So where female Muslims go in the afterlife?


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
I was watcing George Carlin 14th HBO special. He is 70 now, so quite a few jokes involved being old and dying. He said someting that made me think, that I don't know too much about the Muslim beliefs about afterlife.

I know the Christian beliefs, I know the Mormon beliefs, but beside the 72 virgins, not much about the Muslim afterlife. Can somebody summarize it??

Is there a purgatory? I assume it must be different for females and males, because good males can have the 72 virgins (kind of similar to the Mormon godlike status) but can good female Muslims get something similar? I assume not, so I see a slight inequality here on the Muslim God's behalf.

What about Muslims who had a gender change? Are they judged by the original gender or the new one? Inquiring minds want to know.

And please, if you don't know about the topic, keep your drivel away, I am really interested in this and not in the usual BS and crap what religion threads bring....
Just in case I get stupid answers, I looked it up:

I like this idea:

"Dividing Hell and Heaven is an impassable wall, al Araf, covered with contemptible beings whose good works exactly cancel out their evil ones, thus fitting them for neither place."

This one doesn't really explain where atheists fit, but neat anyway:

"Hell has seven levels. The first and mildest is for sinners among the true believers, who will enter Paradise after purification. The second is for Jews, the third for Christians, the fourth for Sabians, the fifth for Magians, the sixth for abandoned idolators, and the seventh and worst for hypocrites of all religions. In Hell the damned will be broiled, beaten with red-hot iron maces, suspended by their tongues, forced to drink boiling water and molten copper, and will have their brains boiled and their flesh cut with scissors of fire. True believers, lying on couches in Paradise, will see the damned suffer and laugh at them scornfully."

Maybe the Muslim god realizes that atheists don't belong to hell....

Now here I see a little math problem in God's behalf:

"In Paradise every desire of soul and body shall be satisfied. Whoever drinks the fragrant milk-white waters of Mohammed's Pond, which is a month's journey in circumference, will never again be thirsty. Other refreshments will include milk, wine, dates, honey, manna, fattened birds, and beef from cattle that graze in the Garden of Eden. Body wastes will be eliminated through perspiration. All male inhabitants will become fair, beardless, curly-haired, 90 ft. tall, and 33 years old. Black-eyed houris, or nymphs, of perfect beauty, free from excretions of any kind, await them in pavilions of green cushions. Other beautiful damsels will refrain from beholding any but their own spouses. Every man in Paradise will marry 500 houris, 4,000 virgins, and 8,000 nonvirgins."

Well, since in the population the female:male ratio is 50:50, this indicates that way more females make it to heaven, but they will have a slave/wife status.

So again, what do good dead female Muslims get in the afterlife? To serve their husbands/other good dead Muslims for eternity??

And how does a modern Muslim woman understands and accepts this view of afterlife??
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This is probably a better description:

"Although the afterlife is generally the same for both men and women, one aspect of heaven appears to have distinctly gendered overtones. The hur, virginal "companions, with beautiful, big and lustrous eyes" (Koran 56:22), are mentioned four times in the Koran (44:54, 52:20, 55:72, and 56:22), though without much detail; post-Koranic sources extrapolate on these accounts. The hur are understood to be rewards for males in heaven, and differ from earthly women in their delicate beauty, purity, and lack of illness, menstruation, and pregnancy. Ordinary Muslim women may also go to heaven, where each is said to have just one husband, usually her earthly husband. Thus the hur appear to join earthly wives as additional heavenly companions for men. However, some commentators see the hur as companions and servants of female believers as well: "Just as the gardens, rivers, milk, honey, fruits, and numerous other things of Paradise are both for men and women, even so are the hur" (Smith and Haddad, p. 167)."

