Somalia's Council of Islamic Courts

What fishbowl? Read the New Testament, it will tell you what's up.
Yeah. Been there. Grew up in southern baptist Sunday School. It's the same backward violent bullshit the Koran spills all over humanity. Read the Koran, IN IT'S CONTEXT as you expect people to read your holybook. Incapable aren'tcha. Just watch where you're wagging that finger, it might be a mirror.
"Violent bullshit," huh?
Yes. Just ONE part I'll repeat, you know, about the praying for the destruction of the Earth and the eternal deaths for ALL that do not subscribe to that slice of christianity? Kinda violent, no? The biblical character that was told by god to murder his son. There's lots of blood in your holybook. Lots more.
We aren't instructed to pray for the eternal deaths for all, we are instructed to pray that not happen.

And Abraham didn't have to kill Issac, God provided a lamb.
We aren't instructed to pray for the eternal deaths for all, we are instructed to pray that not happen.

And Abraham didn't have to kill Issac, God provided a lamb. PROVE love for god he commanded Abe to murder his child. Bloodthirssty god ya got there! The protestant freaks I've heard REJOICE in the 2nd coming so ALL will die that do not embrace this minority religion. Most humans are not xian. You remind me, I gotta drop a deuce, back in a little while.
Are they the same thing though? e.g. Shias Sunnis Sufis Wahabis etc can all pray in Mecca/Medina under any imam. So Mecca/Medina is where all Muslims are ONE.
Sounds good except they have been at odds, sometimes to the point of even killing one another, for ~1400 years.

Regardless, nowadays, I think many Hindu and Jews, and Xians and Buddhists feel a similar commonality among their fellow co-religionists. Even if they do have doctrinal differences. They can all worship together.

It’s really all the same – in essence: people are people.

I believe the reason why Hinduism did not find Islam so attractive is that because they already have a heterodoxy of belief that is more expansive (from monotheism to polytheism to paganism to atheism). There was nothing new for them with Islam. They already had freedom for women (if you ignore Manu's devastating effects on women's status) so that was no big deal either. Plus they recognised that their system of caste (originally based on merit) was more useful to them in the form to which it had devolved (becoming hereditary in nature).
Why do you suppose God decided to pick yet another human to, you know, let everyone know what the REAL God-inspired life-philosophy is all about then?

I mean, it just seems odd to me that the God-head (Creator & Master of the Universe and stuff … ) would take the time to use its Quantum Universe-sized Super-Duper-Computer-Godly-hard-disk and DOWNLOAD the REAL life Philosophy into a lipid&water-(together in flux)-poorly-constructed-for-long-term-fidelity (ever changing with recall) fluid-memory device called the human neural-net and then transmitted VIA sound to other always in flux and changing with each recall fluid-memory human neural-net devices and then transmitted VIA wooden scraps of bark and dead skin peaces and then transmitted VIA some other human-neural nets and then sometime later recorded by other neural nets over long periods of time AND THAT AFTER ALL THIS: Gods super-duper special life Philosophy would not even be comparable to the philosophical musings of mere mortal humans living in India? :bugeye:

WOW :eek: – that’s just plan surprising to me?!?!?!
One could say even crazy?

I must be an idiot, for, you see, I would have thought that the GodHead-TO-fluid-neural-net TO sound TO human neural nets TO wood/skin/bark TO neural net VIA time TO paper PERFECT recording of Gods life philosophy would surely have had AT LEAST ONE THING of novel interest in it!?!

If I were a more clever person perhaps I’d suggest that Mohammed simply copied the religion of Jews from which he surely grew up living within and combined it with Biblical and Zoroastrian theisms from the spriritual advisiers he clearly had and put an Arabic nationistic twist on it (as he was an Arab) adding stuff like god likes it when you walk around traditional special-to-Arab-nomades square rocks and stuff…. But hey I’m an idiot.

My loonacy agreed upon, I suppose maybe next time (if there is such a thing for “God”) maybe God should spend some time in India before he sends his next data transfer huh?!? Oh and use a PC – it’s quicker.


Buddhism was attractive for its simplicity but unfortunately simplicity has no enduring value.
I don’t get what you mean – Buddhism is older than Islam and Xianity and is the fastest growing belief system, via conversion out of Xianity and Islam, in AU?

What do you mean - has no enduring value? What of China, Thailand, Korea, Cambodia, Japan, ....?

That was fun,

Michael II
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Allah was 1 of 360 pre Islamic Arab gods.
So what? Judaic writings show that your god Jehovah (YHVH) had a wife called Asherah.

Xian writings show that Sophia was the bride of Christ – And OOOooo baby they get their syzygy on and get it on good!

I can hear Yehoshua rapping it now:
Git syzygy wid'dit .. na na, nah, na na, na na .. Git syzygy wid'dit ... na na, nah, na na, na nah...

How foolish.
"But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, 'You good-for-nothing,' shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, 'You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell."
(Matthew 5:22)

Burn Bitch Burn!


PS: See you in Hell baby ;)