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Q wrote:
You choose to alienate everyone and simply preach your version of the gospel, vampires and demons included.

I prove it and you do not read! I dare any 'skeptic' to 'debunk' me!
One last response...

The Q bids his fond farewell to FoxMulder. I hope the rest join in so as not to feed the trolls.

So leave the tread then and do it by yourself. Who do you think you are to ask others to join you? The leader of the pack?

FoxMulder, a late welcome to Sciforums. :)

I understand where you're coming from and that you state your truth here. It is your truth, though and people can either agree or disagree with you on this. The asking for proof is a constant thing. It's the way humans are nowadays. Give us proof, give us an internet-link. Well, there's a lot of nonsense on the internet to be found and I don't find all these internet pages reliable as proof.

Further, I have my own life experience and have seen enough. That doesn't mean I believe everything, as Pollux V seems to think. I post information here at the Parapsychology Forum. That doesn't say I believe everything someone tells me. Jesus, talking about ignorance.

Who the hell do you people think we are anyway? So, when you think in a different way and experience life in another way then you, "skeptics", it is wrong? Why? Show me some proof of that then. No internet pages necessarry.

As far as spiritual experiences concern, it's different for everyone and I suggest that everybody leaves other people in their value.

Nobody has complete knowledge and nobody can claim to know the absolute truth.

So deal with each other in a mature way. Isn't there mentioned in one of the posts here in the tread that we are all adults? Then behave like that.

No interest in the tread, then leave and look for something else.

Simple as that...
"The Q must BE WARY! Adam is laughing at me and Xev is foolishly rejecting my guidance! She must LISTEN TO ME or she will be trapped in bondage to this 'Cthulhu' demon! Tyler needs to GET RIGHT WITH JESUS! Or his name will not be written in the Book of Life!"

Trapped in bondage to Cthulhu? Dude, you need to get better porn or stop smoking jimson weed or somthing!

"I dare any 'skeptic' to 'debunk' me!"

You called?

"Roswell, 1949. A ufo allegedly 'crashed'. There is even footage of an autopsy of one of the 'aliens'."


On your 'autopsy'



Thouroughly debunked already. Shape up!
BTW FoxMulder, you will not be ignored and/or ridiculed away from the forums, just because some posters here seem to think they hold the one and only truth.

Keep on posting please, you're doing fine... :)

I have to agree with Xev on the so called Roswell evidence. It's a hoax. Sorry...
BTW FoxMulder, you will not be ignored and/or ridiculed away from the forums, just because some posters here seem to think they hold the one and only truth.
Long time no talk Banshee:)
as for me - I'm very open minded, but I don't buy cheap $#^7 also. we all need some proof to believe. Ok- so all his evidence was destroyed and only scars were left. Ok, I'll buy tht for a minute, Now I address you Fox, please describe the event where you were attacked by the demon/vampire in great great detail how it looked, how did you know it was "not one of the living", did it bite you or scrached you... give us facts to analyse.
Hey Banshee, got a question for you:

How come you delete my posts when I ask a simple, non-insulting question, but you let this guy call me an 'athiestic slut'?

Not that I mind, but a tad hypocritical, ya? I ask a simple question and you delete, this guy insults Adam, Tyler, and I and you say

"BTW FoxMulder, you will not be ignored and/or ridiculed away from the forums, just because some posters here seem to think they hold the one and only truth."

Some would call that hypocrisy......


Where is Nelson? I'm a bit concerned.....


Don't tell anyone, but I like the kid. Even if he's mental.
Avatar, the following quote made me say, FoxMulder will be in no way ignored or ridiculed, because it's just not right to say something like the following to a new member on the boards, who barely's had the chance to show where he's coming from. A little patience please. No matter if it's BS or not. Everybody here at Sciforums is welcome and allowed to speak up freely. And that's what's killed off right at the start with words like this:

Originally posted by (Q)
You should realize that your "shelf life" is fleeting and that most here will soon ignore you. If that is your intent, you are succeeding. You'll soon become little more than a target for ridicule.
Hey Banshee, got a question for you:

How come you delete my posts when I ask a simple, non-insulting question, but you let this guy call me an 'athiestic slut'?

Not that I mind, but a tad hypocritical, ya? I ask a simple question and you delete, this guy insults Adam, Tyler, and I and you say...

Your posts were deleted because it was an announcement, not an argue thread. I don't even remember what your question was. If you want to talk about it, if you feel bad because of it, then send me a PM ok? This thread is not about announcements.

Further, You'd better re-read your own posts made in all Forums and every thread where you've been posting and insulting other posters and called names. So, I'm sorry, I can't care less about the "insults" you are talking about now.

Grow up Xev, the play time is over.

For the record: No Flaming, No insulting, No name-calling... and that goes for everybody!!!...and keep your posts on-topic!!!


