they are preventing excess spending (or trying to anyway), so the Republicans are doing the right thing. So why are you crying about them blocking the Dems agenda, when it's their job to do so as the opposition party (according to you)?

You don't pay attention very well. The opposition isn't supposed to prevent the party in powers agenda it supposed to make sure it does so with out putting things off kilter. And really spending is the issue chose the guy defending the higher spending party. The dens are the party that reduces it better
That's not really the point of an opposition party it's to prevent excess which the dens do. Republicans think they get to set policy whether they win or lose.

Sounds like our Liberal/National Country party Coalition in Australia.
Whether in power or in Opposition, they still believe they have some God given right to govern.
The Problem With Trolling

Motor Daddy said:

The opposition party? Which one is the opposition party, the one not in office? So you're saying that the opposition party's job is to what? To make sure excess (spending in this case) is prevented? So the Republicans are the opposition now, and they are preventing excess spending (or trying to anyway), so the Republicans are doing the right thing. So why are you crying about them blocking the Dems agenda, when it's their job to do so as the opposition party (according to you)?

Have you an honest, or, at the very least, contiguous argument?

There are some facts on the record that are, quite simply, ordinary.

Mundane. Real. Easily observed. Not fantasy.

Such as the Republican filibuster agenda, well beyond anything we've seen in history.

Or the recent Republican love affair with Vladimir Putin that verges on being treasonous. No, really, show us, please—since it is apparently so obvious—the analog from Putin's 2008 invasion of Georgia. Where were the Democrats who tried to blame Putin's actions on President Bush?

What's that? You can't find a worthwhile example? You mean the Democrats in Congress didn't come out, stand in front of the cameras, and side with Putin in order to score points against Bush?


The thing is, you're not an idiot, Motor Daddy. The really puzzling question is why you're pretending to be one.
Have you an honest, or, at the very least, contiguous argument?

There are some facts on the record that are, quite simply, ordinary.

Mundane. Real. Easily observed. Not fantasy.

Such as the Republican filibuster agenda, well beyond anything we've seen in history.

Or the recent Republican love affair with Vladimir Putin that verges on being treasonous. No, really, show us, please—since it is apparently so obvious—the analog from Putin's 2008 invasion of Georgia. Where were the Democrats who tried to blame Putin's actions on President Bush?

What's that? You can't find a worthwhile example? You mean the Democrats in Congress didn't come out, stand in front of the cameras, and side with Putin in order to score points against Bush?


The thing is, you're not an idiot, Motor Daddy. The really puzzling question is why you're pretending to be one.

What does any of this have to do with the quote you quoted of my response to pjdude1219?

Exactly what a Dem can be expected to do, twist one meaning into something entirely different. What the heck are you talking about?

Now it's called "trolling" instead of "opposition?" Do you think a troll is someone that opposes you?

The thing is, Tiassa, you don't have to pretend to be an idiot.
Do you understand what trolling is Tiassa?
From the Urban Dictionary:
"One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument"

In order not to be a troll yourself, try following the following suggestions:
Don't infer that people's arguments are dishonest just because you don't agree with them.
Don't say that a fellow member is trolling, just because you have a different set of opinions.
And don't say that someone is pretending to be an idiot.

Your post is aimed at heating up the discussion and making it personal.

Don't lose your temper.
Think of what Cheney would do.
The truth, the real truth is painting the Repubs in the light that MD is painting them is dishonest, period. Yes, he is entitled to his delusion about how wonderful they are but the truth is as a Party they border on being treasonous Whether it is slapping Putin on the back or trying to bring this government to it's knees with the debt debacle, I could go on and on but I think you get my drift.

@ Captain Kremmen,

You had mentioned that you can see both sides of the argument regarding guns, could you expand?
The truth, the real truth is painting the Repubs in the light that MD is painting them is dishonest, period. Yes, he is entitled to his delusion about how wonderful they are but the truth is as a Party they border on being treasonous Whether it is slapping Putin on the back or trying to bring this government to it's knees with the debt debacle, I could go on and on but I think you get my drift.

The real truth is that Clinton was a POS that made a mockery of the position of President of the United States of America! But in the eyes of a Dem, he's the greatest!

Can you believe it?

...and if he would have had the balls to take out Osama when he had the chance our towers would still be standing! So save the BS!
There indeed 2 arguments regarding guns:

1) Leave the place if you can and go and live somewhere safe.

2) Get tooled up with an M1A, a sidearm and some body armour. Oh, and plenty of ammo. Don't live near a school or shopping mall. Get a map of your local area and mark in red the dangerous places and avoid them. Get life insurance and an organ donor card. Don't get depressed by all this in case you blow your brains out. Have a nice life.
This and That

Motor Daddy said:

What does any of this have to do with the quote you quoted of my response to pjdude1219?

Just reminding you that some facts aren't extraordinary, despite your insistent, factually inaccurate digression.

• • •​

Captain Kremmen said:

Your post is aimed at heating up the discussion and making it personal.

See above.

No, really. If MD wants to digress about Democrats and Republicans, that's one thing to be assessed in itself. That he wishes to do so by reciting inaccurate assertions of fact and debunked talking points is just stupid.
Just reminding you that some facts aren't extraordinary, despite your insistent, factually inaccurate digression.

• • •​

See above.

No, really. If MD wants to digress about Democrats and Republicans, that's one thing to be assessed in itself. That he wishes to do so by reciting inaccurate assertions of fact and debunked talking points is just stupid.

The political discussions are off-topic and should be removed to their own thread.

I don't think you should call people stupid, imho.

Wait a minute! I'm doing the modding now!
Check this out, guys and gals. What do you make of those numbers? It looks to me like more guns in the hands of honest people means less deaths for all!




and last but not least:


The proof is in the pudding. We need to get rid of motor vehicles!
@ Captain Kremmen,

You had mentioned that you can see both sides of the argument regarding guns, could you expand?

They are as dangerous as motor cars, doubling your risk of violent death.
If you don't need one, then it would be sensible not to own one, whether or not they are legal.

This is something I have come to understand. Before, I thought it was simply craziness.
The right to bear arms has a historical basis, encoded in the constitution, and is an ingrained part of American culture.

Florida's right to carry law has brought down the murder rate across the whole United States!

Plus, your graph shows car accidents as opposed to gun accidents.
Of course there are a lot more car accidents.
You aren't driving around in a gun at 60 MPH, are you?
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