Smokers' Etiquette

Re: Y'know what...

Originally posted by Captain_Crunch
....really pisses me off, people that keep asking you to skin up a reefer and then remind you that they have let you smoke theirs in the past as if to say "you have no choice mate" I mean, c'mon, if you asked them for a toke thats different but if its been passed to you then i feel that you dont 'owe' them anything. I mean, being courteous means that you give em it then so be it, i'm all for passing a joint but i hate being forced into the hassle of skinning up.

Aye aye. :cool:

I lump these clods in with scavengers. If you can't relax about who's supplying, then it's not working for ya. I've always gladly lit what little or lot I had. I live by only one rule...

PARTY ON DUDES!!! :cool:
yeh, but you obviously have a good reliable source and have alot of money to spend on it. i dont. i dont appreicate being guilt tripped into letting 'them' smoke all my hard earned ganj away!
Its how it's supposed to work though. Marijuana usage = sociability, hospitality, sharing. People smoking at your house? Offer 'em good snacks. You got weed on ya, roll it! etc.

If the money issue's a prob you could always invest a little and grow some :D then it'd be free.

point taken. Although i think these people are scavengers cause i would never guilt trip somebody into rolling. But maybe its just my up-bringing. :D
You need to grow your own, brother.
Obtain these essentials...
Phototron-about $400 or $500, American
Some good seeds from "Serious Seeds" $60 to $400 for 10 seeds.
Chemicals for PH & food from your local head shop or online. Another $100 or so.

IN about 6 weeks you should have some great bud.
The list, above, will have paid for itself after about two or three harvests.
The Phototron

Strictly anecdotal evidence, but I had very poor yields and low-quality buds from the Phototron; a sentiment echoed by several acquaintances, and numerous web reports.
From Cannabis

The Phototron is a novelty machine which produces minute quantities of bud. It has a growing space of only a few cubic feet and provides only a small fraction of the light produced by a 1000 watt lamp, and light is the energy which powers photosynthesis. So the more light the plants receive in the spectrums they use, the bigger they will grow. To put it simply, light equals growth.

The Phototron stands slightly less than a meter high. It is a flat-paneled cylinder with an inside diameter a little less than 50 centimeters. Inside, a number of fluorescent tubes illuminate the area up close, so all the light stays in the garden close up to the plants. For this reason plants in the garden are well lit. The problem is the size of the garden. It is only a few cubic feet and can hold a limited amount of vegetation which results in a low total yield. The size limitation may also cause heat buildup problems. Most stories of people using the device have not been happy ones. However, I have received two letters from satisfied customers over the many years this device has been around.

For the same price you can buy a 1000 watt lamp (which produces about 130,000 lumens) and accessories to set up a real garden of about 1.5 square meters that would produce a couple of kilos a year.
Even adding high-quality soil and good organic material (bat guano) produced borderline results.

My best crops? I used a small-sized sized closet, 4'x4, that provided enough space for my personal consumption and perhaps a friend or two. Cleaned everything - both walls and floor. The closet walls needed to be reflective so that no light was wasted. Sheets of Mylar are the best, with rolls costing around ten dollars; tin foil is cheap, but not very efficient. I sought the middle ground and used cans of bright white spray paint and sprayed the walls and ceiling white. This was a terrific reflector.

A 25 lb. bag of good potting soil, a small bag of peat moss (to aerate the soil a bit), a small box of hydrated lime (to keep the soil pH neutral), a cheap soil pH tester and I was on the move. Mixed the soil and peat moss, at a ratio of about 60:40.

I used packs of "Jiffy Pots” for the seedlings, small pots made out of peat moss that are cheap, and there is no shock from transplanting because you plant the whole pot with the seedling, and the plant's roots go right through the pot like it was soil. When you are ready to transplant, think carefully about which pots to buy. They should be square to conserve space in his square closet. The type of pot is also important. If you travel a lot, you should consider self-watering pots.

And then there are those lucky folk who
have been able to come out of the closet.



Which issue has this article?
I have a friend, that swears by "The Phototron" , if I can convince him otherwise that would be great.

Once again, thanks for the use of your melon.:D
lol, its amazing how many intellectuals smoke the good herb. just goes to show, we scientifics need to relax too!

I have an outdoor grow going right now, though its growing SO slow..the seeds are from shitty bagseed though, and the spot in the woods isnt giving 'em enough sun.

However, i'm going try again next year in a more sunnier spot, using high-quality, feminised, high-yielding, high-potency seeds from seeds direct :D

Growing is so much more economical than buying, plus, you're GROWING something, and then partaking of your harvest! How cool is that? Plus you get to chill out with mother nature, good stuff.

OH, a GREAT growing resource forums, using the same engine as sciforums: Overgrow Edge Forums

Yeah, that site does rock. The FAQ itself is killer, and the people on the boards are very very knowledgable about cultivating..
i know this may sound dumn cannabis plants stink? badly? is it maskable the smell? i'm interested...what can i say.

aye aye.
hey all :)

i have heard that the hotter the you make it the more THC burns off before you can inhale it.
this has led me to spotting because you only need a tiny amount and so allot less tar going into your lungs
but if you keep the flame on the cone you will destroy up to 80% of the THC before you can inhale it :(
and that realy sucks!!! :D
bongs are the safest but the most un economical if you suck on it too hard.

happy jammin yall!!!
ire ups too ya crews and keep the prophit "BOB" (marley) alive in your thoughts!
and on ya radios!!!

peace love and "te puke thunder" for ya all :D

well, try putting some on one of those hot plate things, that way nothing actually burns wasting no thc. i dont know if that would work but i'm sure it would be worth a try.
Originally posted by Captain_Crunch
i know this may sound dumn cannabis plants stink? badly? is it maskable the smell? i'm interested...what can i say.

aye aye.

Yes & Yes!
The plant smells & the smell can be masked.
You really only need an air cleaner. You can pick one up at any hardware store. HEPA filters are best. You can also take several cotton balls & soak them in Vanilla. Place them in your air cleaner or whatever ventilation you use. MMMMMMMMMMM makes your place smell like warm, fresh baked cookies.:cool: Of course then you have a constant case of munchies.:D

They vaporize the cannabis instead of burning it, they're very efficient because they dont burn away and waste the material, its healthier cause no smoke, and economical (weed lasts thrice as long with a vap)



AROMAZAP - my fav


Happy vapping
Scooby (Doobie?) Doo!

Originally posted by Banshee
Actually it was called: Pass The is not important anyway. It was one of the songs from way, way back. :)

That song was on Scooby Doo!!!!

Don't break the "cipher: or everyone gets to punch the hell out of you once!! When someone offers you a "shotgun" fuckin accept it!! Don't rush others to smoke it so you can get is ASAP!!

Gravity Bongs RULE!!! :D