For the record, I've never said anything I didn't feel to be true. However, let's review Fox's conduct:


"Yes! Athiests, God loves us! Every one of us! But God hates sinners!" - At Nelson

"GOD is not cruel, but He gives you the choice! YOU choose to BURN FOREVER! God gives you the choice between burning forever and accepting Jesus." - At Tyler

I'm not going to wade throught the contents of Fox's posts anymore - I'm kinda scared to ....:eek: ;)

So, Banshee, he's insulting others. And I'll bet good money that he'll do it again.

I find his insults quite amusing, but that's not the issue. The issue is why several people have had thier posts deleted, without a warning at all, while this marooon runs rampant.

I'll find your future conduct quite amusing, I'm sure. Cheerie bye.
Banshee, what problem do you have with what the Q said? He simply stated a fact. Fox is MUCH worse than Nelson in his irrational and insulting behavior. We will end up ignoring him and basically insulting him. So I ask again, what problem do you have with what the Q is saying?

For the record I am willing to listen to ANY opinion and consider it logically before rejecting it. But only if the person speaking to me is willing to do the same. Fox is obviously not able to change his mind. I'm willing to bet a million bucks if we asked f.m. if there's any chance he's wrong he'd say there isn't.

' ***edited*** - note: I was polite and censored myself (a bit) there.
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For the record, I've never said anything I didn't feel to be true. However, let's review Fox's conduct:


"Yes! Athiests, God loves us! Every one of us! But God hates sinners!" - At Nelson

"GOD is not cruel, but He gives you the choice! YOU choose to BURN FOREVER! God gives you the choice between burning forever and accepting Jesus." - At Tyler

Ahum, I'll let the first sentence you wrote for what it is. And keep the thoughts which come to my mind for myself. :rolleyes:

The only insulting sentence I see is the one aimed at you Xev. .

The other sentences are typical bible fanatic remarks. Fox is talking that god hates sinners and makes you burn in hell. So what? It is written in the "holy book" isn't it?

I can hardly see it as an insult, only if you're a god believer.
And thanks to you and several others, TruthSeeker doesn't know better then being insulted. And now, all of a sudden, you are TruthSeekers defender? My, my...talking about hypocrisy...

Ok, I'll edit the atheistic slut remark as soon as I see it, ok? I can't be in every thread at the same time. I'll have a closer look at your remark at FoxMulder: :"You're fucking mental," too. Happy now sweetheart?

(back on-topic now please!)

Tyler, keep your thoughts to yourself. I'll edit it anyway. You just leave me no choice...
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Its true that the only offending remark was the one directed at Xev - even I had to jump in say something. But I think (and could be wrong) but that post was pointing out how much he was contradicting himself. "God hates sinners!!!!" and then he call someone a "Slut" in the same day. I think he is contradicting himself bigtime and I also think he is a hypocrite - BIGTIME!


How can you hold the preachings up so high and expect people to follow them - if you cant even follow them? Your preaching out of anger and I can tell you this - When you do that - the person you preach to automatically shuts off, doesnt want to hear anything else, its human nature. If you calmed down and started making sense and quit offending people - maybe you might have the power to persuade some people - since its apparent that thats what your trying to do here.

Just a thought....
And thanks to you and several others, TruthSeeker doesn't know better then being insulted. And now, at once, you are TruthSeekers defender? My, my...talking about hypocrisy...

For the record, I've always had a soft spot for the kid. Even defended him against Tony1, and lost Tony1 as a 'sparrer' as a result. I have resisted the urge to insult him, even when he posted rather asinine remarks.

Ok, I'll edit the atheistic slut remark. Happy now sweetheart?

Please don't. Otherwise, my title would not make sense. ;)

Tyler, keep your thoughts to yourself. I'll edit it anyway. You just leave me no choice...

Tyler, you keep your thoughts to yourself and I won't ever post again.


"And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."
2 Corinthians 4:4

Fox, you're quoting out of context. The 'god of the age' refers to the pagan Gods of the time Corinthians was written.

:) And now you know why I read the Bible, even being an athiest.
So leave the tread then and do it by yourself. Who do you think you are to ask others to join you? The leader of the pack?

Banshee - FYI, the Q has never been nor ever wishes to be a leader or a follower. And besides, my request was to those who *have* a grip on reality. :)
I seriously doubt you honestly believe FoxMulder is using this forum for the purpose it has been provided.
I'll see what happens (Q). Give FoxMulder a chance to come back and read what's happened here, during his absence...
Xev, I can't edit the post in which FoxMulder talks about "Atheistic Sluts", it's not in a Forum I moderate. So I have no options there. I'm sorry...
I'd just like to say this but fox mentioned jezebel having seven letters, as does demonic. God has three letters, but so does poo. Therefore god is poo. I love crazy logic....
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