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Registered Senior Member
Okay, now I have a little time to post this.

Many posters here claim to be skeptics. Yet when you ask why they are skeptics, they don't say anything. We've heard a lot from these so-called skeptics, but never do they say why they are skeptics.

The answer is, they don't know. But I do. I have seen many, many people like that. They are blind! By being closed-minded, they have become the puppets of sinister forces that are using them to fulfill an evil agenda.

How do I know? Because I have seen this before. I have battled such sinister forces - Them - and I have shown proof to these so-called skeptics. But the 'skeptics' do not listen. They say that there are no demons. They say that I am crazy. That I am lying. They don't want to accept the painfull truth that "They" are here.

By being closed-minded, the so-called skeptics are helping "Them". "They" are glad for the help, so "They" try to convert other people to "skepticism".

WAKE UP "SKEPTICS"! You are in the grip of an evil power, and you need to break out of the dark dungeons of demonic bondage! You need to open your mind to what is happening and LISTEN TO ME!

I know your type. The problem with you "skeptics" is that all you want is proof, proof, proof!
(fox I think he was joking. good one adam hahaaha)

I think I saw you before and said 'Welcome to Sciforums' but I'm not sure so: Welcome to Sciforums.

Fox I am a partial skeptic. I am in the middle and geared toward the skeptic side but I did not start out that way. I used to believe everything I heard all the time but unless it was from a viable news source it would always, always turn out to be fake. I think Banshee has posted a 'good deal of things' related to the apocalypse, and many assorted ways of how it could or will happen. Call me crazy but I think that only one way of complete and utter destruction is possible.

I enjoy reading up on paranormal phenomena and listening, really listening and considering what these people are saying. The bottom line is that at least 99% of the time they are wrong, and the other one percent are from the real historical innovators like Galileo. What he thought (and knew) was real seemed falsified to everyone else at the time.

The bottom line of being a skeptic is hearing cold, hard facts backed up by noticeably credible people on noticeably credible news websites or stations (CNN as opposed to the now extinct P3N.org). There has to be at least some form of logic, but proof to back it up. Proof is all that matters. Without it I don't believe, with it I do.
Do you define a 'skeptic' as someone who desires proof before believing something?

If so, every single human being who has ever helped humanity in any way has been a skeptic. All our scientists, medical men/women, politicians........ have desired proof before believing something.
Fox use this example:

"Fox! Look outside your left window!! Don't question me, look! There's a bank out there, don't tell me that there isn't, I know there's one there...because. There's a vault of money inside. A lot of money. Go inside the bank and get the money. You won't have any trouble, because I know you won't."

This is a proof-less statement. Would you believe it? This isn't a whole helofa lot different than some of the websites on the internet.
Many posters here claim to be skeptics....but never do they say why they are skeptics.
Nor need we. We have, just like you, only to question. That is Skepticism.

So, why do you ask?
But, since you ask: I'm skeptical because so many think I shouldn't be, and that makes me suspicious.
In fact, I'm skeptical because I can be suspicious, a subset of critical thinking.

"How do I know? Because I have seen this before. I have battled such sinister forces - Them - and I have shown proof to these so-called skeptics. But the 'skeptics' do not listen. They say that there are no demons. They say that I am crazy. That I am lying. They don't want to accept the painfull truth that "They" are here."


"dark dungeons of demonic bondage!"

Dude, you sound like the Marquis de Sade on crack after watching a 24-hour X-Files marathon. ;)

Okay, now that's a really weird mental image.

Seriously, skepticism is nothing more than asking for proof before you believe in somthing. Not absolute proof, but some proof.

That way, you aren't screwed by every charlatan that walks your way. Because you don't automatically believe in what they say.
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Dear Skeptics....


But, since you ask: I'm skeptical because so many think I shouldn't be, and that makes me suspicious.

You are opening yourself up to demonic bondage, Mr.G!

The bottom line of being a skeptic is hearing cold, hard facts backed up by noticeably credible people on noticeably credible news websites or stations (CNN as opposed to the now extinct P3N.org). There has to be at least some form of logic, but proof to back it up. Proof is all that matters. Without it I don't believe, with it I do.

But these so-called 'skeptics' ask for proof, proof, proof! All they want is proof! I prove things, they are not satisfied! They are never satisfied with what I show them!

So show us some proof!

I have shown them scars from when one of "Them" attacked me, and the skeptics said I was making it up! I had proof, but "They" attacked me and destroyed all my proof!

I wish I could show you this proof! I have some things that can help. I will post them soon. But I have to go now.
Demonic bondage?
Now this looks like my kind of thread :D:D

Forget skepticism it's the cynics ya gotta watch out for.

People call me cynical, but that's just people for ya :D

I wish I could show you this proof! I have some things that can help. I will post them soon. But I have to go now.

