Smokers' Etiquette

A few more "rules" for those who want to party with me just once:
  • It is never necessary to bring out/buy weed as The Fish always has some.
  • While smoking the The Fish’s weed, flick it nervously at every given opportunity, showering the floor with hot embers.
  • When drinking at a bar, nag The Fish to get in “his” round, crudely ignoring the fact that he has already gotten everyone blitzed at great expense.
  • Always plead with The Fish to let him lend you HIS stash, even though you “quit years ago” and then roll a really shitty joint, even though The Fish is The King of consistent rolling.
Hmmm. I'll have to fix that.
Meh, you get a few good friends and there's no real reason to worry. We're all (pre)adults here, right? haha. Anyway, the bong is definetly primo for getting higher. But overall I think I prefer the pipe. It's like a joint but you can make sure you use EVERY bit of weed. And, it looks cool!

Yep, but it would be icky and rather un-hygenic to share a bong with complete strangers.

Ya, who gives a sh*t, as long as were gettin high, ja?

That's cool, Star. What we need to do is get the potheads of Sciforums together. :cool:
Yeah the joint can be tightly and well rolled if you're good. I plan on getting good enough to do a 5 paper efficiently over the summer.

And yeah, it is a dieing art. When I'm Prime Minister it will be mandatory that at LEAST half of all marijuana be rolled!

Goofy, if those last rules of yours are real I'm moving to wherever the hell you are.

"Yep, but it would be icky and rather un-hygenic to share a bong with complete strangers."

I don't smoke with complete strangers. Ever.

"That's cool, Star. What we need to do is get the potheads of Sciforums together."

We'd need a good 2P for that!
When I used to partake, I found that passing the doobie was a social experience. Some will argue to the effect that so is passing the pipe. I found that usually the younger folks, that had not mastered the "art of the roll" were the one's to favor a pipe. The doobie was a much cleaner and elegant way to use pot. (Depending upon one's skills at cleaning) Also you did not have to worry so much about the paraphernalia being found. Papers could always be explained if you had loose tobacco. Pipes and bongs on the otherhand require frequent cleaning or they become nasty. I always preferred to know where my pot had been.

One of the easy things in helping me quit was the fact if I joined in the smoking and passing at some point I must provide the doobie. You can not quit and buy weed at the same time. It is one or the other and never was I known as a mooch.
even though The Fish is The King of consistent rolling.

Well then I must be the Queen! We used to have joint rolling contests all the time - and I always won!!! If it ran, you were out of the contest! The biggest I rolled was with 3 papers wide and 3 papers long (orange zigzags).

Toke on:cool:
Yep! The old reggae Song...slightly changed...

Actually it was called: Pass The is not important anyway. It was one of the songs from way, way back. :)

It's amazing how many of the old, good reggae Songs are made and the performers were performing with a big joint in their fingers on the Music Channel.

Joints made of 6 - 7 roll papers was the common way to roll them, everybody did it that way and we passed the joint on , oh yes! And rolled others in between the smoking. My goodness, it's been over 8 months without seems forever...

Happy smokin' and keep on rockin'...reggae-ing...

Dude, it's 'puff, puff, pass'

where im from, its "puff puff, give" aswell. lol... and as for the right/left debate.... you all must have bigger rooms in your houses.... we dont really get circles, we just remeber who we gave it to last time....
Fun fun, in the summertime.

Yeah! Sciforums is the shit. Can I say that here, is that kosher? Anyway, yeah, I spend hours here now, I cant get enough of it.
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Bogart & other notes

Strangely, I am under the impression that Roger Ebert first coined the term bogart as Bebelina has noted, in the Russ Myers film, Beyond the Valley of the Dolls.

That's another thing to bear in mind when it comes to movie critics. Roger Ebert wrote titty films.

Of etiquette, first it must be said that I prefer my instruments to be of glass. Wood is acceptable, but I do not like metal pipes. Fumes and such be damned, although it is something to wonder about--just another variable. But metal pipes stay too hot, and destroy the bud too quickly.

Consequently, I am annoyed by a friend's habit; no matter what kind of cherry the bowl has, when it comes to him, he stops and camps on it, letting it burn off so he can light it anew. I've known many people throughout the ages who do this and they're all aware that they do it, and they all insist that it's something they should be doing. You get less benefit out of a bowl when people do this. A bowl that can feed the circle three times won't make it once around if everyone does this. It wastes marijuana.

