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You know what else has 7 letters? Matthew. Oh no!!! The Bible is Demonic!!!!!!

"Tyler, keep your thoughts to yourself. I'll edit it anyway. You just leave me no choice..."

No thanks. I'll be as blunt as I wish. I don't believe noting the fact that f.m. are reverse initials for a swear word is offensive or grotesque. At least no more than someone being called a slut.

And I stand by my comments on the Q.

Tyler, you keep your thoughts to yourself and I won't ever post again.

Xev, thank you kindly!
On topic:

Fox Mulder is a poster on sciforums. Many think he is odd. I wonder.

There, now I can go off topic.

God has three letters, but so does poo. Therefore god is poo. I love crazy logic....

Actually, God sucks.
As does Monica Lewinsky
Therefore, Monica Lewinsky is God.

I like this logic better, but what the hey!

No thanks. I'll be as blunt as I wish. I don't believe noting the fact that f.m. are reverse initials for a swear word is offensive or grotesque. At least no more than someone being called a slut.

Interesting. FM - MF. That's pretty funny!

(Edit that, Banshee! :p)

Actually I took that as a compliment.

Say, what do athiestic sluts scream out in (BAD XEV! SHUT UP AND DON'T TEASE BANSHEE!)

Xev, I can't edit the post in which FoxMulder talks about "Atheistic Sluts", it's not in a Forum I moderate. So I have no options there. I'm sorry...

That's okay. It's actually a movie on the Spice Channel. :p
"Actually I took that as a compliment.

Say, what do athiestic sluts scream out in (BAD XEV! SHUT UP AND DON'T TEASE BANSHEE!)"

Ah, a riddle!

I enjoy riddles!

However this one is quite easy!

What do atheistic sluts scream out in b--?? <-- note, I said b--








"Oh Tyler!! Oh my! Faster! Harder! Oh Tylerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

And it'll go on like that for about 15 minutes.

You edit this and I'll go crazy. If we can be blunt with drugs but not sex......

"What do atheistic sluts scream out in b--?? <-- note, I said b--"


What's so offensive about that? I sleep on a bed!

Although I'm getting a futon.

"Oh Tyler!! Oh my! Faster! Harder! Oh Tylerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

Sounds about right. No deity to call out to.

(Note that this is not a sexual reference. Seeing it as a sexual reference merely proves that you have a filthy and depraved mind.)

"You edit this and I'll go crazy. If we can be blunt with drugs but not sex......"

We're talking about s--? I thought you were referring to people who screamed in bed for no reason, the relative speeds and accelerations of the Alfa Romero Spider and how tightly one had to grip the wheel.

Or somthing. ;)

Ah, the beauty of the euphamism.

What about rock and roll? If we can't be blunt about rock and roll, I'll scream.

Note that 's--' is 'see' or somthing.

psst: Tyler: Add somthing on-topic or Banshee'll edit it.
...nothing wrong with joking around about sex Tyler. :)

Don't go too long off-topic please, then you better open another thread. Joking is cool, do it smart and don't kill a whole thread because of it, ok?


Xev, one sentence is not enough to say "I'm on-topic". My, my, are you trying to behave as childish as you can or are you just horny and screaming for sexual attention? (and now I'm keeping it polite, make from it whatever you want, what suits you best.)

Jesus, I hate acting like a kinder-garten 'officer'. :bugeye:
Topics change though! Right now we're talking about fun!


"The only insulting sentence I see is the one aimed at you Xev. "

Banshee, what is an insult? Is it an insult if the speaker believes it to be true? Saying you hate someone seems to be an insult. Yet you null this comment by saying it is scripturally true that God hates sinners. That does not stop it from being an insult, does it? And if it does, then I hope all comments which are simply true can be considered not insults. For instance, if I said you are a moron that wishes to hinder freedom of speech and I believed it, would it still be an insult? And if so, how is it any worse than saying I hate you for no reason other than your choices in life?


What's so offensive about that? I sleep on a bed!"

Just have to make sure Xev. You never know how easily offended some people can be.

"Sounds about right. No deity to call out to."

Oh believe me.........they have a deity when I'm done.