So there is a chance that the hur can pleasure Muslim women too. Not entirely clear...
I think I'm getting the picture, the wonderful chappies get several thousand virgins of indisputable beauty while the women of indescribable beauty, warmth and wisdom manage to secure themselves a big nosed, hairy backed chap whose mother gave him just a bit too much of a free ride, worshipped every patriachal remark he ever uttered and wiped his shiny, hairy black arse 'cos the lazy fucker was too stupid to know if it was actually his elbow not his arse that was being worshipped for the light that it shone all around the nether regions of implausibility anyway!
You realise none of the above is based on the Quran, right?

No 72 virgins or seven layers of hell or al Araf.


Apart from hedonistic allegories, heaven is a place and state of happiness, hell is a place and condition of humiliation and loss.

According to at-Tahhaawwi in his book on al-'Aqeedah al-Salafiyyah (correct belief in
accordance with that of the early generations of Islaam) that is known as
al-'Aqeedah al-Tahhaawiyyah.

"Paradise and Hell have already been created. They will never come to an end
or cease to exist. Allaah (swt) created Paradise and Hell before the rest of
creation, and He (swt) created inhabitants for each of them. Whoever He
(swt) wishes (will enter) Paradise by His grace and mercy, and whoever He
(swt) wishes (will enter Hell) as a result of His (swt) justice. Every
person will behave according to that for which he was created, and his
destiny will be that for which he was created; good deeds and evil deeds are
foreordained for all men".

In other words, we are living it.
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That really sucks for a lot of Muslim women then doesn't it. :( They were actually supposed to believe they were living in heaven under the Taliban's rule?

the taleban are not muslim in my humble opinion, they are a bunch of evil fucked up power crazed loons - for want of a better expression
You realise none of the above is based on the Quran, right?

No 72 virgins or seven layers of hell or al Araf.


Apart from hedonistic allegories, heaven is a place and state of happiness, hell is a place and condition of humiliation and loss.

According to at-Tahhaawwi in his book on al-'Aqeedah al-Salafiyyah (correct belief in
accordance with that of the early generations of Islaam) that is known as
al-'Aqeedah al-Tahhaawiyyah.

"Paradise and Hell have already been created. They will never come to an end
or cease to exist. Allaah (swt) created Paradise and Hell before the rest of
creation, and He (swt) created inhabitants for each of them. Whoever He
(swt) wishes (will enter) Paradise by His grace and mercy, and whoever He
(swt) wishes (will enter Hell) as a result of His (swt) justice. Every
person will behave according to that for which he was created, and his
destiny will be that for which he was created; good deeds and evil deeds are
foreordained for all men".

In other words, we are living it.
What a waste! keeping all those good natural primal urges supressed for the rest of your life!!...self inflicted torture!
That really sucks for a lot of Muslim women then doesn't it. :( They were actually supposed to believe they were living in heaven under the Taliban's rule?

Or hell, if you ignore the decline in your own society, you get the government you deserve.
That really sucks for a lot of Muslim women then doesn't it. :( They were actually supposed to believe they were living in heaven under the Taliban's rule?

They were; they just didn't realize it. Wouldn't you have enjoyed not having to go to school ? Of course you wood .
Dear atheist friend
having read the material above.Do u think that u will meet u beloved ones after u death .Why there is death and there is life.why some dies old while others young.
I tought they didn't let in any pets or women? I tought men in the aftherlife are generaly represented as men while women are at best genderlesly represented more for the actions.

(This was said to me by someone who should know this things altough higly intoxicated and trying to be funny)

Off the record did mohammed ever specified if those 72 virgins where female (yust wondering)
Dear atheist friend
having read the material above.Do u think that u will meet u beloved ones after u death .Why there is death and there is life.why some dies old while others young.

There are lots of people I would wish to avoid in an afterlife.
You realise none of the above is based on the Quran, right?.

Well, feel free to correct it, that's why I started the thread so I might get a clear picture. Your post didn't really add anything new.

In religions when certain questions are not answered by their holy books, then there is an authority who can make up the answers. I assume that's how the 72 virgins come to existence...

I welcome your post to describe how YOU imagine your afterlife and don't quote anything, just say what you believe. Or say what you were taught....