So where female Muslims go in the afterlife?

Here is an explanation of the word kawa'ib, as derived from its Arabic root, ka'b

Muhammad Asad has said regarding the above verse:

As regards my rendering of kawa’ib as "splendid companions", it is to be remembered that the term ka'b -from which the participle ka’ib is derived - has many meanings, and that one of these meanings is "prominence", "eminence" or "glory" (Lisan al-Arab); thus, the verb ka'ba, when applied to a person, signifies "he made [another person] prominent", "glorious" or "splendid" (ibid.) Based on this tropical meaning of both the verb ka'ba and the noun ka'b, the participle ka'ib has often been used, in popular parlance, to denote "a girl whose breasts are becoming prominent" or "are budding" hence, many commentators see in it an allusion to some sort of youthful "female companions' who would entertain the (presumably male) inmates of paradise.[2]

Then he continues:

...this interpretation of kawa’ib overlooks the purely derivative origin of the above popular usage - which is based on the tropical connotation of "prominence" inherent in the noun ka'b - and substitutes for this obvious tropism the literal meaning of something that is physically prominent: and this, in my opinion, is utterly unjustified. If we bear in mind that the Qur'anic descriptions of the blessings of paradise are always allegorical, we realize that in the above context the term kawa’ib can have no other meaning than "glorious [or "splendid"] beings".[2]
I was watcing George Carlin 14th HBO special. He is 70 now, so quite a few jokes involved being old and dying. He said someting that made me think, that I don't know too much about the Muslim beliefs about afterlife.

I know the Christian beliefs, I know the Mormon beliefs, but beside the 72 virgins, not much about the Muslim afterlife. Can somebody summarize it??

Is there a purgatory? I assume it must be different for females and males, because good males can have the 72 virgins (kind of similar to the Mormon godlike status) but can good female Muslims get something similar? I assume not, so I see a slight inequality here on the Muslim God's behalf.

What about Muslims who had a gender change? Are they judged by the original gender or the new one? Inquiring minds want to know.

And please, if you don't know about the topic, keep your drivel away, I am really interested in this and not in the usual BS and crap what religion threads bring....

Is there a purgatory? I assume it must be different for females and males, because good males can have the 72 virgins (kind of similar to the Mormon godlike status) but can good female Muslims get something similar? I assume not, so I see a slight inequality here on the Muslim God's behalf.

I am not 100% sure about the narration regarding 72 virgins, I will have to look it up, however I know that some Jihadis talk about such a reward (72 virgins for those that are martyred). I know of one narration that states a man in heaven will be married to two houris, and I think he also gets to marry the wife he had on Earth, that’s if she agrees. That’s just the thing, Muslims (both men and women) believe they will get whatever they want in heaven, so no one is in a position (unless it has been stated explicitly in the Quran or hadith) to say that only such and such a person will get this or that. And if you speak to women regarding heaven, I think you’ll find there is not a tiny bit of doubt or uncertainty regarding what they will get.

I would like to add something else to this discussion, in recent years I have found that it has been mainly the critics of Islam and other similar characters that have been harping on about virgins in heaven. The funny thing is that Muslims themselves hardly ever talk about virgins, it is a taboo subject, something I’m sure many Non-Muslims do not realise. I have been going Mosque and attending Islamic lectures for many years and I have never been told about the virgins in heaven, seriously, not once. My own father who has taught me a lot about Islam has never discussed it and I don’t ever expect him to. I would say most Muslims around the World would have pretty much the same experience regarding this subject. I only realised this stuff about virgins when I read stuff by anti-Islam mateys about how the Islamic heaven was like a really massive sex show, some really crazy stuff, though they had legit narrations, they blew it completely out of proportion and there was some quite blatant deception. A good read nevertheless.

Don't try and pin her down. She is only saying that it means what she says today. It will possibly be overturned by a Muslim scholar next week, in which case she will think something different for herself. People must learn to move with the times .