"Note that this is not a sexual reference. Seeing it as a sexual reference merely proves that you have a filthy and depraved mind."

Yeah that sums me up.

"We're talking about s--? I thought you were referring to people who screamed in bed for no reason, the relative speeds and accelerations of the Alfa Romero Spider and how tightly one had to grip the wheel."

Well, a good grip is necessary. Though too hard is definetly a bad thing as it will hinder the sensation felt. And as for screaming in bed for no reason? It's called remembering old times. As the great Andrew Dice Clay once said; 'To all the women out there......remember the first time I fuck'd ya...remember how good it felt!!!' (That's a quote!!!! No editing it!!!)

"What about rock and roll? If we can't be blunt about rock and roll, I'll scream."

Hush Xev, or Satan will hear.
In all fairness Banshee, the topic is dieing. The oh-so-mighty Fox has not posted in a long while and he never actually replied to our points.
Obviously you didn't notice the " around the words "holy book".

Every god believer thinks it's truth what's written down in it. Read the posts well Tyler before you comment on them.

What you think of me, I can't care less about.

If someone thinks an insult is not an insult, then that someone should not complain about it either.

Subject closed.

Just because FoxMulder hasn't been back yet, doesn't mean he won't be later on. I'll give him the benefit of coming back to the thread and answer on what's posted here during his absence. So, till tomorrow, at the least, this thread will stay on-topic

It's 8.51 PM, so calculate for yourself how long it takes. And I don't mean midnight! I mean, give him a fair chance to be back and reply on this all.

In the meantime, go play with Xev in the playground please and be careful in the sandlot... ;)
"Xev, one sentence is not enough to say "I'm on-topic". My, my, are you trying to behave as childish as you can or are you just horny and screaming for sexual attention? (and now I'm keeping it polite, make from it whatever you want, what suits you best.) "

Polite? You? Nah, that'd be like, me mincing my words. Not happening.

One out of Three ain't bad. I'm glad I've got a bit of a libido, as you show me exactly what happens to people without such.

Make of that what you wish. :)


"Banshee, what is an insult? Is it an insult if the speaker believes it to be true? Saying you hate someone seems to be an insult. Yet you null this comment by saying it is scripturally true that God hates sinners. That does not stop it from being an insult, does it? And if it does, then I hope all comments which are simply true can be considered not insults. For instance, if I said you are a moron that wishes to hinder freedom of speech and I believed it, would it still be an insult? And if so, how is it any worse than saying I hate you for no reason other than your choices in life?"

Bu, I am an athiestic slut. So, it's not insulting.

Frankly, I can count the number of times I've been offended on the fingers of one hand. I do not understand why some people are offended so easily.

"Jus have o make sure Xev. You never know how easily offended some people can be."

Rue enough. I, personally, am offended by the letter 'T'. I erefore don' use i.

"Hush Xev, or Saan will hear."

Ah, I'm damned anyways. :cool:
I pose my question again. How is there a difference? If Foxster believes that God hates me and says it right out that I am deserving of hate because of my lack of rejection of every other religion on earth and I believe that he is a moron, how is tehre a difference? I see none.

"Just because FoxMulder hasn't been back yet, doesn't mean he won't be later on. I'll give him the benefit of coming back to the thread and answer on what's posted here during his absence. So, till tomorrow, at the least, this thread will stay on-topic"

I don't mean that he hasn't posted in a while, I mean that he hasn't replied. I asked him the same question 3 times and never once did he address it. He still won't tell me what his god thinks about the kids in Africa that never hear of Jesus.

"In the meantime, go play with Xev in the playground please and be careful in the sandlot... "

Sandlot? We'll be in that little cylindrical tube for the next 20 minutes....calls to Xev.....er...make that the next few hours.
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"I don't mean that he hasn't posted in a while, I mean that he hasn't replied. I asked him the same question 3 times and never once did he address it. He still won't tell me what his god thinks about the kids in Africa that never hear of Jesus."

Gee Yler, do you hink hat he will say somhing lik:


Or somhing like hat. Heiss are so predicable. :rolleyes:

"Sandlot? We'll be in that little cylindrical tube for the next 20 minutes....calls to Xev.....er...make that the next few hours."