Scars are scars are scars, what we need is a picture of the sonofabitch cutting you. No one here is suggesting you make it up what we want you to do is prove you're not (Except perhaps Xev who thinks you're fucking mental :D Xev you're such a dear:cool: ) Anyhoo, welcome to the boards. bring us your proof and make us believe. Many have trodden the path before you. Think wisely and choose well.
Re: Dear Skeptics....

Originally posted by FoxMulder
You are opening yourself up to demonic bondage, Mr.G!

A bit of DBDSM never hurt anyone. Just go easy on the necromancy and thaumaturgy side of things.


But these so-called 'skeptics' ask for proof, proof, proof! All they want is proof! I prove things, they are not satisfied! They are never satisfied with what I show them!

And this might be because?

It is in the nature of the skeptic to 'not believe blindly'. It is also true to say that a true skeptic is aware that others do believe blindly and there are indeed con-artists who use this fact. Why else do people believe mediums, mind-readers and astrologers.

If I said I was in telepathic contact with Aliens who where telling me the world was about to end next year, would you believe me? Why?


I have shown them scars from when one of "Them" attacked me, and the skeptics said I was making it up! I had proof, but "They" attacked me and destroyed all my proof!

And this comes down to what a Skeptic is. You propose that 'They' exist. Your proof is some scars on your body where you where injured.

The skeptic then asks which is the more prosaic or more believable, that some one was accidentally injured or that a mysterious, never before seen entity (Greys, Demons, Reptiods, Barney) attacked you. Given the choice it's not hard to work out.

Your second statement is a classic, I had the incontrivertible evidence but 'They' took it. Proof by non-existence.

I wish I could show you this proof! I have some things that can help. I will post them soon. But I have to go now.

Don't sweat the petty things, don't pet the sweaty things.
Fox let's see the proof. We really don't know what you consider proof at the moment so we can't iterate on how moronic or genius-like you are. What are you trying to prove, and with what? I'm ready to be amazed or disapointed.
Fox you're a theist. Eventually you're going to have to learn the sad fact taht there is no way to prove the existence of God using logic and scientific fact. There is also no way to disprove the existence of God as the very idea of God means that any scientific 'fact' we know could be bent by said overlord.

Nelson came to this conclusion after a short while. It doesn't mean you stop being a theist, you just stop trying to rationalize God.

Here's what being a skeptic means............

Hey Foxster! Guess what happened to me the other day? Okay, so I was walking along the busiest street in Toronto when all of a sudden Adolf Hitler dressed up like a lesbian tight-rope walker came up to me and said 'Do you have change for a $43 bill?'. Then all of a sudden a gian beam of purple light appeared around us and I was beamed up to the lesbian Fuhrer's space craft where 18 Elvis' (apparently, each one was a year-by-year version of the King, getting fatter and fatter) performed an act of dental work on me, said 'That looks a-okay there pardner' and sent me back to Earth.

Believe me?

I hope to god not.

Many posters here claim to be skeptics.

Which definition of 'skeptic' are you referring, one who inquires after facts and reasons or one who doubts or denies the truth of revelation, or the sacred Scriptures ? There are many of both types here but I've yet to see anyone make that claim.

Yet when you ask why they are skeptics, they don't say anything. We've heard a lot from these so-called skeptics, but never do they say why they are skeptics.

For as long as the Q has been here, I've not seen that question posed. You should have asked that question instead of starting off on a rant. It would have made a much more interesting discussion thread and you would have attained better results.

The answer is, they don't know...

You'll notice that some members are adults with childlike minds while others are childlike with adult minds. Nonetheless, they are all adults and can decide for themselves why they know and what they know. This is what gives us all a certain amount of individuality.

...But I do.

It's not possible for one individual to know what all others may think and may know. You might speculate based on characteristics and countenance, but those are usually inherent to us all.

I have seen many, many people like that. They are blind! By being closed-minded, they have become the puppets of sinister forces that are using them to fulfill an evil agenda.

Allow me to speculate. If I didn't know you any better, I would consider your statement that of a paranoid delusionist. But I just finished stating that one cannot know what others may think and may know, so my speculation is at best, just a wild stab in the dark, nes't pas ?

How do I know? Because I have seen this before. I have battled such sinister forces - Them - and I have shown proof to these so-called skeptics. But the 'skeptics' do not listen. They say that there are no demons. They say that I am crazy. That I am lying. They don't want to accept the painfull truth that "They" are here.

Again, I'm not sure what definition of skeptic you're referring. If the former, then I can understand why those 'skeptics' might say you're craazy and lying. Consider the fact that not a shred of evidence has ever been found in the entire history of man or in any part of the globe that would indicate 'demons' actually exist. If you've battled such 'demons,' the evidence should be overwhelming to convince the stoutest of skeptics. I cannot comment on the latter definition for I am not a religious skeptic. I have no reason to question that which is fiction.

