Some facts about guns in the US

Are you actually asserting that these things are designed as lethal weapons? Should you need a weapons permit to keep a hen? After all, the cloacal velocity of an egg is lethal, right?

The intent at the design stage is moot in the hands of an idiot or criminal. Everyone knows that bacon and eggs cause sudden death, but we are not taking them off the grocery store shelves any time soon. Nor are we taking our target and hunting and self protection tools away any time soon. Not gonna happen!
The intent at the design stage is moot in the hands of an idiot or criminal. Everyone knows that bacon and eggs cause sudden death, but we are not taking them off the grocery store shelves any time soon. Nor are we taking our target and hunting and self protection tools away any time soon. Not gonna happen!

You don't often hear of convenience store clerks being robbed by being threatened with "If you don't give me all of your money, I'm going to bring you bacon and egg sandwiches every morning until you die a premature death from heart disease!"
You don't often hear of convenience store clerks being robbed by being threatened with "If you don't give me all of your money, I'm going to bring you bacon and egg sandwiches every morning until you die a premature death from heart disease!"

You don't often hear a heart surgeon tell his patient to lay off the guns.
I will. You keep drinking the Kool-Aid.

I don't think I've ever had that particular beverage, and I'm grateful for that fact. Just try not to shoot yourself, your friends or your family. You are fully entitled to shoot lawyers though, just like Dick Cheney did. If you find any bad guys, you can try and shoot them too.
I don't think I've ever had that particular beverage, and I'm grateful for that fact. Just try not to shoot yourself, your friends or your family. You are fully entitled to shoot lawyers though, just like Dick Cheney did. If you find any bad guys, you can try and shoot them too.

Dick Cheney is one of my heroes, so you better not talk bad about him to me. ;) Seriously, I really like Cheney, always have. I think he's an honest stand up guy, as good as they come in Washington.
Dick Cheney is one of my heroes, so you better not talk bad about him to me. ;) Seriously, I really like Cheney, always have. I think he's an honest stand up guy, as good as they come in Washington.

You have spoke the truth, at least as far as the phrase in bold is concerned. That's what Bush said, no? He shot the lawyer.....:D
I'm sure you do. You're not a Republican by any chance, are you? Maybe you're a birther too?

Since the Republicans protect the Constitution, instead of tearing it to pieces like the Dems try to do, then yes, I certainly am Republican. But I'm an Atheist, and I think it's OK to have an abortion, and that Dr. Kevorkian provided a valuable service.

So, what does that make me in your label world?

BTW, I'm also Retired Military, and I put arrows through the lungs of Whitetail Deer, and then I skin them and eat them. YUM!
Since the Republicans protect the Constitution, instead of tearing it to pieces like the Dems try to do, then yes, I certainly am Republican. But I'm an Atheist, and I think it's OK to have an abortion, and that Dr. Kevorkian provided a valuable service.

So, what does that make me in your label world?

BTW, I'm also Retired Military, and I put arrows through the lungs of Whitetail Deer, and then I skin them and eat them. YUM!
The republicans haven't protected the constitution in 50 years you say you like bush the president who crapped on it the most
The republicans haven't protected the constitution in 50 years you say you like bush the president who crapped on it the most

None can compare to the big O. Hands down has done the most damage to this country. Hands down! No contest!

...4 years of Hillary would seal the deal. She'd probably eliminate the military, because, after all, they're expensive and nobody ever invades the U.S. anyway, so what do we need a military for? Just a waste of money. (rolls eyes)

Some people just don't get it!
None can compare to the big O. Hands down has done the most damage to this country. Hands down! No contest!
You don't get out of the bunker much do you? also you said the constitution not coutry but nice trying to change the yard stick mid measure.

...4 years of Hillary would seal the deal. She'd probably eliminate the military, because, after all, they're expensive and nobody ever invades the U.S. anyway, so what do we need a military for? Just a waste of money. (rolls eyes)

Some people just don't get it!
are military spending is wastseful concentrating on new toys and not paying the electric bill for bases. No democrat is going to eliminate the military. hell more democrats than republicans in higher office have served. Your just repeating the same talking points. we are where we are thanks to 30 plus years of republican rightwing ideology and the harms its caused has been immeasurable. hopefuly we get some real lefties in row will have a chance to fix it.