A leas is no a 'b--'. ;)
Don't go too long off-topic please, then you better open another thread. Joking is cool, do it smart and don't kill a whole thread because of it, ok?
"Off-topic" in Free Thoughts, an unmoderated forum? Hahahahaha. :D :D :rolleyes:

I notice this observation:
"Off-topic" in Free Thoughts, an unmoderated forum? Hahahahaha.
has passed without comment.

Permit me to do so: "Dude. Free Thoughts is any entirely different forum."

Yes. The offical line is that free thinking -- skepticism -- is better suited to someplace else.

And the thread lives, again.
"I notice this observation...has passed without comment."

But... has not passed without notice or thought, Mr. G.

Thanks for helping to keep recent "actions" in our line of sight.

Thanks to all who are paying attention here, and elsewhere.

Yes. The offical line is that free thinking -- skepticism -- is better suited to someplace else.

Yes it is! Better suited to nowhere! It only makes one an intolerent bigot!

Bu, I am an athiestic slut. So, it's not insulting.

Yes you are, fool! (I mean that in the Biblical sense)

I don't mean that he hasn't posted in a while, I mean that he hasn't replied. I asked him the same question 3 times and never once did he address it. He still won't tell me what his god thinks about the kids in Africa that never hear of Jesus.

Because you are deluded, blind, and do not have the gray matter to realize the TRUTH!
Oh Baaansheeeeeeeeeeee.............

"Yes it is! Better suited to nowhere! It only makes one an intolerent bigot!"

Actuallly, asshole, logic makes one more tolerant. If you take a look at your history, it has been theists that have caused the intolerance. And I'll thank you to actually show some evidence that using logic makes one intolerant? I am perfectly willing to hear your and other theists ideas...yet many theists deny the possibility that they are ever wrong.

"Because you are deluded, blind, and do not have the gray matter to realize the TRUTH!"

Well perhaps if you told me the answer to my question. Or perhaps if you realized that you have no place in an adult world where the word debate means to actually argue and not just say 'NO, YOU'RE WRONG, I'M RIGHT'. Believe me f.m., you're hurting your cause more than you're helping it.
Well, I feel apriciated....

All my bussies are here, and didn't get any of their PM's back...

I discovered that Mr.G-spot is still breathing and kicking, but not at me, I admit, I miss him a bit...

But the bright side is that I've never been flamed, rejected, or took as a major fool like FoxMulder...

Sorry Fox, I didn't say it for a bad purpose, But your thread seems RED HOT...

Good luck whit your threads, but I'll bet you'll get as much buddies as I did...
Good luck...

O, and Tyler *forgot to add this*:
Why are you only stomping on FoxMulders *Ego*...
Mr.G-spot Is always using HIS EGO to deny the existance of parapsycholigic events...

The Wuss doesn't even believe in tea leaves, and 99.999999999999% of the people know that tea leaves exist...
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The fact that you think that such a nickname for our Mr.G is insulting shows only your ignorence of the subject.

If you are gay, I apologize. If straight, your inexperience shows. You couldn't find such with a GPS Navigational system, you smarmy, gullible little git.

Oh Bansheee, why is this insulting of our Mr.G being tolerated? Why is this insulting of Tyler being tolerated? I am still being insulted.....
I really haven't gotten into a debate with G that showed his ego. I don't get into a thread just to say someone is egotistical. If I did encounter the ego of someone who was on my side, I would most certainly point it out (note: if someone defends their side egotistically it is more likely than not that they are not on my side entirely).

And no, fox's kind will not be tolerated by myself. Anyone who calls me a rascist when he himself cannot accept the fact that there is a slight possibility he is wrong, cannot reply to questions asked of him, will not defend himself in any intelligent way and is rude and uncivil for no reason instantly becomes one of the lowest forms of human beings I know. And therefore, I do not respect him at all.

I never called you a racist!

Actuallly, asshole, logic makes one more tolerant.

Tolerent, right. So you become like Q or Xev, and reject everything that you don't agree with just because "there isn't any evidence".

Then you open yourself up to demonic attack, and worship demons like Xev.


I did not insult you, God did. Read Psalm 14:1. I am sorry, I did not mean to be harsh.
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