And recalling the infamous vaporizer trend ... something amazing about them. They only heat to a couple-hundred degrees. It doesn't even take that much to evaporate the THC. Although vaporizers are largely ineffective for most habitual smokers, they do remind us that you need not torch the hell out of a fresh bud. For the love of Brownie Mary, there is no need to blacken the damn thing halfway through. This is especially amazing to watch with a jetflame lighter, the tight cones of blue butane fire. You can just blow the bud to pieces, with cinders flying everywhere with one of those. People don't get it, though ... you don't even need to touch the flame to the herb to smoke it. So my big etiquette thing is that almost everyone I know needs to lighten up with the heat.

For those who don't get really crystalline buds, trust me on this. The next time you get sparkling, sticky, stinky bud, watch the crystals melt and evaporate, and taste the difference of a light touch.

And you can also salvage the flavor of schwag with a light touch. Seriously, people waste so much pot it's ridiculous. Think of it this way: the less heat you put in, the less heat will be burning away at the center when you pass to the left.

Tiassa :cool:

• Additional information: Tim Cavanaugh interviews Roger Ebert regarding Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
Re: Bogart & other notes

Originally posted by tiassa
...I am under the impression that first coined the term bogart... in the Russ Myers film, Beyond the Valley of the Dolls[/url].
While it is probable that Ebert brought the term to mainstream film in 1970 when BTVOTD was released, it seems apparent that it existed prior to that time in American culture. The band Fraternity of Man released the album Fraternity of Man in June of 1968, which included the song Don't Bogart Me. This song was then used in the soundtrack of the 1969 counterculture cult film Easy Rider, starring Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson.
And recalling the infamous vaporizer trend...
A friend built his, and they are smoooooooooooooth.
Or you could just go out and buy one.

My lord you people must be deprived... we don't worry about camping on it too much, coz you always know where the next one is coming from. :cool:
"Puff, Puff, Give."
Quote from the movie "Friday"

"Pass the Douchie on the left hand side."
Original version was "Pass The Doobie On The Left Hand Side."
Some Anal American censor had the band change the words, for public consumption, in the American version.
A douchie, from what I was told, is A large cooking pot. If someone knows better, please tell me. My info is from (UGH!) VH1 or MTV, I forget which one. huh-huh short term memory loss.:D

I've always thought bongs were more sanitary than joints.
Joints are placed directly on the lips, saliva & all. Bongs are placed around the outside of the lips. So unless the other person has some kind of cold sore it appears more sanitary.:confused: I don't know. After I'm real good & toasted, though I pretty much don't think about it. I've been smoking steady for 22+ years & never caught any sort of disease.

It's Dutchie as in Dutch Master Blunts.

It's all good...smoke how you like to smoke. I prefer a bowl, Once in a while I'll hit a Bong...sometimes if I wanna sit back and relax I like to roll a doobie. Don't smoke Blunts anymore. Not so good for the lungs plus they taste like @#$#$.

I want to get a weed vaporizor!!!!!!
Thanks, Goofy

While it is probable that Ebert brought the term to mainstream film in 1970 when BTVOTD was released, it seems apparent that it existed prior to that time in American culture. The band Fraternity of Man released the album Fraternity of Man in June of 1968, which included the song Don't Bogart Me. This song was then used in the soundtrack of the 1969 counterculture cult film Easy Rider, starring Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson.
Indeed, or so it would seem. Ebert, I noticed, in the interview downplayed his role in popularizing the word. Thanks much for the fill-in. I hadn't known the detail.
A friend built his, and they are smoooooooooooooth.
Or you could just go out and buy one.
I have yet to come across one that hits well; they seem to suffer insufficient draw. Nor has anyone in my circle found one they like. But that speaks little of what's available. I'll keep an eye open.

Tiassa :cool:
Y'know what...

....really pisses me off, people that keep asking you to skin up a reefer and then remind you that they have let you smoke theirs in the past as if to say "you have no choice mate" I mean, c'mon, if you asked them for a toke thats different but if its been passed to you then i feel that you dont 'owe' them anything. I mean, being courteous means that you give em it then so be it, i'm all for passing a joint but i hate being forced into the hassle of skinning up.

Aye aye. :cool:
Ahhhhh... so we continue to learn that
smokers' etiquette is lacking, the world over!

Someone asks you to twist one up? Deny you have any! :D

Welcome aboard SciForums, Captain.

thank you kindly

but as to what you said about denying that you have any; does'nt always work. If they know you have some in the first place then pull that stunt you will gather a reputation for not sharing.

aye aye :cool:
It is suposed to be passed clockwise, and dude, NEVER brake that circle! :) :)