Smokers' Etiquette

What suprises me is the amount of people that don't listen to REM.

I mean, talk about inconsiderate. To insult the Stipester by being renegade of his many delights is like shooting yourself in the kneecap.

Oh, and damn you all to hell- DIDNT YOU KNOW! ITS ILLEGAL TO SMOKE POT!

as a great man once said-

You mystify me, all the stars that shine upon you.

That great man died as a result of a weird sex game.
who or what is REM?
yeh, i know its illegal to smoke pot but in this country it is also illegal to be in the drunken possession of a cow and to fish on sundays. its a stupid law that should be broken. (i'm not encouraging anyone to break the law, its only my opinion)
its a victimless crime, like punching people in the dark. (what a good quote, its so relevant);)
REM is a band led by a talented bald person who I referred to as the Stipester- who actually is called Michael Stipe.

I don't give a damn either way about pot. I think the level of casual pride in your conversation is interesting though.
I actually only put in the musical referances because they were what I was listening to at the time of writing my post, I thought I would share my joy with you all.

I WOULD like to see the response to say.....something like....

Do you get high because alcohol is not good enough, or is it because unreality is more suitable to you all than actually life?
i dont enjoy being drunk like i used to, it is a different buzz than being stoned. i cant really explain what its like you would have to experience it for yourself to understand correctly. I enjoy being stoned much better than drunkeness- no hang over in the morning to worry about, its cheaper and you cant get addicted. (i'm not including mental addiction because you cannot physically get addicted like tobacco.)
because unreality is more suitable to you all than actually life?
i dont really understand what you mean by this: are you saying that being drunk is more of a reality than being stoned? :confused:
when stoned you have a different logic, i have posted on this board before when stoned and what ive posted did'nt make sence, it is certainly not what i would have said if i were sober.

graffiti art...or eyesore?

hcnurc niatpac
Alcohol is no different from pot in the sense of escapism, I have no compunction against using either, I am interested in the reasons why though. I partake of alcohol as much as the next person, I can offer plenty of excuses but no good reasons for getting drunk. I do not smoke anything.

I just wondered if we all spend our money wisely, I wonder if something in our lives is lacking if we feel the need to poison ourselves for some self destructive albeit remotely pleasureable passtime. I wonder if re-evaluation is sometimes neccessary- it saddens me that we need foreign substances to lower our inhibitions.
About the waste of money....
Pot is expensive if you don't buy in a fairly large quantity (talking in terms of where I am). So you either don't buy and be a mooch, rarely buy a large quantity and save or buy in small amounts and waste a ton of money.

Anyway, alcohol and pot are two very different things. Until you've experienced both you can't fully understand. Herb just puts you in such a different state of mind.

Oh, and you get hungry!
Not to mention alcohol's toxicity compared to cannabis. I'm sort of anti-drinking,n but done responsibly (it never is), it's fine by me. I just hate people that drink or get drunk all the time and then turn around and denounce me for smoking weed. Damned hypocrites.

Anyway, lol, most people DO use marijuana responsibly because they HAVE to- that or get caught and go to jail for doing something stupid.

Besides, stoned people hardly ever get behind the wheel, and probably arentn real capable of any fighting or other violence while stoned.

Do what you want, as longn as it doesnt bother me! :D
Violence on weed? Noooooo way! Just not possible!

The most violent I get on weed is when someone won't pass the chips!
yeah man,n withholding of the snackage can cause some major, and very clumsy, damages. Mostly to fragile items like glasses, plates, coffee tables, glass bongs..

Be a friend and pass dem goshdamn SNACKS
Better then BONG!!!

If you love to get your kicks out of the smoke then you should try : "THE BOTTLE" !!!

here's what you do: and I promise: you get awfull high,...(or you pass out)

get a empty (plastic)pet-bottle,... unscrew the top, make a hole in the top and make a chilm out of it,...fill up the chilm with weed, tobaco and shit,....(not yours: I mean:dope)

cut the bottom of the bottle open and place it in a bucket full of water,.....then screw the chilm back on, light it,....and gradually pull the bottle slowly up, but make shure it's done slowly so that you don't pull it out of the water and that the smoke is being sucked into the bottle,......

then un-screw the chilm, your mouth on the top of the bottle and inhale whilst pushing the bottle back into the bucket,......

and happy oblivion and dementia......!

ps: I don't smoke anymore,....
Isn't that a gravity bong???

If so, yes, they kick ass. But if you're anything BUT a pro smoker -you will pass out!
that is a gravity bong. i can take a 2litre bottle of smoke with one of them , its amasing. (also known as a waterfall)
the simple reason that people use foreign substances for pleasure is because it is fun.