That's the fun thing about god. In none of the holy books does he express himself clearly. We need scholars who are followed by other scholars who are followed explain what god wants.I think holy books should be revised and republished annualy to keep us up to date. I can hardly read my bible for all the notes I've made in the margins. I image the Koran reader has the same problem.
. I only realised this stuff about virgins when I read stuff by anti-Islam mateys about how the Islamic heaven was like a really massive sex show, some really crazy stuff, though they had legit narrations, they blew it completely out of proportion and there was some quite blatant deception.
Same here. Never actually heard any Muslims talk about death or heaven or sins or such. Even the khutbas in the masjid are usually about current world events

Let's not blame everything on the Jews. It came from a hadith:

"Hadith number 2,562 in the collection known as the Sunan al-Tirmidhi says, "The least [reward] for the people of Heaven is 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome of pearls, aquamarine and ruby."

This particular hadith, despite being in an authoritative collection, has no line of sequence or narration. The compiler has even admitted such.

I guess we are out of lack. But I am correct that Allah hates hypocrate believers more than atheist, right?

Allah has divided mankind into three groups: the believers, the non-believers, and the hypocrites. Many verses and hadiths explain that the hypocrites are to incur the greatest punishment in the afterlife. Hypocrites are recognized as people who outwardly claim to adhere to Islam and worship the one God, but inwardly have no faith in God at all (perhaps without even knowing it). Yes, the hypocrites are to incur the gravest penalty in the afterlife, because they are conniving liars and truly non-believers. Muslims are to regard the hypocrites as more dangerous than non-Muslim enemies of Islam, because the hypocrites eat away at the Islamic core from within.

It was referenced in post #2, and that website was a direct copy from the People's Almanach. Now where they got their info, I don't know. I assume another hadith...

Well, if you're using it for the sake of argument, then I suggest you do a little bit of research yourself in discovering which hadith it is. I copied and pasted certain sections of the quote into google's search engine, and surprisingly enough, I was yielded nearly no results. It's misinformation such as this (intentional or unintentional) that starts nasty, widespread rumors and myths about Islam.

Also how about the word WakawaAAiba instead of huris?

I've never heard of the word (I don't speak Arabic). I looked it up on google, and literally got one result to another message board. Supposedly, the word is used once in the entire Qur'an. The translations usually come out to "young maidens" or "companions of equal age". Allow me to do some more research on it. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask (I'll try to keep up).
I have been going Mosque and attending Islamic lectures for many years and I have never been told about the virgins in heaven, seriously, not once.

Can you describe the Muslim afterlife as YOU understand/imagine it?

Also it is possible that (just like for Mormons) not everything is revealed to the average Muslim, and you have to earn full explanation of the beliefs...
Even the khutbas in the masjid are usually about current world events

I am not particulary sure it is a good thing. That is one thing if the preacher tells to the congregation what is the church's view on let's say abortion, but to interpret world events and do commentaries, people should make up their own mind on that and not getting a help from their SPIRITUAL leaders...
See Obama's preacher....
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Allah has divided mankind into three groups: the believers, the non-believers, and the hypocrites.

I thought there were more distinctions, like 7, but must have came from a hadith I guess.

... non-Muslim enemies of Islam,

Can I be a non-Muslim, non-enemy?

It's misinformation such as this (intentional or unintentional) that starts nasty, widespread rumors and myths about Islam.

True.That's why we have this thread and luckily some Muslims participating...

I've never heard of the word (I don't speak Arabic).

Sam already gave a different translation, so you don't have to research...
I stumbled upon this topic whilst looking for information about a plant, hmph funny.

I hope you understand a simple ground concept here regarding the Muslim's Heaven "feeha ma la a'yonon ra'at wala ozonon same'at" roughly meaning it contains things which have never been seen or heard about before. All the verses about Heaven in the Quran is just to give us an idea about it PERIOD. So milk was mentioned, but what if I like Mango juice? oh teh noes! no mango juice in heaven :eek:. This is botanism (similar to racism) then God hates Mango (this is a somewhat naive example, about using the Hurs as a point to prove that Heaven is sexist or w/e).