By being closed-minded, the so-called skeptics are helping "Them". "They" are glad for the help, so "They" try to convert other people to "skepticism".

Skeptics make no attempts to 'convert' others to skepticism. Skeptics simply ask questions. They seek only to find evidence to support answers to their questions. They draw their own conclusions based on the evidence. They may be wrong or they may be right. Whatever the case, more questions always seem to pop up.

The nature of man is to be curious and to not accept that which has little or no bearing on their lives. If the answers were so simple that inquiry were to cease, their lives would become meaningless and void of any individuality that is inherent to them all. Their existence would stagnate and soon become extinct.

WAKE UP "SKEPTICS"! You are in the grip of an evil power, and you need to break out of the dark dungeons of demonic bondage! You need to open your mind to what is happening and LISTEN TO ME!

If all of us simply "listened to you," we would be giving up our individuality and become a mindless group of sheep. It is not a matter of what you're saying, that is irrelevant. It is a matter of everyone not being able to draw their own conclusions from whatever it is you're saying. Even with science, there are those that conclude the evidence presented to them is not what others perceive. There is nothing wrong with that but if the conclusions are such that they follow no logic or reason, then the conclusions are either false or require more questioning.

Therefore, the Q would question your conclusions. They are not based on any logic or reason. They appear to be wild allegations with ample dollops of hyperbole and innuendo. The skeptic would never offer such bleatings.

The Q would never "baa." :D
Some proof.....

The Q must BE WARY! Adam is laughing at me and Xev is foolishly rejecting my guidance! She must LISTEN TO ME or she will be trapped in bondage to this 'Cthulhu' demon! Tyler needs to GET RIGHT WITH JESUS! Or his name will not be written in the Book of Life!

Some are enlightened, like Banshee and Seeker of Truth. They have JESUS!

Why do you 'skeptics' reject the obvious? I can prove these things. Here, I bet none of you 'skeptics' can refute these proofs!

The Bible predicted this: Revalations 2:20:

"Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols."

Now, what are money and cars but idols? We sacrifice onto idols every day! We sacrifice our spiritual side to chase after material possessions!

This means that Jezebel must exist!

But who is she? Well, 'Jezebel' has 7 letters. So does 'demonic'. We see that this Jezebel is demonic! Jezebel, then, is a demon!

Now, I have told Avatar that vampires exist. Why? Every culture, from the Europeans to the Japanese to the Native Americans, has believed in vampires!

Why would all these different cultures believe in vampires if they didn't exist?

Now, I have been following the prophecies of Nostradamus:

"Before the change of empire comes,"

That's when the demons take over

"There shall be a strange accident,"

That's my finding Sciforums.

"A field shall be changed, "

That's when people WAKE UP and LISTEN TO ME!

"and a pillar of Porphyry
Shall be transported upon the chalky cliffs."

Clearly a reference to the 'webmaster' - POFIRY!

Now, I have one more proof - UFOs.

Here is an example of a UFO that NO SKEPTIC HAS EVER DEBUNKED!

Roswell, 1949. A ufo allegedly 'crashed'. There is even footage of an autopsy of one of the 'aliens'.

No skeptic can debunk this. It's real!

But what are these aliens? Real aliens? Or somthing else....


You see, the government was trying to make telepathic contact with these demons. But this time, somthing went wrong. I don't know what - I was never able to dig that deep into Roswell.

But somthing went wrong, and the government claimed that a 'weather ballon' crashed. But look at the symbol on this so-called 'weather balloon':


In addition, the Bible mentions these 'UFOs' many, many times.

"So he told me and gave me the interpretation of these things: The four great beasts are four kingdoms that will rise from the earth. But the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever ... I also wanted to know about the ten horns on its head, and about the other horn that came up ... He gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear upon the earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth..."
(It is possible that we who are alive today are witnessing the fulfillment of this 2500-year old prophecy, as a one- world government begins to evolve before our eyes, just as the Roman Empire once "devoured" the ancient world.)

The Bible clearly states that deceiving spirits are sent out into the world to lead people away from a knowledge of God, and to cause people to resist the preaching of the gospel.

"And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."
2 Corinthians 4:4

An obvious prophecy! Because you 'skeptics' asked for links:


These 'aliens' are obviously DEMONS trying to lead the world away from the Gospel!
The Q must BE WARY!

Since you have no intention of carrying on civilized debate and only wish to promote monologue, there does not appear to be any reason to continue further discussions. You choose to alienate everyone and simply preach your version of the gospel, vampires and demons included.

You should realize that your "shelf life" is fleeting and that most here will soon ignore you. If that is your intent, you are succeeding. You'll soon become little more than a target for ridicule.

The Q bids his fond farewell to FoxMulder. I hope the rest join in so as not to feed the trolls. ;)
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