So says the pastor's daughter

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is calling Him a devil. earth has done this twice and therefore will have an eternity of torment in the lake of fire.

I give strong warning to all. Call me a fool, hate me, mock me, use all kinds of mind warfare games if that’s your joy. But don't cross the line that earth has.

You are a liar and a Devil worshipper. You don't have the holy spirit. I turn you over to Satan.

2 Corinthians 11:14
No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
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As a Christian i believe that satan does seek to influence. But for a christian he does not do it from the inside. The Holy Spirit does not share it's temple with a demon. We do not need satan to cause us to sin. we have the knowledge of Good and evil and can be quite inventive in sin by ourselves.
So there is a struggle within us but it is not between God and satan, but a struggle between out knowledge of Good and our knowledge of Evil and the battle field is our conscience.
close enough to what i said to count..don't want to start a war over somantics...

Why so? It is still a word in the dictionary. And the word was used way before "the pilgrim days". Could you expand on your reasoning for this statement?
pilgrim was the only thing that came to mind..
it is not a common word,the only time it seems to be used these days is when someone is trying to 'demonize' another person,

Mark 3
29 but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation
There you go. God has already judged.
when he talks he is not giving us instructions on how to point our finger at others..

It is the most grave and deadly serious thing to do to say that someone is inspired by satan.
it is just someones opinion..
Mark 3
28 “Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; 29 but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation”
again its not telling us to point fingers..
i believe i know where that line is. I state with all seriousness what i believe. People can believe what they want. But it is only by the Word of God and the conviction of the Holy Spirit that i could ever change my belief on the matter.
we all have our own opinions of where that line is..

Well i am very serious about God. About the message of the Gospel. It is more important than physical life itself. So i can come over in my righting as an extremist, which in a way i am. But i am an extremist pacifist also because i believe Jesus. So i am as harmless as a dove. But the Word of God can wound people and cause them a lot of discomfort. But they are wounds that lead to remorse, repentance, forgiveness, acceptance and peace within.