And if you or the sites that feeds you have read one thing about the "Virgins", you/they would know that the very very first thing about the Hurs is that they are not beings from Earth, so thinking Females who go to heaven are hurs is just .... well I am out of words. But it certainly does well as anti-islam marketing, which you might be a victim of?

Another thing, I highly doubt ANYONE would be unsatisfied in Heaven. After all it is -according to us (and all theists I think)- the ultimate reward. So you won't see angry feminists fighting for equal rights at the gates of heaven. Now let me tell you something you won't find in any of those sites feeding your "anti-islam-ism?". Actually the Muslims who are getting into heaven before the Prophet (pbuh) are ...... *drum rolls* Women ;) , well some of them, more accurately widowed mothers who raised their kids properly and as a single parent.

Difference in reward/punishment depends only on what the person did. Not gender, race, color, or anything else.

Why everyone OTHER than Muslims enlarged the "Virgins" thing to the size of the universe, is beyond me.

Regarding side topics within the original thread:

post #35,63 and some others (I can't link, and quoting would make the reply unnecessary long). There is a difference between pre-determined and pre-known (which is a feature in the infinite knowledge package). The moment free will ceases, judgment ceases.

Syzygys said:
Can I be a non-Muslim, non-enemy?
The mother of all stereotypes.
I am not particulary sure it is a good thing. That is one thing if the preacher tells to the congregation what is the church's view on let's say abortion, but to interpret world events and do commentaries, people should make up their own mind on that and not getting a help from their SPIRITUAL leaders...
See Obama's preacher....

Hmm so you think "preachers" should talk about sins and heaven and hell instead?:rolleyes:

Most khutbas are related to some current event and what is the responsibility or role of the Muslim in such circumstances.
An example would be the role of the Muslim in American society.

People are free to make up their own minds even after listening to CNN. The imam is just doing his job. Islam does not give any special authority to priests.
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Hmm so you think "preachers" should talk about sins and heaven and hell instead?:rolleyes:

That would be spiritual guidance from your spiritual leader. Now I understand it isn't easy to divide the 2 roles and I could argue against myself that in certain occasions you need to hear the correct word from the culpit, generally you don't want carbuying advice from your yogateacher...
He/she could give you good advice, but generally not considered an expert on the issue. :)

Another thing, I highly doubt ANYONE would be unsatisfied in Heaven.

So there IS internet there! I knew the Muslim heaven was way more fun than the Catholic....
Islam does not give any special authority to priests.

They simply take the rubric authority on themselves, as any other priest would. Self appointed authorities as are evident in religions is like having a vampire oversee a blood bank.
That would be spiritual guidance from your spiritual leader. Now I understand it isn't easy to divide the 2 roles and I could argue against myself that in certain occasions you need to hear the correct word from the culpit, generally you don't want carbuying advice from your yogateacher...
He/she could give you good advice, but generally not considered an expert on the issue. :)

So there IS internet there! I knew the Muslim heaven was way more fun than the Catholic....

An imam is not a spiritual leader. He/She functions as one of the conduit that keep the Muslim ummah united.

Technically an imam is generally only one who leads the prayer and a sheikh is the one who gives the sermons; sometimes the two overlap.
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I thought there were more distinctions, like 7, but must have came from a hadith I guess.

(15:44) of the Qur'an states that there will be seven gates to hell, resembling seven different classes of sinners.

Can I be a non-Muslim, non-enemy?

Of course. There are tons of people who fit that description.

True.That's why we have this thread and luckily some Muslims participating...

I hope I'm coming off as clear and understandable.
(15:44) of the Qur'an states that there will be seven gates to hell, resembling seven different classes of sinners.

OK, so the 7 groups only applies to hell, but not heaven. I wonder where the term 7th heaven came from?