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"bigot: One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ. Usually refering to rascism."

I have said it a million times, I admitt there is a possibility I am wrong. You however, do not. So who is more intolerant of those who differ?

"Tolerent, right. So you become like Q or Xev, and reject everything that you don't agree with just because "there isn't any evidence"."

What the hell are you getting at? You reject everything that's not your opinion. I can admitt I may be wrong. And yes, I wish to see evidence. If I believed in things without evidence I would have to believe in Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Budhism, Taoism....
"I have said it a million times, I admitt there is a possibility I am wrong. You however, do not. So who is more intolerant of those who differ?"

Oooh oooh oooh! Let me answer! It's FM, isn't it?

"Then you open yourself up to demonic attack, and worship demons like Xev. "

Umm, Fox, are you saying that I worship demons, or that I am a demon whom Tyler worships?


Wouldn't be the first time, but I'm quite human. Not a demon at all.

Hint - Fox, demons don't exist. And no, I don't worship them either.


It seems that he does, it seems that he does. :rolleyes:

Psalm 14:1, jesus, show some creativity Fox!
Demons do exist!

What the hell are you getting at? You reject everything that's not your opinion. I can admitt I may be wrong. And yes, I wish to see evidence. If I believed in things without evidence I would have to believe in Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Budhism, Taoism....

And if you end up worshipping demons?

Hint - Fox, demons don't exist. And no, I don't worship them either.

Yes they do! I have seen them with my own eyes!

And you worship Cthulhu, who is a demon. Wake up!
Tony? Tony1? That you? (Note: Pay no attention, she thinks everyone is Tony1...)

"Yes they do! I have seen them with my own eyes!"

So, exactly what drugs were you on when you saw them?

"And you worship Cthulhu, who is a demon. Wake up!"

A: I am awake, otherwise I would not be typing this.
B: Cthulhu isn't a demon, he is an alien from another dimension
C: I don't worship Cthulhu, we're just friends. ;)
D: CTHULHU DOSEN'T BLOODY EXIST! H.P Lovecraft made him up!
"And if you end up worshipping demons?"

What are you talking about????????????
That's not a reply in any way to what I said.
Fox, I'll say it again, you're doing more harm than good to your cause. Before I met you I held the opinion that idiots are everywhere, I'm beginning to think that religion attracts idiots thanks to you.
FoxMulder, you are out of line now.

It's case you make discussion, not throw the bible at everyone here. If you only talk that stuff, you better take yourself and your insinuations to the Religion Forum.

People here are willing to listen. So tell us exactly what you mean now by being attacked by Demons and what or who caused the scars you are talking about.

You really don't show any cooperation. You can not accuse evryone of worshipping demons here on the boards.

Tell us your experiences with demons, vampires and so on. Will you please stop insulting everyone?

Just tell us what happened to you please. What has happened to you that you talk so "dark", to say at the least?

Thank you...
"You really don't show any cooperation. You can not accuse evryone of worshipping demons here on the boards."

Actually he can, since he's a fellow-traveller...unlike Q, who was not half as offensive yet is being forced out..:rolleyes:

"What are you talking about????????????"

Gee Ty, I'm not sure that you should ask. He might answer....

Now, I'm off, gotta go sacrifice some virgins to Cthulhu or somthing.
Doesn't matter, people here have been calling me a racist and a bigot for months. I like the abuse. It gets me horny, makes me want to summon demons and have unholy orgies...

But Banshee, the demons and the Bible are real! That's why I talk about them here!

FoxMulder, you are out of line now.

I am sorry. I will amend my posting, I will try. But it is difficult with so many who refuse to see the truth!

Just tell us what happened to you please. What has happened to you that you talk so "dark", to say at the least?

I have fought "Them" for five years. I shall write a post about my experiences shortly.

"And if you end up worshipping demons?"

You risk becoming their slave if you refuse to believe in them.

Now, I'm off, gotta go sacrifice some virgins to Cthulhu or somthing.

You say you do not worship him and you sacrifice virgins to him?

Murder is illegal, Xev.

Doesn't matter, people here have been calling me a racist and a bigot for months. I like the abuse. It gets me horny, makes me want to summon demons and have unholy orgies..

That is perversion, Adam. God hates perversion.

DO NOT SUMMON DEMONS! Or you will become their slave!
Re: Sorry...

Originally posted by FoxMulder
That is perversion, Adam. God hates perversion.

DO NOT SUMMON DEMONS! Or you will become their slave!
That's why I summon them. A bit of demonic BDSM on weekends. It's much like a spiritual enema.


BDSM? Is that like 'USDA'?

That's why I summon them. A bit of demonic BDSM on weekends. It's much like a spiritual enema.

But that is wrong! Do you wish to become their slave?
BDSM = Bondage & Discipline, Sado-Masochism. In other words, screwing like a tree full of monkeys on nitrous-oxide in the filthiest ways we can.

Slave, master, whatever, I'll do anything as long as it feels good.
But it is difficult with so many who refuse to see the truth!

Every person is an individual and has his/her own experiences in life. So therefor every single person has his/her own truth! Nobody holds the entire truth! It's simply not possible to hold the entire truth.

Wisdom shows by having respect for other persons opinions. You can disagree with them, reason with them, don't say they're demon posessed.

It's rather rude. My father used to tell me I am demon posessed and he started with it when I was just 4 years old. Imagine that. You think it's good to say this to a child who barely knows anything from life at that age?

Feel free to post your experiences and discuss your thoughts, have respect for the others please and hopefully they will cut you some slack.

Good luck.

(BTW, don't take everything so serious. You are asking for being made fun of this way. Where people argue, people will get hurt...)

Adam, give him a chance now please. Thanks. :)
So what's the story now? One post by Porfiry and nobody posts anymore in this thread?

It figures!

Come on FoxMulder, it's your thread and you were talking Skeptics, remember?

Give us something to work with, or at least think about.

"Skeptics", participating this thread, are you all "cowards"?
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